200+ (Week 40) Sizzlin' Through Summer

akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
This is the last week of our 6-week Sizzlin' Through Summer challenge. It's time for our weekly check ins. Have them in by the end of the weekend.

Good luck everyone and let's make this a great last week! Put in that extra effort!

And let's start thinking of new challenge names for our next 6-week challenge.


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Hi guys. was just going to bump this but need some advice.... My nephew's baby died today, she was only 3 months old. She was born with some serious heart defects, but was doing well after the surgery, she had a heart attack this afternoon. My question is this: I am not sure about the rest of the country, or the world for that matter, but here in Louisiana, EVERYTHING revolves around food. Death and burials included. Even the weddings around here are considered bad if the food is not good! So, how does one go to family thing like this and tell all the family members "no thank you, I am on a diet."? So many aunts and uncles and grandparents get very upset if you don't eat what they have brought. and I am weak, all day today, already, it has been, sit and talk and eat, talk and eat talk and eat.... i blew my calories already today, I do not want to do it the rest of this week! BTW, I will be traveling from Louisiana to Mississippi for the duration of this week and will not even be home to at least eat well there! I will try to take the lap top with me and log in as often as possible.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Penny my condolences. That is heartbreaking. It would truly be hard tomsay no in a situation like that wouldn't it? Wow. I know I would have a hard time taking small portions too soooooo.......I guess try to avoid the food viscidity at all costs? I wish I had something else to give other than that.

    Food not the greatest today but I did spend about 25 minutes swimming laps in the pool. When you are super sore already swimming is quite the work out!! Tomorrow I'm gonna be so-ore.

    Tomorrow I will have to make time to do my square, crunches and bench press reps at home. We are going swimming after we eat dinner and are hoping our friends will come out to go to dinner with us and swim as well. Should be a good evening.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well...it's Friday. I managed to find the hospital and even managed to park in the teeny, tiny parking garage. A really nice German lady stopped us as we were going in saying that she was leaving and I could have her parking ticket (it was prepaid) and her spot. It was really nice of her, she saved me a Euro or 2. So I'm all hooked up to a portable monitor and can't shower until after I turn in the monitor tomorrow AM. Next, we're off to DH's detachment picnic (in the rain). My weigh in was disgruntling to say the least. My scale had been showing a 2 pound loss all week and now I'm exactly where I was at my weigh in last week. I'm thinking it's a PMS thing as TOM should start anytime now. Grrrr.

    Penny: I am so sorry for your loss. I don't think I'd think too much about food. I would listen to my body and eat what it needed but focus more on being there for the family. I don't know if that's possible for you or not (in my family - being Scottish- funerals revolve around alcohol more than food). I would say that you should focus on your emotions and not try to use food for comfort or to dull your emotions (that's MY thing, food = comfort). Anyways, I'm kinda rambling now so I hope you and your family get through this difficult time.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Penny - my heart is bleeding for your family. Give your family our condolences. As to food - try limiting portions to 1 tablespoon of the "bad" stuff. Maybe suggest your stomach is just too upset to eat anything else but promise to try it later. Find ways to sneak in more exercise - I have a friend who offers to play with the kids since running after them burned more cal. Good luck and let us know how it's going.

    On a positive note - I feel great today. I really brought it on the bike ride keeping it in 3-7 (hardest gear) for most of the ride. My biking buddy joined MFP yesterday. She causally asked so what gear are you in and replied me too - I want to burn every cal I can. She wants to lose 7 pounds.

    My check-in is good. I'm down another 1/2 pound to 182.75!!! Which officially puts me in the overweight BMI. I'm throwing a party with virtual, cal packed cheesecake!!!! Any takers??? I'm already drooling.

    Good luck to all on your weigh-in today. Where does the time go? It seems to be flying by.

    Amy - at least it's not a gain. Good luck with HR monitor. Have fun at the party..

    My timer just went off - that means I have to get ready for work. Catch you later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Penny: I'm so sorry. And it sucks that now on top of family and emotions to deal with, in the back of your head you will be worrying about offending people by not eating their food. I'm in NC so I understand the food mentality with family gatherings. I would suggest eating your own food and FILLING UP as much as you can before you go somewhere where they'll be serving food. Get a plate of everyone's food (or at least the ones who will be offended) and take a bite or two. Don't pile up on the stuff, but just enough so you can say you had a bite but are full. Or if someone forces more food on your plate, find a way to "lose" your plate. Set it down while talking to someone and "accidentally" walk away from it. If you need something to eat while talking, find something that takes a while to eat. I can wolf down a cup of mac and cheese, but put a cup of carrots in front of me and I will have to eat slowly cause those things take time to bite and chew.

