

  • I started April 1st also if you want to add me
  • I did week 6 d3 yesterday I definitely found it the most difficult so far. Like yourself I am worried about week 7 and 8 but then again I was worried about other days. Also and they. Worked out. So I think we can do this
    in Week 6 Comment by alanfogarty March 2013
  • Just a note on c25k I am doin it also at the moment I am on week six and I am really enjoying it and I'm amazed at how much I improved. The point is whatever you do make sure you enjoy it because from my experience if you are just working out to lose weight you will get bored of the activity. You have to enjoy the activity…
  • Thank you all for taking the time to write that I'm going to do all the maths in the morning and start eating : ) How long have you all been using this method? How long did it take for ye to start seeing results?
  • Cmeirun: I had a read of that it definitely looks like the way forward. How long have you been using this method?
  • Thanks cmirun, No I hadn't seen that post. I'm going to have a good read of it tomorrow and see what I come p with from it. Thanks again
  • Hi, I'm open to any Mfp pals that have similar goals to me. Want to loose weight 100+ Currently doing the c25k app Living in Tipperary Ireland at the moment and that is where I am from. I have previously lived in London, Wellington Nz, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Love to travel. Just moved back to Ireland and currently…
  • I'm on week 3 of the c25k app ands its going really well. I'm surprised how I improve each week. Your post reminded me I need to sign up for a 5k so I'm going to see can i find someone to do it with me and book something.
  • Hey That a really cool well done! I am a similar size to the size that u where and often dream about been a body attack instructor when I lose the weight . I really didn't think that it would be possible for me to ever doing that but after reading your story I am starting to feel very hopeful. Thanks for that I think your…
  • Hi, I have to flu this week so didn't get to start but I will definitely be in by monday and il let ye no how I do. I have been looking though ye're comments ye are all doing so well already
  • Thanks tameko2 ! It all seems a bit confusing really I might stick with the Mfp until I get the hrm and try and decide whats best Thanks again
  • Cheers for that! Yes maybe a hrm is the way to go 7 bucks isn't to bad I should invest really : )
  • Hi Nice to see other people starting the same time as me. I finished week one today it's going well. I'm in Ireland and the weather is pretty cold right now so I am doing it on a thread mill for now and then il take it outdoors for the summer. Feel free to add me and we can help each other along : )
  • Clonmel in Tipperary. Currently doing c25k and 100 push up apps. If anyone else is add me as a friend I'd love to no someone else is feeling my pain : )
  • Think I will give it a go! Starting Monday. I just need to get the app. also on week 2 of the c25k app at the moment so should be a good balance. It's nice to have a group to do this with. Good luck to u all I can't wait until we all get to 100!!!!!