bakercj13 Member


  • Great job and congrats on your success! You will hit that goal before you know it!
  • Great job! You look incredible, keep up the great work!!!
  • Wow, great job! You have a lot to be happy about, you look amazing!
  • Wow! Great work you look amazing!!!
  • Nice job, you can really see a difference!
  • This might be shallow or vapid coming from a guy, but a new suit from Armani, one of those ones where it looks really good on you whether at work or out on the town.
  • Excellent! Keep up the great work!
  • Good start! You can already see a difference, keep up the great work and before you know it you will hit your goal!
  • Nice job! You look great!
  • Absolutely amazing the job you have done, good for you! You also look more confident in your pics!!!
  • You picked one of the best places to help you lose weight. Make friends, get advice, stay honest with your entries and before you know it you will have achieved your goals. Add me as a friedn if you want.
  • I agree, you just need to ignore your sister. She has jealousy or other issues and is taking it out on you. You don't deserve that kind of treatment or abuse so ignore her the best you can! Your doing the right things by you, for you. You have friends here who can help get you through the rough times and not take pleasure…
  • Your fear is understandable, but don't let that fear cripple you while you are on vacation. Most people have set backs while on vacations, it happens! You can try and minimize the impact it will have on you realizing that you will not have great options at every meal. But as you already pointed out, walking on the beach is…
  • Don't get down! One so-so or bad day on the scale is not the end. Just relaize that no matter what you do in a given week, you will sometimes have so-so or bad results. Use that as motivation to get back what the scale that week took from you! We all have those weeks... The key is to stay strong and don't quit, keep…
  • Feel free to add me too if your still looking for support? You will get through this and you will reach your goals! You have already made friends who will support here and I assume elsewhere so ignore those things your mother says and listen to those who will help you.
  • I have been obssessed with the scale and then don't touch it but for once a week weigh in. It depends on my mood... But now I weigh in on a Tyesday and Friday. This way I can see how or if the weekend effected me and I can see what I am before the weekend begins. I like to see that I am making progress but I found wighing…
  • I agree each time is a case by case basis, but you have to know what the person is like is bed before too long. And if it is going to be too long, well then that's just too long...
  • No! And when I hear it I usually have to drift off to my happy place in the my head, otherwise two things would occur. One, a violent act of agression towards the baby talker or two, I wiould have to take an ice pick to my hears. Since I don't like option two that leaves me with only one option...
  • Stick to once or twice a week weigh-ins. Your weight can vary a lot depending on how much and types of foods you eat and drink. That is great if you have already lost 5 and it is for real! But keep in mind if you things high in sodium you can go up for a couple of days as you retain water and then drop it all. As long as…
  • It was multiple things hitting at once for me. I had a physical last year, first time in ages and the doctor sai that while overall the numbers were not bad, I was borderline for diabetes, hypertension and one other thing I can't remember. She said I was fat and needed to lose weight but didn't have the be in the…
  • Don't beatyourself up too much! If you read enough posts here you will see that most folks have had or are going through the same issue as you. One month it's all about eating right, exercising, losing weight and the next month or two it's slipped into the bad routine again. I am going through it right now, I have kicked…
  • Baby steps! Considering what you have gone through recently, I would suggest taking everything in baby steps for now. If you can only do 30 minutes of gentle exercise great, its better than no exercise! As your health improves so can your exercise routine in terms of time, effort or both. Also don't dismiss the who…
  • It's always easier to have friends going through the same thing as you. Feel free to add me, I am working on trying to lose 40, by my 40th (October). I was half way there, but had a bad month and gained some back. I know I can do it and having friends encourgae or recommend things to help along way makes it much more…