Having Babies is no Excuse

TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
OK...so this may be a little harsh, but I feel it needs to be said. Just because we have had kids does not mean that we are doomed to be fat and not fit. Sure, we may not get that perfect pre-baby body back, but this is no excuse to just give up.

I do understand the "giving up" thought....I had it a few times...in fact, I even bought bigger shirts to hide my tummy.

I am now 42. I have six kids ages 2 1/2-17 1/2 years old. Each time I had a baby, I gained 50-60 pounds. My last four babies were 9-9 1/2 pounds.

I had 3 kids with no stretch marks and popped right back into shape. Kid 4 (I had 4 kids in 5 1/2 years) did give me stretch marks and that loose skin. BUT, I lost the weight, just too a little longer. 6 years later, I had boy number 5, then at age 39, we had our first daughter....I got up to 187lbs!

I felt because I was in my late 30s, that is why the weight did not come off as fast. I was defeated...the weight was not dropping like it had before....what was I going to do??

I did some soul searching....am I happy with this look? Will I look better or worse as I age? Am I going to be one of those women that say, "Well, I used to be a size 4, but I had kids and now I am a size 8...or more??" (Please know, size 8 is not big, but on my body it is...some size 8 women look thinner and better than I do at size 4)

I decided, NO, I was not liking my look. I did not like how my arms, back, butt, thighs, or tummy looked. My husband is super hot and in great shape, and I wanted to match him the best that I could. So, I joined a gym last year. And here I am 14 months later with a much better body, much better cardio (yes, even sex is better because of my cardio), and I am not embarrassed for my husband to see me naked. I am not perfect, I do not look like a model or actress, but for ME, I look good and I feel wonderful and I feel healthy!!!

SOOOOO...DO NOT LET HAVING A BABY/BABIES GET YOU DOWN!!! You have got to want to lose the weight and to build a healthy and beautiful body. You can do it!! Get motivated and get angry!!! Beat that stupid baby belly and flabby arms!!!

Going to post some pics, so I hope this works!!

This is me in my bikini at 1 year after our 6th child was born. I mostly wore a tankini, but this is the one day that I wore this two piece so I could tan my tummy and back. I look PREGNANT!!!! I can not believe that I walked around like this!!!!!!

These are pictures that I just took this week. Almost 2 years later. Not a perfect body...but Ok for having 6 kids.


  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    You look AMAZING! I am 30 and am wanting to wait until later to have children sometime after 35, so thank you for posting your results
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    6 babies is awesome! You look great.

    I'm in better shape after 3 babies then I ever was before. I was lazy pre-baby.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    You are an inspiration!
    Keep it up, Hot Momma!
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    ive had 5 kids since 2004, and i'm currently the lightest ive been weighin 140lbs. Havin babies is not an excuse, but you have to have the motivation to lose the weight. I gained 3 stone every pregnancy and my youngest is 18 weeks and im back to pre natal size 12 already. thts not dwn to one of those lucky bodies tht springs back, thts because ive worked my damn *kitten* off lol! x
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    OK...trying to resize the pictures!! haha!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't know how you have six kids, haha. I have one and am totally done with the baby-making. Awesome job!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    You look AMAZING! I am 30 and am wanting to wait until later to have children sometime after 35, so thank you for posting your results

    Are you sure you know what you're doing? You may well wait 'till after 35 then find that you're not longer able to! I'd suggest you give yourself a head start and start trying earlier.
  • ogottwald
    ogottwald Posts: 60 Member
    You look great for having 6 kids! My wife has had 3 and she recently purchased a runner stroller. It has proven to be a great investment. It can be a real challenge for her with exercise and having the stroller gives her much needed flexibility in her schedule. So for you new moms go get a runner stroller and make sure it has a pivot/spin/single front wheel. It will be money well spent and your baby will love the ride!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Some women pop right back into shape and others do not. But you all are right, you have got to want it!!

    So, please know, I am not bragging, but I wanted others moms to see that we can work hard and see results...we can get discouraged...but I wanted to show what hard work can do.

