

  • The rice absorbs lots of water while cooking and 'EXPANDS' making it weightier...
  • Funny but I just started to feel OK today, I had a bad headache for the past 3 days with a blind area in my left eye..same thing, I couldn't really see out of it without moving my head around. Everything was like looking thru swirling water! I did have a headache tho' so I chalked it up to a migraine after looking up the…
  • Seems I am one of the oldest MS sufferer on here, so I'll put my 2 cents in. I have had MS for over 20 yrs. now. Thankfully I am still mobile and don't have what most would think were major disablilities. Those 'sudden' onslaughts of tired spells, imbalance, and dizziness, have plagued me since the very beginning, even…
  • I am on Betaseron 1-b injections (every other day inject the med.) I have been for the past 20 yrs...I dont know what the other thing on the other side of your / is..what is it??? If you have any questions about that I'm sure I can help...
    in Betseron Comment by zb357 April 2012
  • Oh ..I am embarrased to admit it, but I am also obsessive about weighing my self... Or should I say obsessed with depressive things to do!! I sometimes weigh myself 4-6 times a day. I don't know why, maybe, hoping it was 'broken' when I first ck'd...even when I do manage to ck only once , maybe twice a day...I will jump on…
  • In reference to the low carb diet plan and my previous posting...I have now lost much more weight in the past two weeks than I did the whole month of January. BUT it is not a NO carb diet, I specifically chose foods that are lower in carbs...some fruits and vegs. are much higher than others. I COULD NEVER stand not to eat…
  • I didn't notice your age anywhere, I suppose that is really unimportant tho', you also didn't say if you are on any of the MS injections or meds. I was diagnosed with MS. back in 1991, I am 59 yrs. old...My Neurologist makes me have an MRI practically every year altho' I am starting to fight it because I also get a tinge…
  • Hi, I have just started to follow this way of eating after a low calorie diet did NOTHING for me. I was eating between 1200-1400 cals. a day....and yo yo'd for the first month (Jan.2012) between losing only 2-3 lbs. Then I read an article that said some folks are just Carb sensitive...I guess that's me because this past…
  • I ordered it too, when it was offered, but haven't recieved it either....I've just written it off as a 'no show'...I have been doing some light weight lifting on a universal weight bench I have with arm exercises, and a leg curl bar...Also I got the Dance 3 Game to go with my Wii unit and it is fun dancing, altho'…
    in My MS Yoga Comment by zb357 January 2012