

  • new balance any shoe with a number of 700 or higher. The higher the number of the shoe the more motion control they have. At 700 or higher you get a very high quality motion control shoe that is great for almost anyone. Especially good for cases like yours or for planter faschitis.
  • I have lost 17 lbs in that time frame by walking 30 min every other day and watching my calories. If you follow the program honestly and walk that much you should have no problem getting a free ride.
    in Help! Comment by wildesca March 2009
  • Make your walk not just a chore but something fun to do. If you are competitive try and beat your time or distance. Take somealong to talk with. Listen to music or a book on tape. Play games with your pet. Walk different routes. Watch birds. Keep track or different cars if you like cars. Check out the architecture along…
  • Big love affair with the fast food? Hard to break the habit but really necessary if you want to lose. Carry a cooler or lunch bag in the car with veggies in it and snack on a few sticks of them when fighting an urge. Also weekend mornings make up a really nice finger snack tray of the same to nibble at at home. Put time…
  • No way! The calories you burn are lost weight. Why take them back on board if you aren't hungry? Also why eat all your calories? Eat em if you are hungry but if not don't. The idea is to lose weight so if you lose extra it probably won't break your heart.
  • Have been through the process with a neighbor before. Unfortunately this is a case of guilty till proven innocent and its almost impossible to do. Best bet for you is to get a bark collar for the dog. Not much fun and it's not his fault that he is a dog but if you curb the barking with the collar you prove innocence and…
  • A guys point of view...... Sweets from a sweet are good period. But a lot of us aren't good at the figuring things out business with females. So do add a card. Not to soppy, maybe a nice fun one. Way to a mans heart is through his stomach, the way to his brain is much more difficult.
  • Alice I hit the same kind of rut or plateau depending on what you want to call ita few yrs back when i was much happier with my self and worked out regular. Agood friend who is a personal trainer followed me around for a day at the gym. Told me I was working out to heavy. That I was turning to much of my fat and food into…
  • Like .......... My clothes not fitting ..gets expensive buying bigger ones Being called the old fat man by some younger thinner friends Getting to tired or winded doing some of my favorite things Not being the "hottest" guy in the room anymore So thought I would try to turn back the clock and this is my start.