    Moms are awesome!!!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    You look awesome and amazing! I am the only one of my friends that has had a child....so it is definitely a struggle when they are, like, looking all cute and stuff :). I'm well on my way to looking even better than I did pre-baby though.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    While I agree with this to some extent....I feel the need to argue a couple of points. I had my babies @ 35+ (so an older mom by some accounts and as you mentioned, even though your eating habits may not be horrific, the weight just doesn't disappear like it did in the 20's or early 30's). I was a single / working full time out of the home mother by the time my youngest was 1 (and even with the ex there he worked opposit shifts, so not available if I wanted to hit the gym or whatever). To this day I cannot count on the ex for child care etc, physically he is just not there for them on a regularly scheduled basis.

    And I never used "well I had kids" as my excuse for being over weight, but the fact was I could not fathom being away from children more than the already 9 hours / day required for my job. So dropping them at a gym daycare after being all day at a day care was not an option. It came down to available time and with 2 little ones under 4, managing a home inside and out....you do tend to put yourself last. However, now that my little ones are almost 4 & 7 I feel less guilty about picking up from school/daycare to drop them off at another daycare like situation for another hour of their day. I'm not one to do at home things (although I do some now with the girls, Just Dance for Wii etc or biking etc). I was never skinny (before or after kids)...so I certainly can't use the physical "I had kids excuse", but they certainly aren't always easy to integrate in to a fitness plan/routine.

    And your job is a fitness instructor....so I'm assuming you actually get paid to work out (which is a huge bonus). We all aren't so fortunate...wish I was though!

    You should be very proud of where you are, as you work hard to have the results you have....but please remember every situation/life circumstance etc is unique. Everyone has to make the best decisions based on what they have available.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!! I have 2 kids under 3, and after my youngest turned 1 I decided I was done being fat. I've worked my *kitten* off, and stopped using lack of child care as an excuse. I started watching what and how much I eat, I work out for at least 30 mins 6 days a week. True I'm still young, but I never had that pop back into shape kind of body and always had a bit of a belly (even before kids). I'm not bragging either, just agreeing with the OP that wait dedication YOU CAN DO THIS!!! We, as moms, work beyond hard and i am proud of the work each and every one of you is doing to better yourself!
    So in Oct I was approx 150 and I looked like this:

    This is me a week ago at 123:
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    You look amazing. I look like **** after having 1 kid. I couldn't imagine having 6 of them. You're right though. Having kids is no excuse and I used that excuse for years. Now I've finally realized that I deserve the time it takes to make myself look and feel better. My daughter is old enough to take care of herself while I go to the gym and get healthy and fit. I'm still young and I don't want to look back and regret not taking care of myself so I'm killing myself at the gym 6 days a week lifting heavy with some cardio to get a better body.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    YOU are AMAZING mama!!! and truly my daily inspiration! I cant beleive you have double the kids as me look as amazing as you do, are fit, active and just all around totally gorgeous and sweet!

    I also beleive having kids is NO DAMN EXCUSE..........nor is most anything IMO..

    Only YOU can get in the way of being the BEST YOU!

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    While I agree with this to some extent....I feel the need to argue a couple of points. I had my babies @ 35+ (so an older mom by some accounts and as you mentioned, even though your eating habits may not be horrific, the weight just doesn't disappear like it did in the 20's or early 30's). I was a single / working full time out of the home mother by the time my youngest was 1 (and even with the ex there he worked opposit shifts, so not available if I wanted to hit the gym or whatever). To this day I cannot count on the ex for child care etc, physically he is just not there for them on a regularly scheduled basis.

    And I never used "well I had kids" as my excuse for being over weight, but the fact was I could not fathom being away from children more than the already 9 hours / day required for my job. So dropping them at a gym daycare after being all day at a day care was not an option. It came down to available time and with 2 little ones under 4, managing a home inside and out....you do tend to put yourself last. However, now that my little ones are almost 4 & 7 I feel less guilty about picking up from school/daycare to drop them off at another daycare like situation for another hour of their day. I'm not one to do at home things (although I do some now with the girls, Just Dance for Wii etc or biking etc). I was never skinny (before or after kids)...so I certainly can't use the physical "I had kids excuse", but they certainly aren't always easy to integrate in to a fitness plan/routine.

    And your job is a fitness instructor....so I'm assuming you actually get paid to work out (which is a huge bonus). We all aren't so fortunate...wish I was though!

