

  • you don't really need a chin up bar. they show you ways to use the resistance bands instead. i would recommend a good variety of bands though.
  • +1 When I first started riding I got a trainer for when it rains. I can't stand doing it at all. I hate running but would much rather run than sit on the trainer. As long as its not a really bad storm, I just ride in the rain. You and the bike are ok if you get wet.
  • i drink acai berry juice. i don't buy Monavi (sp?) I just get it at Publix. Its got a good amount of vitamins and antioxidants in it but its not a miracle drink.
  • i just finished the first week. :drinker: i'm glad i did the stretch dvd instead of resting. i feel so much better than yesterday.
    in P90X Comment by melkman February 2009
  • i live in florida and don't have to stop in the winter... actually we don't really have a winter. :drinker: but i do look forward to the time change.
  • does anyone know how many grams of protein equals one serving on the p90x program? i.e. if i had a protein bar with 20g of protein how many servings would that be? thanks
  • just got mine in the mail today! can't wait to get home and get started :bigsmile:
    in P90X Comment by melkman February 2009
  • never thought of it like that. good to know. thanks
  • +1 it sounds like your fitness is fine just make sure you are comfortable on the road bike. i did my first two centuries this past year and my legs were never really tired when i got done but my arms, neck and butt were very soar. after the first century i paid for a professional bike fitting. best investment i've made.…