200+ (Week 40) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My heart is fine. (I already knew this but the cardiologist confirmed it) He took a medical history and then told me my holter test was and EKG was normal. Then he did an electrocardiogram (again...normal). The weird part of the whole thing is the German way of handling nudity. In the states, when you have to undress for a test, they give you a little gown or sheet or something and leave the room while you dress & undress. None of that happens here. The two doctors (both male) stayed in the room while I took off my shirt & bra (along with my 7 year old son who turned his back & played his DS the whole time) and everything pretty much hung out as the doctor did the electrocardiogram. When it was over, the doctor was talking to me as I got dressed (and that felt really weird). It was really no big deal but it definitely highlighted the cultural differences. Anyways, he said he doesn't know what is causing my dizziness but that it isn't related to my circulatory system. It's good to know my heart is ok but it kind of sends me back to square one as I have been having bouts of dizziness since last week (nothing close to passing out though).

    I took my dog & son out for a walk in the cornfields this morning. We just kind of meandered but it was nice (until it started raining) and it got the blood pumping. Then we roasted butternut squash to make faux pumpkin pie smoothies. I haven't been exercising like normal but I am trying to walk the line between healthy movement and not killing myself (what with the undiagnosed dizziness). I've been eating well this week (despite only tracking it off & on - I know...lazy) and the scale has me down at 223 (I hope it sticks for the weigh in on Friday so I can actually report a loss). So I'm just doing what I'm doing and refuse to stress out or feel guilt about anything.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I am so sorry super Pals...I am just now finding you and it is Wednesday...please forgive me...I've just been super busy with family and friends and no computer time with all the kids around hogging it!

    I have been sticking wsith insanity, in my forth week now and I tell you , I do feel a lot stronger, the workouts aren't easy...but I am able to complete more and more....a little pat on my back to share, My daughter had a friend over yesterday...I got up early and was doing insanity....well this gal became very interested, she's an athlete, plays volleyball, basketball and track and she wanted to try one...so I suggested she try the fit test.....

    I put it in and she asked me to help her through, so I counted for her and wrote everything down.....there are a series of 8 exercises that you do for a mintue each, warm-up, cool down,,,etc

    Well her very first exercsie she just blew my first tests numbers away....and I felt very old:wink: .......but the next exercise, she was just a few away from what I completed, then the next...the exact same as I completed....the last 5....I had completed more than her in all of them......I kept encouraging her and it was just kicking her butt.....(a tiny bit of me was relieved):blushing:
    then later I over heard her tell my daughter that I was a beast and that I kicked her butt that morning...she said she heard me working out and I was really bringing it.....it just made me feel good that I was able to complete as much as this 17 year old very active teenager was doing.....it's the little vain things with me...there I said it and now you all know how I am...:laugh: :laugh:
    sorry pals I have to take my son to the doctors for an x-ray this morning....I'll try hard as I can to catch up...hope your all doing well!! Hugs
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks for the whip cracking. I had already decided last night that I am going to be good for at least the rest of the week. The Chinese and then Japanese food this weekend has torn up my stomach. I have had some of the WORST smelling farts EVER. It seriously is BAD, and not in a funny way. (although it is funny that I have an outlet where I can post about my gas problem online and its not too weird lol). I also satisfied my random bbq craving last week and I got past Snack Day yesterday so I shouldn't have any excuse not to eat better for the next little bit of time. I am still up to 220.4 this morning, which is where I was yesterday. Hopefully I can pull it back down soon.

    Amy- glad its not your heart, but it sucks that now you aren't sure whats causing the dizziness. Its weird that in Germany they don't think that it might be awkward to not have a female nurse/dr in the room while another female is getting undressed. When I was 15 I had breast reduction surgery and I remember after the surgery, they asked me to crawl from the rolling bed into the bed in my room. I was so doped up I didn't care that the back portion of my gown was wide open and my butt was showing. I figured they were all medical people and had seen a$$e$ anyway, but one of the female nurses held it closed for me.

    Lacey- sorry that pretom is being so mean this month. just keep logging everything

    Kristina- thats great that the leak was covered under a recall. who doesn't like free repairs? I wish I lived close enough to anything that I could walk to it. I will have to take that into consideration when the house sells and I look for an apartment of my own.

    Victoria- its so nice of you to take your friend's kids for a week. I'm sure its like a wonderful vacation for them. Sorry they turned the heat down on the hot tub lol...kids are funny how they *think* they know everything (I, of course, was NOT one of those kids....I did in fact know everything :laugh: )

    I haven't been on vacation all year. I have a week of pto planned at the end of august. I'll probably change that to only take 3 days so I can save some time off but I think I wanna go camping somewhere. I have a huge tent right now that I'm thinking of putting up on craigslist and then I could get a decent little tent for me and lexi. Yup, I think thats what I'm going to do. I need to start looking for places to go camping. And maybe see if Taylor can go with me (he's the good guy :wink: ). I really doubt he can cause of work, but maybe if I'm close enough he can come spend a day with me. Man....I'm really starting to get kinda excited about it
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Feeling MUCH better today! Thank all the Gods to that!! Yeay!

