

  • Filled out the forms and considering Ideal Protein diet. Apparently my metabolism is shot. I can't lose weight no matter what I do, even under 1200 calories a day. I'm not really a veggie eater and would have to eat 4 cups of them a day plus salads. Anyone know where to find Ideal Protein recipes for those yucky veggies?…
  • Is there an official Ideal Protein Diet group I can add to my profile to easy reach all of you? This was an accidental find, but considering "signing on" (signing my life away, more like it) on this diet and enjoy reading all of your input, but I may not be able to find you again. Glad to see some good results.
  • When I first got all 4 of the audio books, I listened to them while walking on the treadmill. Doing 30 minutes used to be such a chore, but I found myself walking an hour while engrossed in the story. That was a couple years ago and I've listened to the books 8 times, so not as affective on the treadmill as before, but the…
  • Aww, lower back pain. That caught my eye. A wrong move during my gardening in July and I've been "laid up" with excruciating back pain for almost 3 months. "Laid up" isn't an appropriate term because there is no position that is possible without pain. Doctor assumed it was muscular related, told me to relax (ha) and take…
  • 77tes, Costco will sometimes carry packages (2 tubs each) of the Pomegranates "pips"; much easier to eat. I've also bought POM pomegranate juice but can't remember if any added sweetener to that. You are doing such a good job.
  • OK, they have the Blu-ray version, the 2-disk regular DVD, and the special bridal dress cover. My question is, do all three of them have the exact same content? I buy mine at Walmart. Does Target have something Walmart doesn't? Argh!! I really would love to see all the deleted scenes, but doesn't look like that's going to…
  • Go back to square one and start with just one basic sacrifice...anything with sugar and refined breads and cereals. For now, whole grains allowed. My son lost 30 lbs in about 4 months by only eliminating sugar and carbs....ate only meat, vegetables and very limited fruit. Didn't cut out any fat at all...bacon and eggs for…
  • Shelton, Washington (a couple hours from Forks). I see a Gig Harbor on here, so not the only Washingtonian.:wink:
  • Hi lynnee. I was diagnosed 15 years or so ago with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes one will affect me more than the other, but the most chronic and disabling constant in my life is the fatigue. It makes it very hard to lose weight because, as you know, there is just not enough energy or strength in our…
  • Hi Twifans...I am new to this group, so behind on the challenge (it's a challenge for me just to get up in the morning, lol), but I am sure enjoying all of the lovely weight-loss tickers I'm viewing. I run with vampires, but do enjoy the wolves. Wishing everyone well in their goals.
  • I was invited to this group by a friend, as I am new to the site. I'm happy to have found another "Twilight" world. Still exploring and learning and hope this will inspire me to lose the 50 lbs that crept up on me like "shapeshifters" in the trees. Good luck to you all. I am inspired by you.
  • This is my first day on this site. A friend recommended it. I did well with my calorie count because I was on here all day trying to figure things out, so wasn't snacking so much. I need to lose 50 lbs. Just woke up one day and there they were, lol....well, a few cheeseburgers, fries and my beloved Pepsi kind of helped. I…