OT: frustrating neighbors!! (dog owners take heed!)

I'm so annoyed with my neighbors!! I don't know which ones did this, but I got a notice yesterday for excessive barking... the only problem is a) the dog described in the complaint in NO WAY matches my dog and b) it says he barks at 5am. yeah, 5am I'm not home.... BECAUSE IM RUNNING WITH HIM!! :mad:

I run with him 5 miles 4-5 times a week in the morning and walk with him 2-3 miles 4-5 times a week in the evening to help drain his energy. I'm a difficult person to offend, but this just about does it... there are dogs all over our neighborhood that bark excessively, including one behind our yard. There's a dog that looks similar to mine that gets out of his yard A LOT (once I even got the task of returning him to his owner) and my immediate neighbors for some reason think he's mine.

I'm a responsible dog owner and SO SO SO frustrated by this... I really just need to vent :grumble: , but if there is any advice out there I'd appreciate it. I've always wanted to have good relationships with my neighbors but this makes me so angry I could scream... at least it's not hurting my workout goals... it just makes me want to run more! :laugh:


  • puppylove84
    I'm so annoyed with my neighbors!! I don't know which ones did this, but I got a notice yesterday for excessive barking... the only problem is a) the dog described in the complaint in NO WAY matches my dog and b) it says he barks at 5am. yeah, 5am I'm not home.... BECAUSE IM RUNNING WITH HIM!! :mad:

    I run with him 5 miles 4-5 times a week in the morning and walk with him 2-3 miles 4-5 times a week in the evening to help drain his energy. I'm a difficult person to offend, but this just about does it... there are dogs all over our neighborhood that bark excessively, including one behind our yard. There's a dog that looks similar to mine that gets out of his yard A LOT (once I even got the task of returning him to his owner) and my immediate neighbors for some reason think he's mine.

    I'm a responsible dog owner and SO SO SO frustrated by this... I really just need to vent :grumble: , but if there is any advice out there I'd appreciate it. I've always wanted to have good relationships with my neighbors but this makes me so angry I could scream... at least it's not hurting my workout goals... it just makes me want to run more! :laugh:
  • wildesca
    Have been through the process with a neighbor before. Unfortunately this is a case of guilty till proven innocent and its almost impossible to do. Best bet for you is to get a bark collar for the dog. Not much fun and it's not his fault that he is a dog but if you curb the barking with the collar you prove innocence and don't end up losing the dog. Willing to bet that its not the dog the neighbor is mad at in the first place and also willing to bet it doesn't matter really to the neighbor about the barking. Its just a way to yank your chain. Too bad its the dog who has to change but if you want to keep him its the easiest way to fix the situation. But be prepared for the next attack.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Unfortunately people can be nasty and vindictive like this.
    My neighbour is a nightmare, she tried to complain about my dog barking before, so I put in a counter allegation abotu her dog - which IS always barking - she has a jack russell - a well known yapper!
    If your dog is like mine - quiet, please, please do not put a bark collar on him, this will only depress him - and a depressed dog is heartbreaking! Besides, why should he be punished for another dog's barking??? :grumble: :noway:

    I tried a dog whistle for the one next dog, every time it barked, I would blow it - not that it worked, made the dog bark more :grumble:
    I can't even sit in my garden in the sumemr without that dog barking, yeah sure, if someone is on my property, my dog will bark, but that's it, line drawn. My neighbour's dog barks at every noise - no matter how small - really hacks me off!

    I've even had my neighbour try complaining about me, saying I throw cigarette ends over her fence - nor I or my family smoke, so she showed herself up for the liar she really is. :laugh:

    As you stated, your dog wasn't even there when he illegidelly barked, so, hang in there, and fight your corner, this neighbour will slip up soon enough :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    have you tried to talk to your neighbor, intro him/her to your furry child? Even let them hear it bark so they know it is not him/her.

    Sorry you have to go thru this, so frustrating.

    Reminds me of the time I recvd a spdg ticket. I was going 8 miles over the PSL and I politely asked the police officer why he pulled me over when others were going 20-25-even 30 mph over the limit.

    He said

    " I could safely CATCH you!"

  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    All my neighbors have dogs, and they roam the neighborhood lose all the time, and I swear they all come straight to our property to poop! So I let my yorkie play in our fenced yard, and she's a barker! She will bark at a mosquito! I hope it annoys the neighbors as much as their dogs annoy me! Good luck to you, hopefully you get all that straightened out!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Perhaps the neighbor was simply mistaken as to what dog was causing the noise. Sometimes its not easy to tell. I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about the neighbors being vindictive without more evidence.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    All my neighbors have dogs, and they roam the neighborhood lose all the time, and I swear they all come straight to our property to poop! So I let my yorkie play in our fenced yard, and she's a barker! She will bark at a mosquito! I hope it annoys the neighbors as much as their dogs annoy me! Good luck to you, hopefully you get all that straightened out!