    VERY busy at work today. Also good because it keeps me thinking about everything other than food.

    I decided that I am going to make the push to do a vegetarian month starting in the middle of August. Now I really need to find recipes to use. I am concerned about the lasting effects of soy on people, especially hormones, so I want to make sure I limit the amount of tofu and tempeh I use.

    Amy -glad to hear your docs came back with nothing wrong. I've never been anywhere in Europe, but from the way my European customers are so very free with themselves when we are together, it does not surprise me that the two male doctors acted like it was no big deal to be in the room with you. I often think America is pretty constrained, but then people here are so sue happy over any little thing, so I guess I get it a little bit.

    Victoria - kids have no sense of how the word temperature really relates to the physical sense of reality. LOL. Kids can be quite funny. Two nights I ago as we were eating dinner I said "this foods is the bomb!" and my daughter says deadpan straight "I don't like bombs" and we cracked up!

    Kendal - Camping is good fun!

    Deb - wow you are a busy busy lady!! And that is awesome that you did better than a 17 year old active girl on the fitness test! woohoo!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just checking in briefly.

    Today has been interesting, I suppose. I planned to stay home this morning for deck repair part 2, and the guy showed up, but turned out the stain wasn't the right consistency, AND it was going to rain later in this afternoon, so he packed up and left. Will be back Friday morning, ANOTHER morning I'll need to be away from the office. Argh. On the car front, they wanted to air it out overnight, as the padding was still damp underneath, so I walked this morning to pick it up. 3 mile power walk down! It was a bit warmer than I wanted it to be, but oh well. Plan is still to hit up the rec center after work.

    They couldn't replicate the water leakage when they threw a bunch of water on it, so after they fixed the sunroof drainage recall, they hope it's fixed. It's supposed to rain again today, so I'll find out soon enough! But they cleaned and vacuumed, which was pretty sweet- now my car's interior is half-clean and half-dirty. haha. Let's hope it's all fixed.

    Hope everyone's doing okay :) This week is just blowing by!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I bet I missed the best night of the week to go walking outside. I lost track of time when I got home from work and before I knew it, it was 7pm and I had to run out and get gas and run by walmart. Now its 8:20 and too dark to go out. Oh well. I was over my cals by 87 today, so I wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I swear I'm trying to do better!

    While I was at walmart I made myself a photo wish list of the things I want or might need to go camping. I sent Joey a text asking if he took the air pump but he hasn't responded. One of the last things I told him was that I didn't want to hear from him unless it was about the house or the money he owes me so he might be a smarta$$ and do the whole "you told me not to talk to you" crap. Dude....shared personal possessions and the divorce obviously need to be dealt with. Its not crazy important at the moment, so I'll let it go for now. It might be that he hasn't gotten the text yet (yeah right, he would sleep with his cell phone on him if he could).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well Kendal at least if he doesn't reply you don't have to deal with him and air pumps are relatively cheap. Lol. Divorces aren't fun. Been there done that. I don't know how much they cost if you just file the pspeerwork yourselves where you live but here in Oregon it only costs about $160 to do it

    Glad tomorrow is Thursday! Feeling better-er even yet.

    Hojpe everyone has a lovely evening.
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    Hey guys! Back from the trip to Mississippi. I left with bitter sweet memories, getting to spend time with my Nanny (Godmother/aunt) rocks, i don't see her often enough! But going for a funeral for a 20 day old baby was so not good. She was beautiful, and looked peaceful, the parents were torn up, as to be expected. We stayed one extra day, so we could spend time with Nanny before leaving. She took us shopping in downtown Ocean Springs, and we had a blast walking thru all of those stores! We walked for 6 hours! It was a very slow, shopping pace, but it was great, and we had fun! I have no idea how bad my calories were, didn't track them like i do at home, but I don't think I over did it by too much. I ate, but not like I thought I would. So proud of myself for that! I did manage to stick to my coffee and water only for drinks, that really makes a big difference! But I know I over did it with the coffee, I have started having only 2 small cups at home, and I know I drank at least 6 everyday I was gone. Will probably have a caffine headache tomorrow morning.

    Amy, I am dealing with the same issues here. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with my heart either, but is going to send me for one more test soon, some kind of special stress test. I did the box on the chest for 24 hours and all the other tests you took too. Let me know if they find out why you are dizzy, may be I can point them in the right direction! I will do the same for you!

    You guys have a wonderful night! I am headed to bed!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all. I am trying to regain my focus. I haven't been logging my food this week (but I haven't actually eaten anything crazy either) and the exercise has been pretty pathetic. I just feel kind of "blah". I'm hoping that the blah feeling lifts soon.

