Question for century riders

ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
How many weeks out do you start your training?

Do you follow a specific training schedule/pace or do you just put time in the saddle?

Any answers would be appreciated! Thanks!


  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    How many weeks out do you start your training?

    Do you follow a specific training schedule/pace or do you just put time in the saddle?

    Any answers would be appreciated! Thanks!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Where are all my cycling friends??? I miss you!!
  • I am interested in this as well! The farthest I've gone is 50-something miles and I think a 100+ride would be something very challenging to work up to.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I've never done this or anything like it.
    I think my butt would be sore.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I found an 8 week training program. I have done a metric century (62 miles) and survived that. I would like to train right so that I can do more than survive!! I was just curious what others did. I know there are some cyclists on here...they must be hibernating!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Bumping this up in case in of my cycling buds come out of hibernation today!!
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    Sorry to drag out an old thread, but it looks like nobody saw this one the first time around.

    I have done a couple of centuries and MS150's now. I never really followed a training program out of a magazine or web site, but I sort of made up my own.

    My normal deal is 40+ minutes a day commuting by bike to work, and then I add a workout in on top of that. I normally do long rides on weekends, but sometimes you just need to get out after work, and in the summer I have 3 sometimes 4 hours before it gets dark.

    To condition your self for long rides I found it helpful to train for time, not distance. It is easier to schedule a 2 hours ride as opposed to a 30 mile one, even though that is about my training pace. Weird.

    If you are at all familiar with cycling then 6-8 weeks should be more than enough time to get yourself ready to ride. I found for me as long as I have time in the saddle then it did not matter if my longest ride was only 50 miles working up, it only mattered that I was consistent in my training. Of course I was not trying to race, just ride.

    Of course in addition to conditioning butts and legs, you also need to solve hydration and food problems. You simply can't do a century on one or two bottles and whatever you ate for breakfast.

    You also will benefit from throwing in some pilates and other core strengthening routines. And make sure you get your rest in also.

    As far as spending X time in Zone 1 or whatever, I never really was good at following those schedules. But if you can, that is probably the way to go.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Sorry to drag out an old thread, but it looks like nobody saw this one the first time around.

    I have done a couple of centuries and MS150's now. I never really followed a training program out of a magazine or web site, but I sort of made up my own.

    My normal deal is 40+ minutes a day commuting by bike to work, and then I add a workout in on top of that. I normally do long rides on weekends, but sometimes you just need to get out after work, and in the summer I have 3 sometimes 4 hours before it gets dark.

    To condition your self for long rides I found it helpful to train for time, not distance. It is easier to schedule a 2 hours ride as opposed to a 30 mile one, even though that is about my training pace. Weird.

    If you are at all familiar with cycling then 6-8 weeks should be more than enough time to get yourself ready to ride. I found for me as long as I have time in the saddle then it did not matter if my longest ride was only 50 miles working up, it only mattered that I was consistent in my training. Of course I was not trying to race, just ride.

    Of course in addition to conditioning butts and legs, you also need to solve hydration and food problems. You simply can't do a century on one or two bottles and whatever you ate for breakfast.

    You also will benefit from throwing in some pilates and other core strengthening routines. And make sure you get your rest in also.

    As far as spending X time in Zone 1 or whatever, I never really was good at following those schedules. But if you can, that is probably the way to go.

    Thanks for the info. I did it your way for the metric century I did back in September and I did that one on a hybrid. I will be doing the century on a road bike. I do a power core class twice a week as well as two BodyPump classes twice a week. When I can't get out and ride due to weather I make sure to pick up a few spin classes at the gym.

    We are about 10 weeks out right now. I live in the South so hopefully the weather won't be too much colder for too much longer! I am going to attempt the training schedule as best I can but sometimes long rides are hard for me to get in during the week and the weekend warrior thing is what I have to do!

    Thanks Again!
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    You'll love the road bike. In fact, I would hazard a guess that 100 miles on a well fit and tuned road bike is easier than a metric on a hybrid. Or to put it another way, I wouldn't attempt any ride that long on a hybrid. You are hardcore:drinker:

    I can manage a few rides a month through the winter generally, but my main riding in winter is done either in a spinning class (just took my first one...OUCH) or on a trainer. You can get a trainer for your bike for under 100 dollars. I watch tv shows from Netflix while riding, or sometimes a workout video. Carmichael Training Systems (Lance Armstrong's coach's company) has several lung busters for sale.

    Since you are 10 weeks out, I might go that route, since spinning won't help you adapt to the new geometry, not too mention you need a couple good long rides to make sure your shorts and saddle are really going to work for you. There are several good women's specific models for both items that can make all the difference.