    You should be very proud of where you are, as you work hard to have the results you have....but please remember every situation/life circumstance etc is unique. Everyone has to make the best decisions based on what they have available.

    I totally get what you are saying. I had the same issue for years. I'm married but when construction season is busy I was like a single mom during that time. I finally realized that I had to join the gym 10 min from my work and do it on my lunch hour in order to lose the weight. I did that for 2 yrs and then just recently I switched to a gym by my house and now I go at night with my husband to lift and that's our 'date' time. Again our daughter is older (12) now so she can take care of herself for 1-2 hrs while we go. Our office building also put in a gym recently so that helps me get in my cardio 3-4x a week. It is hard no doubt about it.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks so much for this... i am 27 and still no kids, i have been terrified that having kids is going to ruin my body... i can't help the feeling though i know for sure that i want kids one day and will cross that bridge when it gets there... Just hearing your journey and seeing how hard you work for your body gives me great hope that i too could look as awesome as you after kids :)

    You are a great inspiration!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    :flowerforyou: Great post!! and Congrats on all your success! :smile:
  • lizaiza79
    lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
    I totally agree! My mom has had 12 babies!!! 12! And she is still working on her body, never just giving up. I have had 5, and my goal is to not have people say ...you look so good considering you've had 5 babies. I want them to not believe I did!!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    While I agree with this to some extent....I feel the need to argue a couple of points. I had my babies @ 35+ (so an older mom by some accounts and as you mentioned, even though your eating habits may not be horrific, the weight just doesn't disappear like it did in the 20's or early 30's). I was a single / working full time out of the home mother by the time my youngest was 1 (and even with the ex there he worked opposit shifts, so not available if I wanted to hit the gym or whatever). To this day I cannot count on the ex for child care etc, physically he is just not there for them on a regularly scheduled basis.

    And I never used "well I had kids" as my excuse for being over weight, but the fact was I could not fathom being away from children more than the already 9 hours / day required for my job. So dropping them at a gym daycare after being all day at a day care was not an option. It came down to available time and with 2 little ones under 4, managing a home inside and out....you do tend to put yourself last. However, now that my little ones are almost 4 & 7 I feel less guilty about picking up from school/daycare to drop them off at another daycare like situation for another hour of their day. I'm not one to do at home things (although I do some now with the girls, Just Dance for Wii etc or biking etc). I was never skinny (before or after kids)...so I certainly can't use the physical "I had kids excuse", but they certainly aren't always easy to integrate in to a fitness plan/routine.

    And your job is a fitness instructor....so I'm assuming you actually get paid to work out (which is a huge bonus). We all aren't so fortunate...wish I was though!

    You should be very proud of where you are, as you work hard to have the results you have....but please remember every situation/life circumstance etc is unique. Everyone has to make the best decisions based on what they have available.

    My job as a Zumba teacher is ONLY after I joined the gym, did Zumba 2x/week (another teacher) and lifted weights that other 3 days. I took the Zumba job after the current teacher was deployed in the military and they offered it to me. I also had to change the class times because of my busy schedule 5:30am and 9:00 pm. I will be at ball games starting at 5 and then go straight to the gym to teach. Wednesday nights, I go from church to gym. I would love to workout more and get really sculpted, but I do not have time....I only do 1 hour/day (Wednesdays I have morning and night class)

    Wmass, you are a single mom....so your lifestyle is a lot different than mine....I do have a husband to watch the kids. Your job is a lot harder than mine...but you are here and you are doing great!!!

    I mostly want moms to be fit for themselves, their kids, and their spouses (if they are married). And I think playing the WII, walking kids in a stroller (I also had a back pack that I carried them in)...just stay active somehow. And I live in the south...so I hear this excuse a lot...they have kids and blame it on the kids. But, if you look at what they eat and how they do not exercise...you can not blame that on having kids.

    @Anna...Dang girl, you look awesome!!!!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member

    Are you sure you know what you're doing? You may well wait 'till after 35 then find that you're not longer able to! I'd suggest you give yourself a head start and start trying earlier.

    Really? I'm turning 32 and just now thinking about trying in a year....I hate when people say crap like this. RUDE AND UNNECESSARY
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