amacd999 Member


  • I was on Wellbutrin in the past and it didn't make me gain anything but I had a lot of insomnia from it. I was off them for a few years and am now on Pristiq and so far no adverse side effects at all. No weight gain. If anything I am eating less now than before. I don't have as big an appetite - especially for anything…
  • I went from regular coke to diet coke and now to caffeine free diet coke. I have one glass after supper in the evening and my next step is to wean that back to every other day and so on till it is gone. I know how hard it is to break the cycle LOL - you should be proud of yourself!
  • Hey there! I've been MIA for a few weeks too but I am back. Was down 1 lb tonight at my weigh in. I am happy with that cause I wasn't expecting that. For me lately it's been just trying to deal with stuff and the stress that goes along with it. I tend not to eat when I get stressed and when I do it isn't cucumber slices if…
  • Down 1 this week for me. Lost what I gained last week. This has just been an awful week so far work wise so I am very glad tomorrow is my friday. 5 days off. Absolutely no plans but at least not at work. Sounds like several of you also had a good week..WTG! Alannah
  • Hey people! Well weigh in tonight wasn't good but it wasn't unexpected either. Up 1lb from last week. I had issues a few days and they caught up with me. This week I need to smarten up and stop giving in to myself. No one to blame but me. It would be nice once in awhile to be able to lay blame elsewhere but nope...all on…
  • Weigh in was tonight at TOPS and I was down 2 lbs. I am very happy with that. I still have some more adjustments to make but at least I am improving a bit on some habits. Congrats on everyone who has had a good week! Here's to hoping the next week is as good. I know I have set some mini goals for myself and one way or the…
  • I just re-joined TOPS this past Wednesday after being out of it for a couple of years due to work conflicts. I couldn't go when the meetings were. I actually used to be a leader at one time a few years ago in another province. I am looking forward to getting back into it again. I like the accountability and the friendships…
  • Wednesdays sound good to me. I'll be weighing in Wednesday evenings at TOPS starting here in a couple of weeks so I can post my updates after I get home. Poured like crazy here in NB today. Luckily when I had to go outside for work today I beat the major downpours and just got a little wet. I am currently at 232. I fully…
  • I am not entirely new here. Just been MIA for a few weeks. Kinda got in a funk and this time it was ever so hard to get out of it. But I am back and starting yet again tomorrow. I will be posting on a regular basis and tracking the cals every day. The heat this past week here in the East has been unbearable. Sept 1 we got…
  • Well no loss for me :(. I was up 1 this week. My fault entirely as I didn't have a good week for several reasons. However, trying this week to do better... Way too humid today for me to do anything outside. Thank goodness I can crank the AC here at work but the house will be an oven when I get home today. I have ACs there…
  • Hey everyone. I am still here. Its just been a long weekend. Food wasn't great but not all that bad either I guess. Just a struggle in general for a few days. Yesterday I was helping my ex-MIL move into her new place which also meant seeing my ex several times too. That in itself isn't bad as we are still friends but…
  • I am right there with you guys. Feel free to add me as well. I would love some extra support and I can give it as well. We all have a long journey but it all strts with one small step...this site is my step!
  • Hey guys - I am rather new to this site. been on about 2 weeks now. I would like to join in if thats ok? I just sent my info to get signed up. I don't have an elliptical or a treadmill but I'll do my best on the challenges you guys set out. I may not have thos ehtings but I live in the middle of a really steep hill so all…
  • Izzys_mom - we are neighbors basically. I am in NB. Close enough for me! I had an ok day today. Work was extremely slow so the afternoon just dragged by. I literally get to look all day at a box of chocolate bars we sell for charity in the office to customers. Luckily I don't have a bug sweet tooth or I'd have those…
  • Can any canuck take part here? LOL. I am in NB. I just joined this site last week so I am still getting to know my way around. Just happened to find this thread and it seemed right up my alley. I weigh in on Tuesdays at least for now so I just weighed in yesterday and was down 2 this week for a total of 29 since November.…
  • Just got a minute to stop in right now - I'll post more later. But weighed in this morning and down 2 lbs this week! I may change my ticker to show from the very beginning before I started here so that would make it 29 lbs in total. At least the day started well!
  • hey everyone. Happy Monday! It'll take me time to get to know people's names but I'll try. Today was an ok day. Typical Monday I guess. Work and then home. I guess I should introduce myself a little. I live in New Brunswick Canada and am single, no kids. All my kids have 4 legs LOL. A horse who will be 29 in less than 2…
  • Can someone new join in this group? I just started on this site last week and although I haven't been perfect, I've been better than I was so there is some improvement. I weigh in on Tuesday so I'll see then if I am down any. i love this site so far but am just starting to explore the message boards a bit. Anyway - hope…
  • My name is Alannah and I also know Lettie and Amy from that same other online site LOL! I am in much the same boat as they are. I have been struggling with my weight as long as I can remember and other than when I was born I think I was always a fat kid too. I don't have any kids - well none that have 2 legs anyway. I have…