JBApplebee Member


  • Find a therapy place that does Active Release Therapy (ART). They basically take a smooth butter knife & they rub it in your arch & break up the scar tissue that causes the issue. For me it was a life saver. I had/have the orthopedic inserts & 2 cortisone shots, but they didn't really help. I was walking like I was 80…
  • I had a rough stretch. In the last 2 & 1/2 weeks, I had vacation, my 50th birthday & then my wife's grandmother died. I put on over 10 pounds from vacation, but I burned that off in 4 days. I'm only up 5 pounds, but hopefully things will go back to normal & I can lose 10 pounds to get to my goal of 175 before the first…
  • I'm a profile by sanford guy, personally. I love their bars & shakes, & the shakes are delicious just mixed with water. Finding shakes that taste good with water is sometimes tough. I've lost 55 pounds since the end of January. Well, at least I did before vacation & my birthday in the last 2 weeks. My goal is to get to the…
  • I had a cheat day Saturday because it was my 50th birthday. I went to 9Round & did a double & they were nice enough to give me 10 free birthday burpees! I had buffalo wings & a couple of tasty beverages for lunch, then for supper, my favorite meal is Misty's lobster mac & cheese & a free piece of chocolate cake (and a…
  • It is for me. 9Round is fun, exercise & therapy all rolled up into one 35 minute sweat session. But exercise isn't absolutely necessary in order to lose weight.
  • I'm a dude. I use MFP daily, but only occasionally browse the forums
  • My two cents worth, your fear of gaining it back is a good thing. I'd be more concerned if you weren't concerned. You need a break. In my case, my 50th birthday was Saturday (we were on vacation in Chicago the week before) & I ate & drank what I wanted. I did go to 9Round, did a double & even got my 10 free birthday…
  • I did the same yesterday (August 4th). It was my 50th birthday & I worked out in the morning & ate & drank what I wanted & I enjoyed every bite of my lobster mac & cheese & chocolate cake for dessert. Tomorrow morning I'm back at it. If you can't go out & enjoy yourself once in a while, it isn't worth it.
  • At 9Round, round #1 is always the jump rope. It's a great way to get warmed up & get the heart rate climbing. It can take some time to get good at it, but it's totally worth it. I have a jump rope in each of my gym bags. It's an exercise you can do nearly anywhere.
  • Start by doing pushups from your knees & work your way up. I'm sure there are programs online that can help.
  • If it's plantar fasciitis, go to a therapy place that has active release therapy. That's the only thing that helped me. I had the cortisone shots twice & the orthopedic inserts, but I walked like an old man & the PF gave me hip & back problems as well. The ART broke up the scar tissue & I was able to walk again. I even ran…
  • My Yoda comment was in reference to your last line, which was like Yoda's "do or do not, there is no try." No disagreement with your post at all.
  • How very Yoda of you! I go to 9Round which is a kickboxing exercise program & there is always at least one trainer there to spar with you on a couple of the rounds. They are always energetic & supportive, which helps on those days that you are not at the top of your game so you can give a little extra.
  • Impingement sucks. I had surgery 3 years ago to clean out my shoulder & re-sect the clavicle. It was so worth it. Now my push ups are heart rate monitor to the ground. Chest to the ground might break my HRT & I don't want that.
  • You want to know for sure? Get in a squat, like 90 degrees & as you're holding the squat, smack that hump. If it doesn't jiggle, it's muscle (which I bet it is).
  • It feels awesome, doesn't it? Enjoy the fruits of all your hard work & dedication, you've earned it!
  • Same here. When I know I'm going out, I'll do a double at 9Round to build up some extra calories for the evening.
  • That isn't what fitness feels like. When you continue to do the same & it gets easier & easier, or when you increase your weights & don't feel like you're dying, that's what fitness feels like. It's all about the results.
  • 1 - 9Round. I love my workouts there, I can't wait to go back. It's fun hard work, abit of therapy & I burn more calories in 35 minutes than I do in twice the time at the gym. Plus I have a heart rate monitor that helps a lot. 2 - Profile by Sanford. Their keto diet plan (& 9Round) has helped me lose over 55 pounds (over…
  • I enter mine into Excel & have all my numbers in a spreadsheet. I have it on Google docs so I can access it from anywhere.
  • I'm going on vacation starting this weekend & I'm going to have a good time (within reason). If you can't go out & have a good time, it's not worth it IMO. I'm not going to pig out every meal or drink a lot each night, but I figure if I eat sensible for most of the vacation & work out while I'm there, I'll gain some, but I…
  • Quest bar, I love the brownie & chocolate chip cookie dough. Haven't tried the chocolate mint one yet
  • I'll be 50 in just over 3 weeks & if you can, I recommend medication. It's helped me immensely, especially when it comes to keeping a job. Also for me, I force myself to log in any food or spending before I do it. I have apps on my phone & bookmarks on my computers. They say it takes 3 weeks to make it a habit & I find…
  • You have you remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint. You will fluctuate up & down on a daily basis, but if your weight is trending downward, it's all good.
  • Extra peppermint gum. The flavor lasts an "Extra" long time compared to some of the other gum I've tried & I've heard that even the smell of peppermint can help curb your appetite. https://www.up-nature.com/blogs/news/top-14-amazing-essential-oils-for-weight-loss-and-how-to-use-them
  • Down over 55 pounds since January 20th.
  • Warrior & Indestructible by Disturbed. Especially the lyrics. The Trooper - Iron Maiden Seek & Destroy, and Justice for All & Master of puppets - Metallica A Warriors call - Volbeat Carry on - Avenged Sevenfold Never gonna stop - Rob Zombie