    Penny: I'm glad you got to spend time with family but the circumstances really were terrible. I don't envy your caffeine withdrawal headache - I hope it isn't too bad. If I gain any insight on the dizziness, I'll let you know.

    Kendal: I love camping. I haven't been in a while (I think the last time we went camping was actually a few years ago at Yosemite). I hope you have fun.

    Kristina: You've gone through a lot with your car lately. I hope that all gets taken care of. I am having similar problems with the contractors here who are supposed to be repaving my driveway and painting my balcony. It has been raining off & on all week and we haven't seen hide nor hair of them all week. We also have dirt & paving stones spread all over our front yard from where they dug up everything last week and haven't been back.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- Joey is totes douchey mcdouche douche.

    Penny- glad your trip went okay, and you had some good times, despite of the reason for having to go.

    Amy- get back in the zone! maybe our new challenge beginning can be seen as a fresh start. get that logging and calorie burning going!!

    Yesterday hit up the gym for 50 min on the bike, so it was a good day in terms of working out for me. Eating wasn't horrid, but not fantastic. I had a workout!fail this morning. Got up at 5:30 to do my 3.5 mile run, but my stomach was bothering me as soon as I woke up. I still got out the door anyways. But bopping up and down was just not going well, so not far into the run, I turned back. I felt like a big ol' failure, even though, I know it was for a logical reason. So I only ran about 1.1 miles. Meh. I'm going to need to do something else this evening. Unfortunately, I have to stay late today for a 5:30 appointment, which hopefully won't go too long. So, it'll be another date with the gym or maybe I can do some more jogging this evening. I think it's supposed to be around 79ish or so when I get home- warm but under my cut off of 80 (barely), so if it's not unreasonable out, I might try and knockout a 2.5 mile run, to total my 3.5, even though it was broken up today. If I'm overacheiving, I'll try and do the full 3.5 miler. If I go to the gym, elliptical it is for max calorie burnage.

    I'm bummed about my minimal weight loss this challenge, but I'm trying to focus on how my clothes continue to fit better. Just over the past week or so I've really noticed again. That tends to be the pattern: I see the weight on the scale going down, but it's slow so I can't really tell that much in how I look, and then BAM, it's like hey, I've totes lost weight.

    Hope everyone gets a good last chance workout in today and eats well for our final weigh-in for this challenge. I'll start a new thread this evening.

    Again, any thoughts for the challenge name? My only thought so far was "Getting Fit for Fall."
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- lol I think you and I would be total bffs if we lived close enough. I used to call my neighbor Anal McAnal-ton cause he was so picky about his yard. Your Douchey McDouche Douche is so funny!

    I'm finally back down to 219.6 today. Not my lowest but its taking some time to get back to normal. Not sure what my plans will be for the weekend.

    I can't decide whether or not to sell my big 9 person tent. Its NICE, but kind of excessive for one person. At the same time though, I need a tent big enough for me and Lexi and I want it to be tall enough so I can stand up straight in it and most of those kinds of tents are pretty expensive. Well, not EXPENSIVE but they are just about as big as my current tent so it wouldn't really be worth the hassle . Plus, it might be nice to keep this tent for my future family....ya know? AAANND that way I can invite other people to go camping with me and we can have our own space. (My tent has a little flappy thing you can hang in the middle to make two separate rooms) I love my tent. It also has a screened "porch" type area attached to it. Ok, I've convinced myself to keep it. Who cares if other people judge me or laugh at me for being the girl with huge tent?? haha
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    hey you know what? I remembered how to make things BOLD! Isn't it cool?

    {b} before the words and {/b} where you want it to stop but change the {} for [ ] brackets

    use an "i" instead of "b" to italicize it and a "u" to underline it
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I like your "getting fit for fall" name!!!

    I think the one girl is PMSing since she's whining on our bike ride trip. Right now we're stopped and they are playing on Lake Huron. She has walked the bike over 1/2 the time. (sighs).

    I need to take more pictures. It is beautiful here. I'm off to play in the sand.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    Just had to try it
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    uh oh...didn't work for me....I must of missed something....:laugh:

    KENDAL [b/]
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    well..half right that time....

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    woo-hoo, only took the old lady 3 trys.......
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member

    HHmmm, will this work
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    keep on tryin' ladies! underline works!
    italics fails!
    bold fails

    eta: i had to edit this mofo like 5 times. haha. will start new thread after sytycd results :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    lets see if I can explain this again :smile:

    {b} but change the { } to the square [ ] brackets......then use {/b} to end it (and again change the { } to [ ]

    [b.] BOLD [/b.]
    [i.] italics [/i.]
    [u.] underline [/u.]

    but take out the periods in all the brackets