    I'm weighing in at 219.6 :bigsmile: down .8 from last week. BAM!!
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Thanks to all of ya'll for the condolences and the great advice! We will be leaving tomorrow, it's an 8 hour drive from here.

    I was so excited to get on the scale this morning, and then so disappointed to see I was at 212! Ugh, after all that work! BUT I do believe TOM will be here this week, so I am going to blame it on that and keep on going!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Checkin in today at 183.0, -1.0 from last week. I'll take it! I'm a little (well, a lot bummed) I'm only down 3 pounds total for this challenge so far, but oh well. Hopefully this upcoming week will be another goodie!

    It's a running day. My alarm went off at 5:30, and i checked the weather and it was ALREADY 80 outside and threatening to rain again, so I made a judgement call and called off it for this morning, and I'll have to treadmill (ugh) it up this afternoon after work. I'll take it as an opportunity to work on some speed training. Will put at least 3.5 miles in distance, but probably won't run it all, as I'll do short spurts of greater speeds.

    AND, if you see my ticker I'm at the halfway mark to my goal!! *TWIRLS* Super excited about that though. I know I can keep at it.

    Penny- so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad several of the other ladies had some good advice for you. A maintain for the week isn't bad!

    Kendal- you are just dropping that weight like whoa! *high fives* This has been a FAB challenge for you. And under 220! EEE!

    Victoria- glad you're feeling better and that you got a good bike ride in this morning. Glad you're still enjoying the new bike! It's a great way to crosstrain. And a BIG CONGRATS to being under an obese BMI! That's HUGE! I can't wait until I get there (I've still got another 13ish pounds to go- UGH for being short). Will definitely join you in your cheesecake virtual party. Mmm!

    Amy- if you were showing a 2 pound loss all week, a maintain this morning is fine. Probably will show up in next week's loss, as the weight is gone I imagine, just sticking to you this morning (water weight or TOM probably).

    Lacey- nice job swimming through already being tired! Keep up the great work!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy freakin Friday! Thank God. This week has just draggggggged on and on and on. Next week will be another busy one. My boss is on vacation and I fill in for him plus my dauighter has swim lessons so yeah. Lots of OT and simple meals.

    I was up to 207 this week, I think a lbs gain. I'm not surprised though. Even though my work outs have been only 30-45 minutes and three times thus far this week, I am sore as all get out and I am sure I am retaining water. Plus I am having pre-tom symptoms (early too :mad:) and have eaten a ton of sugary things.
    BUT, and I hope I didn't mention this already, my swimsuit which I've worn for four years this summer, that has always been tight and made the fat on my outerhip bulge and roll down on my back (its a halter top style one) fits perfectly. The suit is flesh with my skin on the hips, my boobs aren't sticking out and its not rolling down on my back anymore!!!!! Too me that is a total win. I almost took a pic I was so happy.
    This is how it was when I first started MFP religiously in January too. I'd not see a move on the scale for weeks but clothes fit better and got loose and people could see a noticeable difference. For the past several weeks I've been losing my middle pregnancy fat, my colar bone is showing much more and my butt shelf (the extra fat on top of my butt - ha ha) is going away too. So its working and I will take it as a success for the week. I just need to keep at it.

    Penny - I like what Victoria said...saying that your stomach is just too upset to eat. People will get that. And spending time taking care of the younger kids will get you some exercise as well. Hang in there girl!

    VIctoria - I'm glad you are feeling back to normal and got a great bike ride in.

    Amy - "keep cool" lol...tomorrow that monitor will be off and you can get back to normal living. Enjoy what you can of the bbq.

    Kendal - woo hoo!!!!! Weight loss!

    Kristina - can't blame you for not wanting to run in that weather, y uck!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Day has been going well, though my stomach is a bit unsettled, which makes me a bit apprehensive of bopping up and down on the treadmill. Hrm. It might be a wash for the day, which sort of sucks, but it might be what I need. Tomorrow is my work walking group, and I might try to add some more cardio in- perhaps swimming? to compensate a bit for not doing anything today. Sunday is a 5-miler. Let's hope the weather holds out!

    It's been dumping on and off here. My car had started leaking rainwater, so the passenger footrest is getting soaked in the hard storms and of course I have no garage for my vehicle, so I'm REALLY hoping for decent weather this weekend, but it's not looking promising. Argh. One more thing I'll need to get fixed next week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh ladies - I'm doing the happy dance!!! My last client canceled so I'm home and done for the week. I put my running clothes on and intend to run in this 80 degree heat as soon as I catch up on posts. It feels great to feel great!!!!

