Starting again- Anyone with ADHD?

Here I am, starting up for the... 4th time? The catalyst this time, that I’m really hoping will kick me in the butt, is that my favorite pair of work pants no longer fit and several other pairs are verging on too tight.
Here’s the thing. I have ADHD, and often find myself grabbing snacks and munching on them without thinking about it or impulsively stopping for fast food (which I need to curb not only for weight reasons, but money reasons too!). I am also very bad about logging consistently. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I forget or put it off or just get horribly overwhelmed.
So, I guess my question is: when you have the motivation but can’t seem to actually execute what you need to get there and thus fall off the wagon, what do you do!?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I set reminders, without them I’m toast.
  • moogie_fit
    moogie_fit Posts: 279 Member
    Have you ever seen a psychologist? I work in applied behaviour analysis and am able to use reward based techniques to help motivate me to stay on track with my eating and exercise. Such has earning things thst I want from doing good behaviours and having reminders and visual supports to stop me from doing bad behaviours
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    I also struggle with Adult ADD and tend to go overboard in one direction or the other. If I log it’s consistent but if I forget to log one thing I end up logging nothing else for the day. IMO consistency is the key. Here are some things that have helped me stick to logging g everything:

    If I’m opening a package I have to lookup the barcode first, if I’m making a meal I have to write down the ingredient and it’s weight before I put it in the pan/on my plate, at a FF restaurant or has to be logged before I pay, sit down restaurant looked up and logged before I place an order with the server.

    And remember if you for get one thing it’s not the end of the world, do your best to track as much and as consistently as you can. Eventually the pattern will be set and it will get easier. These days I tend to have anxiety attacks when I realize I forgot to enter something I ate so it’s a balancing act for sure.

    If you’d like another friend with similar issues feel free to add me 🙂 and best of luck on your journey.
  • fveekaye
    fveekaye Posts: 10 Member
    I just started reading this article and my mind is completely blown. I came here before even completing the article (such a friggin stereotype) to post this link:
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I'll be 50 in just over 3 weeks & if you can, I recommend medication. It's helped me immensely, especially when it comes to keeping a job. Also for me, I force myself to log in any food or spending before I do it. I have apps on my phone & bookmarks on my computers. They say it takes 3 weeks to make it a habit & I find it's almost second nature now, I do it without even thinking.

    Preparing meals & snacks for the week is a huge advantage, as is removing as many temptations as possible. Reading that article kind of explains why it's easy to spin out of control when I'm not prepared. I'm on a low carb diet & if our brains love carbs, it helps to be vigilant.