NEW to MFP.... Want friends!!

My name is Stephanie and I am 39 years old. I am new to MFP but I am loving it so far. I want to meet other people here that are struggling with Type 2 Diabetes and/or trying to loose weight. I have joined our local Biggest Loser contest which is coordinated with our YMCA and it's called TEAM LEAN. I need all the encouragement I can get. There is a cash prize but I'm wanting to be healthier and off all this medication that I'm currently on. Looking forward to getting to know you all.


  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Stephanie, and welcome! I also recently joined MFP and would love to have you as a friend! Please add me if you wish. :)
  • melrn1987
    :ohwell: Hi Everyone!
    I apparently have joined, but have not taken advantage of all this site has to offer. I am an obsessive-compulsive person who gets overwhelmed easily, so I just give up. I need lots of encouragement. I don't have alot of weight to lose, but I would like to get in shape.
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, Stephanie! I'm Kat. I'm 25 years old, not new to the MFP tracker but definitely new to the MFP community. I'm also trying to lose weight, in my case because I'd like to be comfortable playing sports like volleyball without feeling like I'm holding my team back, and because I'd like to be proud of myself instead of making excuses for how I look.

    Good luck to you as you kick off the TEAM LEAN challenge! You can do it, and you'll feel great once the weight starts coming off.
  • coolchick03270
    Hi Stephanie!! I'm new here too. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • melissaconatser
    melissaconatser Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Stephanie,

    I am not necessarily new to the site, but I have always just lurked around here. I am thinking that for the new year, it may help me to participate here, so here I am!

    I am Melissa, 34 years old, with quite a bit of weight to lose.
  • jodieb3
    jodieb3 Posts: 19
    I am also new! Please add me anyone! Motivation and encouragement will help us all loads!!!

    We are all in the same boat and could really do with a good support network!!!:smile:
  • staceymcgirr
    i am new to the site and have 100 pounds to lose! looking for friends to encourage eachother. i am 29
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    hey stephanie,i'm new as well....feel free to add me and anyone else can add me as well if they like :smile:
  • angbunny22
    Welcome and feel free to add me! You are going to love it!
  • SaturnMars
    Hi Stephanie,

    I'm new too...just joined about two hrs ago and both excited for a new venture to help get in shape and also scared as heck to actually track & see all of what I'm eating :/ LOL

    Add me :)