    Kendal - TWIRLS!!! Out of the 220s - YEAH!!! Great job. Joey is such a turd - IMHO!!!! Have a great weekend...

    Kristina -car trouble sucks. I hope you get in a good workout whether swimming or running. Good luck on the 5-miler Sunday.

    TGIF!!! Just had to throw that in. I get "my girls" in the morning. A week of foo-fooing (hair), nails, fun, movies, and exercise. I have to drive to Saginaw (2 1/2 hours) to get them. I believe they are 10 and 13 - my best friends 2 oldest kids (she has 4 - EEEEKKKK)... These are the ones I'm grooming to take care of me when I get old - since I don't have any. I may not be on-line much the next week. They will have most of my free time.

    Lacey - that's the right attitude - clothes fitting better is more important than any scale number.

    Penny - If you haven't left yet, pack a cooler with fresh fruits and veges and some homemade sandwiches and hard boiled eggs. If you know eating will be bad when you get there, try to avoid the fast food restaurants on the way - it really helped on my 6 hour trip to Canada. And pack a light healthy breakfast or plan ahead to have your own there - eating at a hotel or someone's house can really blow all the cal for the day. In March I went birding and ate the free continental breakfast and about cr@pped my drawers when I realized it was 750 cal worth of food. I now take greek yogurt and top it with fresh fruit for about 200 cal. It makes the other meals not so bad. Good luck.

    Amy and Deb - have great weekends... Amber and Kim and Erin - Where are you???
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Just went swimming wi the fam for about an hour and a half. It was more fun than anything but I made sure to keep my legs moving the whole time. And did some water aerobic type movements when I could as well.

    So for the week: twice to the gym and twice swimming. Tomorrow I will do my squats challenge, sit ups, lunges and chest lifts at home and maybe some yoga if I can get Jeff to take Gracie to the park for a while. Or maybe some wii boxing or something. Eating hasn't been stellar and I'm still having a hard time logging everything but at least I'm working my way back to exercising.

    I am sure we might get to the pool once more this weekend too. Its soooooo nice to have a pool out here finally. It's maybe a mile and a half away. So so nice.

    Well I'm beat tonight. I'm gonna drink a glass of wine and hit the sack.

    Happy friday!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I posted it on my thread last night but not here....I was 1090 cals over yesterday. Ate CRAP but it was good. It said if I ate like that everyday for the next 5 weeks, I'd gain 3 pounds. Yet I somehow lost .6 lb from yesterday. Maybe this drastic zig zagging of my cals and exercise is helping keep my body guessing. Its not intentional but I'll take it :bigsmile:

    I'm going swimming today. Hopefully that'll help keep my cals in check today

    have a good weekend yall!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I didn't get to day three of my squats challenge but i cleaned the house, spot cleaned the carpet in the living room and moved the furniture around in the living room by the tim I was done I was dripping sweat so I figure I burned a decent amount of cals doing that. Tomorrow I'll do the work out with the squats and weed the Garden again.

    We went to Jeffs work dinner. Pretty boring but the food was pretty good considereing and you have to be thankful that they put on anything at all in the economy right now.

    I woke up cranky as all get out this morning and and just as tired as can be. I must definitely have pretom symptoms. Bleh. I can feel the bloat coming.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh ladies - i'm exhausted. I got the girls yesterday and we made the 2.5 hour ride home last 5 hours by shopping and playing in the park. It's going to be a challenging week. Today is yardwork, playing in the hot tub and maybe a canoe ride at moms plus walking the dog - they begged so the pooch stayed the night. I found it hard to log with the girls here since I wanted to give them attention. Not sure what I'll do as the week goes on. I'll try to keep in touch. We are trying to limit TV and computer time to up their creative juices. It was nice to see them playing with our pets last night. Well, I'm off to get my 4 mile run in before they wake up...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm around. I haven't done too much this weekend as I've felt not too great. I'm not sleeping real well either. Last night, DH & I stayed up till after midnight watching a movie and then I could not get to sleep until 5 AM. Seriously, the sun was beginning to come in my window when I finally fell asleep. We'll see if I feel up to some exercise this afternoon. I have to get up early Monday to go to the lab for bloodwork. Other than that, I'm here...moseying along.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone's weekend is going well.