    Do you have any neighbors without dogs?
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    Can you point out to whomever it is that gave you the notice that you run with your dog at the same time someone is accusing him of barking? I would hate to just let that go if it were me, and I knew it wasn't my dog....but then again stuff like that really chaps me. I don't think I would really counter with a compaint against your neighbor, just talk to you management company or whomever issued the lovely notice and point out its not possible for your dog to be annoying the neighbor at that time...unless she has REALLY good ears. I suppose the polite , mature thing to do would be to talk to your neighbor like someone else suggested, but I am not that polite or mature:devil:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    to be fair maybe they really thought it was your dog. My mom's neighbors have a dog like this, and they leave him outside alllllllllllllllll the time, even when it's freezing out! It's awful. My mom had to call to report it a few times because she didn't know wat else to do, the neighbors are really rude when anyone says something directly to them about it. If you're 100% sure it wasn't your dog, you should go and talk to them about it, but don't be angry, they may have really thought it was your dog and if that's the case they had every right to do what they did. I'll be honest, if I had a neighbor whose dog woke me up at 5am barking, I'd do it too. And I wouldn't feel bad about it for a second. BUT I'd make sure I was calling about the right dog. :grumble:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    I'm so annoyed with my neighbors!! I don't know which ones did this, but I got a notice yesterday for excessive barking... the only problem is a) the dog described in the complaint in NO WAY matches my dog and b) it says he barks at 5am. yeah, 5am I'm not home.... BECAUSE IM RUNNING WITH HIM!! :mad:

    I run with him 5 miles 4-5 times a week in the morning and walk with him 2-3 miles 4-5 times a week in the evening to help drain his energy. I'm a difficult person to offend, but this just about does it... there are dogs all over our neighborhood that bark excessively, including one behind our yard. There's a dog that looks similar to mine that gets out of his yard A LOT (once I even got the task of returning him to his owner) and my immediate neighbors for some reason think he's mine.

    I'm a responsible dog owner and SO SO SO frustrated by this... I really just need to vent :grumble: , but if there is any advice out there I'd appreciate it. I've always wanted to have good relationships with my neighbors but this makes me so angry I could scream... at least it's not hurting my workout goals... it just makes me want to run more! :laugh:

    i would write a responce letter as politely as possible, stating how this could not be your dog and that whom ever gave you the notice should come to you and discuss the issue and possible miss-understanding.

    then i would make how ever many copies that you need to give to your neighbors and put those on everyones mailbox. eventually whom ever filed the complaint will see you running in the morning with YOUR dog and realize they had the wrong owner...

    I had an issue with someone very similar to this one, My dog is a Husky, they do not bark they howl, and mine I have only heard once in the 4 years I have owned her... after sending a letter to all of my neighbors and inviting them to try to get my dowg to bark only two showed up and asked why i recieved a notice and they were my very next door neighbors they both agreed that Bailey never barks...
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I agree with others, you should talk to your neighbors.

    I don't have issues with barking dogs, especially in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's a good heads up (like two grown *kitten* men fist fighting in the middle of the street)! :grumble:

    My gripe is poop. Poop over here, poop over there and poop EVERWHERE!!!! :explode:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    My gripe is poop. Poop over here, poop over there and poop EVERWHERE!!!! :explode:

    here a poop, there a poop, everywhere a poop poop, Mireille had a farm and on that farm she had some POOP!

    whoops sorry :ohwell:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I agree with others, you should talk to your neighbors.

    I don't have issues with barking dogs, especially in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's a good heads up (like two grown *kitten* men fist fighting in the middle of the street)! :grumble:

    My gripe is poop. Poop over here, poop over there and poop EVERWHERE!!!! :explode:

    pooper scooper
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    All my neighbors have dogs, and they roam the neighborhood lose all the time, and I swear they all come straight to our property to poop! So I let my yorkie play in our fenced yard, and she's a barker! She will bark at a mosquito! I hope it annoys the neighbors as much as their dogs annoy me! Good luck to you, hopefully you get all that straightened out!

    Do you have any neighbors without dogs?

    I don't have many neighbors, they all have dogs! One lady had 9 at one point!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    9 dogs? Wow ..... that's a lot!

    You mentioned the poop in your yard. At my old place the neighbors had like 15 cats at one point (one of the cat had kittens) and they were using our gardens as their litter boxes :grumble: