

  • Ill join you! I have just added you as a Friend. I had a false start last week, only managed 3 days. So starting again today too! (23rd Jan) Are you having Sundays as a day off the 30DS as I will be having this off.
  • Ive added it to the database on each level on my weight of 188lbs, although it does burn a different amount of calories depending on how much you weigh!
  • Oh Wow!!! U look AMAZING!!!!!!! I want to be at the 135lbs mark too, at least I know now it can be done, I ma currently at 188lbs mark, so I really know now it can be achieved. How long did it take you?
  • From London, feel free to add me :)
  • Im 23, not exactly your age, but same generation i suppose!!! Add me if you like!
  • .... i GET ON WITH IT. I hope its going to be easy to follow. :) Amazon are selling it for £4.99 incl delivery xx
  • Ive just ordered this off Amazon. Waiting for it to be delivered. I have heard lots of good things about it. Ill let you know how
  • You look bloody fantastic!!! You should be really proud of yourself!!!! Keep up the good work and let us know how you get on!:happy:
  • For you BRITS! 1 Cup is half a Pint (of fluid)!!! :)
  • Yay!!!!!! Looks like someone who insits it was a cop out will now have a red face! Prob a pumped up roid user whom has a bit of a narrow mind!
  • Of course you can class it as exercise (so long as you are building up a sweat and putting more effort in than normal) I would agree and say you need to up your daily activity staus though, Try taking one thing upstairs at a time rather than all at once, and really scrubbing things harder than the normal, put 110% into…
  • That is a great start! By doing little things and making small changes here and there you will be getting fitter and more confident to deal with the gym ect, The wii is excellent. I play the micheal jackson experiance and find it really fun and work up a sweat! Try timming yourself on your walks to work to track your…
  • I am a qualified personal trainer LOL! Some people really gain from having a personal trainner, whilst others don't. I would give it a go for a couple of sessions and see what you think. They are expensive but can get great results, bare in mind, most trainers are only based at a gym or home visits, so its you that needs…
  • Been on here a whole 3 days now! Needing Friends for Moral support and to give some support and advice from what I have found. Would like my body back! From Staines (and no im not Ali G) Add me and lets all creat a massive support web for the highs and lows of wonderful dieting!!!
  • Me too Feel free to Add!!! In need of some meals ideas too if you got any! I dont like Onions, Peppers,tomatoes or Pepper though so quite tricky!!!
  • I am also new! Please add me anyone! Motivation and encouragement will help us all loads!!! We are all in the same boat and could really do with a good support network!!!:smile:
  • You can always drink squash but make sure its the no added sugar one and thats only 2 calories per pint. Tea can make up cups of water only if kept under 3 cups as otherwise it will not hydrate you and have the oppisite affects. The bottle is the best idea, drinking water also helps keep hunger at bay. Most people mistake…