    Yesterday I didn't do much. Went to my work walking group, but as it was raining and threatening to do so, I didn't walk there, so the total distance was shorter than normal. It was so ungodly humid out, I just went home afterwards, after initially flirting with the idea of going to the rec center. I was so gross afterwards. So, not a heavy cardio day for me. Ate pizza (ugh), which was delightfully tasty, but wasn't horribly over my calories. Went to see a movie with some friends. Was going to see Inception, which I've been jonesing to see, but it was sold out (as my friends rolled in just before it was set to begin- dudes, get there early!), so we saw Salt instead. Entertaining, but nothing spectacular. Wouldn't have been one I'd paid to see in the theatre, but it's not like I would have spent my evening doing anything else exciting.

    Set my alarm for early this morning to run, but it was raining at that point and I was tired, so decided I would sleep in and figure it out when I got up. I got up a little before 9, so not very late, and it had stopped raining and was surprisingly still "cool" out, so did my long run. 5.25 miles! Yes! Right on par with my longest run before (which had been a while). I am getting stronger though, cause I remember the last time I ran 5+ miles, I thought I was going to die. This was only semi-painful. It was just over a 13min/mile pace average, which I'll take. Would like to continue to get faster. This upcoming week is the same training schedule as this week. 2 shorter 3.5 milers, and 1 5-miler.

    Had thought about going swimming tonight again, but I don't know about that. Last week it felt great, except that I was DEAD Monday morning and just couldn't function and skipped my Tuesday run, so I think I might pass on it. We'll see.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cranky again this morning. Highly annoying to myself and my family. Sheesh.

    I'm watching Indian food shows on cooking tv and the husb and child are separating light Brits pegs lol. I need more coffee.

    Plan on making pancetta wrapped shrimp tacos tonight for dinner, and I need to make meatloaf minestrone, eggplant polenta stacks, savoy cabbage parcels for dinners this week. Since were having the tacos for dinner I will hsve to make sure I eat a salad for lunch to keep the cals low.

    Jeff and I have been talking about not eating meat or dairy in September. Vegetarian food. Our garden should be in I'll swing by then and it would give me enough time to get a recipe list together since need a months worth. I like to have a plan when we do things like this to make it as easy as possible, especially since I need to make sure we get enough protein, etc.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I love kids!!! I'm having such a great time. Got my run in before they got up this morning. After breakfast, we "cooked"... I organized it and let them chop and mix food for the meals they picked yesterday on the car ride up... All Crockpot meals (Thank goodness!!!)... We are having corn chowder stew and Hobo stew for dinner. It should be ready soon. We made portabella mushroom mini sandwiches for lunch - yummy - with corn on the cob!!! Then yard work galore. They are now playing in the hot tub - it's been an hour and they are still going strong... The cats are finally adjusting to them (Whew- wipes sweat away)... They love playing in my yard - they live in a city and have a small yard so my 3.5 acres is great. They went exploring the woods earlier - oh their stories are funny. I've made juice twice - peach and then grape/apple. They are amazed to have healthy juice. I had them make me peanut butter earlier - yeah I have lots now since each kid had to make some. It's just grinding peanuts until smooth... Last night the older girl wanted a "sweet snack" and took Greek yogurt and added jelly and then still needed "sugar". After watching her put 2 tablespoons on, I told her that each tablespoon had 100 cal and you have to walk a mile to get burn a 100 cal (so I may have exaggerated!!!) Needless to say for breakfast, they both proudly announced "we didn't put any sugar on it" in reference to their cereal. I may rub off on them yet!!!

    My friends 6 year old son cried yesterday that he couldn't come with me. I told him that when he turns 10 he will be allowed to spend time with us. If this keeps going so well, DH has agreed we can have the girls 2 weeks next year. YEAH!!!!
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone. I am still here. Its just been a long weekend. Food wasn't great but not all that bad either I guess. Just a struggle in general for a few days.

    Yesterday I was helping my ex-MIL move into her new place which also meant seeing my ex several times too. That in itself isn't bad as we are still friends but seeing the GF is a different thing as she USED to be a friend of mine but now needless to say is not. So I tried to not have to deal with her as much as possible. I wasn't about to abandon my MIL either as she has been more a mom to me in the last 20 years than my own mother ever has been so I sucked it up and put a smile on my face whenever they were around LOL.

    Today just stayed home and got caught up on some housework. The dog just left (shared custody - she goes back to ex's house on sunday sometime) so now I have to vacuum up from her. Other than that just taking it easy tonight before back at work tomorrow. At least this coming weekend is a long weekend. I'll gladly take that thrid day!

    Goal this week is walk EVERY day. I get some walking in at work most days but I am setting a goal of coming home, grabbing the MP3 and heading out the door for at least 30 mins.

    Guess thats it for now. Check in later. Hope everyone had a good wkend!

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