    Also, not sure how good your bike shop is, but try a search for Bike Fit, and see if you can find a reputable place near you that you can go to with your bike and shoes. Since you are looking at 5+ hours in the saddle it really pays to be as comfy as possible. No matter how much fitness you have once your body parts go numb and that ice pick jams into your shoulders, well, that is no fun at all.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    Hey Bamboo;

    Great question, I am hoping to do a century at some point this summer but I have yet to think of my training regime.:laugh:

    Hopefully, the cycling group will come out of hibernation soon.

    Good luck!!! :drinker:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hey Bamboo;

    Great question, I am hoping to do a century at some point this summer but I have yet to think of my training regime.:laugh:

    Hopefully, the cycling group will come out of hibernation soon.

    Good luck!!! :drinker:

    I figure when the weather warms up some of us may start coming out to say hi! I live in the South and we have fairly mild weather, but today the high is only 38 with 20 mph winds...which to me is FREEZING! This will probably be our coldest day this year. It is supposed to be 60 by the weekend. So I will hopefully get a good long ride in Saturday!!
  • ... No matter how much fitness you have once your body parts go numb and that ice pick jams into your shoulders, well, that is no fun at all.

    +1 it sounds like your fitness is fine just make sure you are comfortable on the road bike. i did my first two centuries this past year and my legs were never really tired when i got done but my arms, neck and butt were very soar. after the first century i paid for a professional bike fitting. best investment i've made. the second was a lot easier. still a little soar but not nearly as bad.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thanks for the info. I have not registered for this April ride yet..still waiting to see if my hubby is going to do it with me.
  • I'm hoping to get in a century this year after I've finished training for a marathon.
    Most training plans build 10% more time each week with the exception of the 4th week which you taper back some for recovery. 1 speed drill day, a couple regular ride days, and 1 long ride day each week. If you expect to ride a 16 mph for the century which would take 6 hours; plan your long rides to build up to 5 hours. I know we don't need to make it complicated but we do need the time in the saddle.
    I would think if you can already do 1 1/2 hours on a long rode you should be able to do a century if you start getting in those hours even if on a trainer; not as fun but beneficial.
    I trained for my triathlon on a mountain bike. I finally got a road bike and haven't looked back since. I love it!
    Best wishes.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    A century sounds interesting. I have a Trek 7300 hybrid, and would need to get a road bike if I were to attempt a century ride. At best with a hybrid, I can manage 13-14 mph for 20 to 30 miles max.(in the rolling hills of PA). What type of bike do you recommend?
  • Road bikes are like running shoes. You need to be fitted. You have to go to a good bike shop and tell them what your after. Then you need to test drive several. For a descent bike plan on spending around $1200. I have a specialized and my husband has a cannondale. Best wishes.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks, Prayerfulmom for your prompt reply. Yes, thankfully there is a great bike shop nearby, staffed mostly by serious riders (road & mountain). I bought my bike last July and in 8 weeks I had over 800 miles on it, 95% road, 5% rail-trails. I am totally addicted to this thing! I live in an area of Northeast PA where there are many miles of paved backroads, rolling hills for interest, ideal for road work. Actually, I may encounter only a handful of cars during my rides. I'm looking forward to Spring!
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    You can get a decent bike for not that much money. I have a 2005 Trek 1000 road bike that has taken me over 5000 miles, several two day and one day long rides. It cost around 700 dollars if I remember correctly. It is still my primary bike, and while I would love a carbon framed model, this one should keep me on the road for a few more years yet.

    The only major change i did was replace the toe clips with a clipless pedal system after about a week of riding, and I have never looked back. Trek and Bontrager also provide great customer service. Last year I cracked the carbon seatpost that came with the bike, this is like a 150 dollar item. Bontrager replaced it free of charge, didn't even have to pay shipping.

    Anyway, yes, cycling is very addictive, and those events even more so, since you are bound to have a ton of fun while pedaling for a good cause...
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks, drewzaun! I will be looking into a road bike, hopefully this year. What kind of shoes are you using with the clipless pedals?
  • I bought my bike last July and in 8 weeks I had over 800 miles on it, 95% road, 5% rail-trails. I am totally addicted to this thing! I live in an area of Northeast PA where there are many miles of paved backroads, rolling hills for interest, ideal for road work. Actually, I may encounter only a handful of cars during my rides. I'm looking forward to Spring!

    :noway: Wow! That is great. I use to get in so much more when I commuted to work. But there were some murders on the route and my husband requested I no longer do that. Luckily he's taken up the love of cycling too. We get some good mileage in on the weekends but looking forward to the Spring as well. Longer days equal more miles:smile:
    Sounds like you have some great routes. Happy ridding!
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