Can i ear about you>?Ripped in 30?

Hi, im gonna do this passionatly for the next 30 days.
I have no motibation, well i do, but not the lasting one,, so im gonna be using MFP alot,, to stay focus, and boost my goals.
Now, if you ever did Jillian Micheals, Riped in 30, and had a good success with it, please share right away, so i can take some positive energy out of it!! Your thoughts, throug it, your before after? your suggestions?
how many tears did she got out of you,,, ect ect
Share your success, to hel me create mine!!! Cheers!! and thanks!


  • flabwillbefab
    nobody wanna share anything?? :O(
  • jodieb3
    jodieb3 Posts: 19
    Ive just ordered this off Amazon. Waiting for it to be delivered. I have heard lots of good things about it. Ill let you know how
  • jodieb3
    jodieb3 Posts: 19
    .... i GET ON WITH IT. I hope its going to be easy to follow. :) Amazon are selling it for £4.99 incl delivery xx
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I love ripped in 30 its amazing, jillian is great, she really pushes you.

    I do the ripped weeks out of order now, when i'm working out at home (Rather than the gym) like this morning i chucked on week 4 OMG it killed me BUT i loved it!

    if you start it, finish it and you wont regret it.

    bit of advice? ignore the scales, take pictures before you start it and take afterward and compare DO NOT MISS THIS the difference will be great but the scales might not move all that much.

    its only 30 days, 6 days a week -
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know about the Ripped in 30 Days, but I've done her 30 Day Shred and OMG... Killer... but it works! I want to do it again cause I never really got through the whole first 30 days, but I want a set of home weights before I do it again.
  • flabwillbefab
    thanks ladies!!!! i will push myself very hard for this,,, and will take before and after shots,,,,,

    i ear lots about the 30 day shred,,, must be something similar right?

    if i only had a button on me, that says either on , or off, for motivations,,,,, i have like a blanking one,,hahaha comes and goes, i want it to stay, and the weight to go!!!!! i know i saw some pics before and after, motivates me for sure~!!!
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I am in the process of doing Ripped in 30 now. I start week 3 tomorrow, God help me! I did her 30 Day Shred Back in October and was pleased with the results. I basically have all of her DVDs b/c she really pushes you and you can definitely see the results! Stick with it!

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  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, im gonna do this passionatly for the next 30 days.
    I have no motibation, well i do, but not the lasting one,, so im gonna be using MFP alot,, to stay focus, and boost my goals.
    Now, if you ever did Jillian Micheals, Riped in 30, and had a good success with it, please share right away, so i can take some positive energy out of it!! Your thoughts, throug it, your before after? your suggestions?
    how many tears did she got out of you,,, ect ect
    Share your success, to hel me create mine!!! Cheers!! and thanks!

    i am on day 6 of week 1 :) I absolutly LOVE it
  • mommylowe
    Im just starting it. this is day two for me. So far so good.
  • kryshouston
    I am on week 2 day 1, and it is good, once you feel you cant do something any longer she is ready to move on to the next step, its a hard work out, but its just goes by so nicely, I have not worked out for years and this is getting me in shape, I feel the burn everyday, and the next :) Good luck
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I just finished ripped in 30 last week. And I loved it! I can't really say anything about results, because I was doing it over the holidays and well I gained abit due to holidays. But I loved the work out and will do it again at some point. I have also done the 30day shred and I think ripped in 30 is harder. I am now on Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD.

    I did it Mon-Sat for 30 days. It was a great work out and I highly recommend it!
    I did level 1 for 8 days, level 2 for 8 days and then level 3&4 for 7 days a piece.
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    (just sent you a message)

    I just completed the 30-Day Shred this morning and plan to start Ripped in 30 tomorrow! i've heard great things! :)
  • flabwillbefab
    im pumped to do this,,all the way through!!! taking pics tonight of the ugly scary before,,,,you guys work out am or at night?
    i find myslf having to do it at night,,,, but i dont care, as long as i do it, dont mattehr what time,,,,,
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    i tend to do mine in the morning, only because the kids are napping and i feel better for doing it in the am (read: i dont have to think about it for the rest of the day)
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    I ordered it and hope to start it soon ..... just started my journey last week so I want to get a few weeks under my belt before starting something that intense. Good Luck to ya!
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    Okay so I feel like such a woos! I started the ripped in 30 yesterday, and only made it to circuit 3. I am just getting back to working out, but geeze didn't realize I was that out of shape. LOL So for those of you who have done both the ripped in 30 and shred in 30, should I start with the shred to avoid getting frustrated?
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    I love Ripped! Did it in September - each video 6 days with 1 day off. It broke me out of my 6 week plateau! Lost 5 inches and 4lbs! I took B/A pictures and they are incredible (for my eyes only :))
  • flabwillbefab
    well ill be on day one tomorrow,,,,, will ripped my fat off,,,,lol

    i am a huge woos too, but so tired of the part before the woos,,,,the huge,,,,, i do not wann abe considered "big or fat" anymore, i will take b4 and after pics, not sure if i will share on here, but i think i will , more than likely, if I see a diff, of course,,,,
    afer all, i love the b4 and after shreds,,, so awsome!!! so i will mesure my inches, think will show more on that than on the scale right?
    im at work now,,,, we were talking about Jillian, and she said have you ever see her before?? i said no, well, we went to google that, saw 1 pics of her before,,, and what she look now!!!!! i am in Jillian!!! lol
  • zoereese
    zoereese Posts: 5 Member
    I did 30 ds with good results. My weight had plateaued and this kick started it again. I was sore for first three days. have just started Ripped in 30. I think Ripped in 30 is harder than 30 ds, I am switching back and forth between Ripped in 30 and her 6 week 6 pack. I also walk about 3 to 4 miles per day. I know you can't spot reduce, but my midsection could use some strengthening. A good thing about her videos is the the time length makes it doable. Good Luck
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    I set my alarm about 35-40 minutes earlier and do it in the morning before work. It was really hard at first, but after about 2 weeks, i got used to it. That leaves my evenings free for other stuff .. ie. i have a horse and ride about 3 night a week and also like to hit the stationary bike after work on nights that i don't ride. if i were to leave the jillian stuff for after work, i know i wouldn't do it.
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