

  • Personally I have had the same problem. Always hungry and bowels were noisy. For me I tried some good old fashioned sauerkraut and some dill pickles. They can be low in calories and they did curb my appetite. I read it online somewhere and it does work for me. Of course full of sodium so watch that and don't eat a ton but…
  • YES I LOVE THEM... kettlebells are my ideal workout for me because no gym or bulky equipment to have and you can do it almost anytime and anywhere. They are pretty cheap to buy. I watch my shows at night while working out. Once you learn the moves it is easy to do. Gives you cardio and strength training at same time. I…
  • You look so different! So much younger too. You go girl ... keep up the great work.
  • first of all congrats on losing and hope for continued sucess It is a challenge when money is tight for rewards but you can find ways make time to call a friend and do a manicure on each other or facial make a special movie night and pop a 100 calorie bag of popcorn or play some games being lonely doesn't help when trying…
  • Here is the other part of the photo. Really shows my 300 plus profile body. blessedbirdie
  • Well I am replying to my own post because the first photo did not all load. IF I click on it I can see the other part. These are also so big. Sorry all, I will try and learn to make them smaller for next update. I want to lost another 60 lbs by the way. blessedbirdie
  • I have read that once you lose the pounds and fat the belly will go down. Anyway after losing 55 lbs since July and I have lost most of it (this time) in my mid section! I am 53 yrs old and carry most of my weight there and in the legs. SO, I do use a kettlebell to work out. It is suppose to strengthen your core. I believe…
  • I take B complex from a Natures sunshine company. Pill form but I do know when I didn't take it as it does help me and my husband with our energy levels. Also good for carpal tunnel as it helps heal. Chiro started me on it a long time ago. Hope you have success on it. If not than research your brand as not all supplements…
  • WOW you really see your loss. That is fantastic. I always hid my weight in bigger clothes so now no one really notices the 55 lbs. lost. Keep going. You will be amazing when your done.
  • Hi, glad you are here. It can be hard when the scale doesn't move. How are your clothes fitting? Any better? Maybe you are losing inches and not weight. That can happen. Are you doing the same exercise every time? I have to mix things up. I do treadmill, balance ball, mini stepper and kettlebell. Along with dvds like yoga…
  • Ok does anyone have the real info on weight loss and coffee. My dr says for me not to drink it because it can interfere with thyroid and slow your metabolism down. Then I read here and elsewhere about coffee helping lose weight. WHICH is it cause I WANT MY COFFEE! I do have a slow thyroid by the way. blessedbirdie
  • I am on a dr program and he has me doing HIIT. Do it on my treadmill too. 30-45 min. and I am done. Warm up. Sprint. SLow down. Sprint. Doing 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min. sprints. YES it works I feel and I am tired when I get done. I have lost 52 lbs since july. THink it helps.
  • So if it isn't hunger it might be habit! I had that problem. I used to eat so often I realized starting this plan I was bored after starting and needed to fill up the time I used to use eating. NOW I will pick up my kettlebell and workout some easy things or sit on the balance ball while watching tv. It really helps me to…
  • I had that for awhile before starting my plan. Dr says I have diverticuli. Which are small holes in the bowel...cause unknown... but a lot of people who have it also have irratable bowel syndrome. Have you any pain in the bowels too? Any chills or other things going on? Those holes can get food stuck and become infected…
  • My 2 grandpas My 2 brothers My uncle My step dad My HUSBAND for 21 Yr Marine Gulf War vet Salute to them all.
  • All the unhealthy fat sounds dangerous to me. I was on Atkins and yes I lost 60 lbs in 6 months and also did damage to my liver and then gained theaweight all back plus more. It did not help me to learn to eat the right foods for my health. I am not higher protein plan now but do NOT eat all the unhealthy fat and it is…
  • Yes, I have had hypothyroidism for 30 years. I have in the past lost weight but let emotions and depression get in the way and I gained it all back. I have recently lost 40 lbs. on a protein diet. I have tried many ways to lose and this has been the best. My dr. does regular blood work and I am on supplements also. I was…
  • I personally use the treadmill about every other day. I do a HIIT (high intensity interval workout) on it. My dr. who started me on the plan taught me to do it. You can look up HIIT on the internet but basically you warm up about 4 min. then walk or run for 5 min. You want to get breathing good and heart rate up. Then slow…
  • I use "Naturally More Peanut Butter" and mix it with some protein powder. Eat it with a spoon or roll into balls if you get the texture right. Yummy. Double Protein and awesome taste. I get the PB at Walmart. Full of good Omega, wheat germ and flax.
  • NOW THAT Is DETERMINATION GIRL!!!!! You are doing awesome. Keep up the great work and the photos and updates coming. :drinker:
  • Hey I did not think about the liver issue. Yes with all the protein I had to eat (dr ordered diet) it is my liver getting a workout. You might have hit on it. Will talk to him but he is the one giving me the supplements and I can hear him now saying to keep taking them. lol
  • Have you added anything new to your intake in the food or supplement dept. I found that taking my supplements forced me to keep some weight on. I had gone off a week for some medical testing and I lost more that week than any other. If not then I know it can frustrate you to not lose. There are a lot of web pages with…
  • Hi everyone, I am "joining" the group since I am over 50. I will be 53 the end of Dec. So I have been logging on for 40+ days now. I have lost 23 lbs. on a drs plan. I have one friend on here but I would like to add some more. I am married 34 yrs. with 3 kids and 4 grandkids. Work from home which can make this hard since I…
  • That sounds like a good idea. Will do that soon.
  • I walk slower on incline but my heart rate should not drop to 85 if right before I was reading 150 from the speed 3 incline 1 walk. Like I said I tried this several times and for several days. It always went way down. I know the heart rate monitors on these are not always accurate.
  • I love NEW BALANCE. I and my marine husband have bought them for years and years. They make them 11 Wide for me but also they feel great and last a long time. I got mine online after trying on some in the stores. You can get better deal online. Mine I got actually on ebay for $39 when at the store they were $120 and they…
  • Wow this was my first post and gee what a great bunch of people. I got a lot from what you all said. I do NOT want to eat bars and drink shakes the rest of my life. I want to learn to eat healthy and calorie conscious. I need to learn to cook differently along with behavior patterns I need to break. I believe I will stay…
  • I have heard the SPICE Tumeric is an anti inflammatory. You could search the net to see how to use it. You might also check your local health food store for a supplement if you use them.