200+ (Week 40) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, it's Monday again. I did my C25K this morning and plan on getting right back into Insanity tonight. My scale has gone back to being nice to me despite not getting exercise in over the weekend and not tracking food (I was basically eating well - I just wasn't tracking it) so I hope that continues through the week.

    Alannah: It's so nice of you to help your ex-MIL. Stinks that it put you in a position to have to see your ex & his GF but it sounds like you handled the situation well.

    Victoria: It sounds like you are having a blast with the kiddos!

    Lacey: Sorry about the grumpiness - hope it subsides. Having a garden would definitely make going meatless easier.

    Kristina: Good to know that Salt was ok - I was considering that movie along with Inception (which I have heard nothing but good things about). Guess I know what I'm gonna see if'n I ever get to the movies.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- nice job knocking out c25k this morning! you're just moving along with it!

    Alannah- good luck with walking!!

    Victoria- sounds like you're having a great time with the kids. That's fantastic!

    Hope everyone's Monday is going okay. Nothing major going on for me at this point. Will probably spend half the day at the clinic and half the day back over at the VA, which I haven't been to in a while, so it's time. Today's a strengthen and stretch day on the agenda. WIll do some weights, but I'd really like to swim. I'm just worried if I do so, I'm not going to be willing to get up early tomorrow and do my run, so I probably won't. Maybe I'll do a dvd instead. We'll see.

    Yesterday went to a friend's place for her birthday and had the most amazing cake. I can't imagine how horrible it was for me, but was totally worth it. Marble layer cake with a peanut butter creme filling with butter creme frosting. I'm drooling reminiscing about about. haha.

    Will check back in later :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :embarassed: I had Chinese and Japanese this weekend. Mr Scale made sure I knew it this morning. I'm up 2 pounds. Hopefully most of it is sodium and I can drink it off today/tomorrow.

    I am so sleepy!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    This morning went well but it takes much more time to get out the door with kids in the house. Questions, sit down breakfast, passing out meds, etc. I'll be more prepared tomorrow. I was gone 5 min when they called - my heart almost stopped thinking what could go wrong in 5 min??? The 10 year old answered the phone and called to pass on a message about a client cancelling - well she tried - thank goodness for caller ID. She only knew "Chris" called to cancel. I had her look the number up that called and pieced it together (*sighs*). You moms are AWESOME for doing it all.

    My goal is to get 8 servings of fruits and veges in them a day. I managed to get them each to eat a bowl of fruit before their ceral this morning. Mom is taking them to an outdoor waterpark today. I think they'll sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is tubing on a local river - I can't wait!!!

    My break is over. Have a great Monday.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. Monday. Hmmmm.... I woke up in a good mood which is an improvement but I can feel that edge is still there. It is a "stay in the office as much as possible" day to make sure I don't get crankified on any poor person that looks at me the wrong way today. Yeesh. This is ridiculous. Its like I can't even help myself. And then I feel all guilty because I know I am so cranky I don't want to get mad at my daughter for something small so I put her off on dad. gaaa!!
    Here is to making today a better day!

    B: smoothie
    L: butter chicken with half a pita flatbread, hummus, israeli couscous and veggies
    D: grilled cheese with lavendar cheddar and homemade meatloaf minestrone soup
    Snacks; hard boiled egg and yogurt if need be

    It really helps me to write out what I plan to eat. So there you go, lol.

    Kendal - yum japanese food! Did you have sushi? I could eat it every day. I like a bit of chinese but the msg in it makes my stomach burn almost instantly.

    Kristina - that cake sounds like heaven! Enjoy a peaceful day.

    Amy - take it easy girl! Don't overdo it if you've potentially got some medical issues going on. When will you hear back from the doc?

    Victoria - I honestly don't know how people with multiple kids do it. I could not. Flat out. Could not do it. I give "mad props" to parents with more than one. Sounds like they are great kids and you guys will have a blast!

    Alannah - that is a realistic very doable goal. Good job!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had one measly little cupcake today and it blew 240 cals! UGH! and tomorrow is snack day! DOUBLE UGH! Thankfully zumba is tomorrow night but with the heat and such, I'm going to have to go to the gym tonight. Theres just no way around it .....unless I take lexi for a walk. lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal I just remembered I had these double stack peanut butter cookie things from Trader Joes in the freezer and promptly gobbled one down to the tune of 200 cals. Like five bits tops. Sigh...

    I'm just low energy and blah. I don't want to go to the gym but now I have to to get back into cal range. Bleh bleh and blah.

    Good job for going to work out though. Yeay!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, I hear back from the cardiologist about the results of my holter test. I've been feeling mostly ok. I haven't gotten faint or anything but I have had headaches and tingling in my hands which leads me to believe that the bulging disk in my neck is the problem and not my heart (lesser of 2 evils, I guess). Anyways, I have been stretching and getting massages to help the neck and I'm not really thinking the cardiologist will have a lot to say to me. But, I'll let you know what's what. DH was in a class later than usual last night, so we didn't do our Insanity workout (I wasn't bummed about it though - I curled up in my bed and read while the rain came down). I have also been focusing on using proper posture (especially when seated as I KNOW I hunch at the computer).

    I have also been feigning for Chinese food. I am making an Asian pasta salad for dinner to get rid of the craving. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    GOOD Morning Super Pals!!! My week is going great. Mom had the girls out until 9 last night which gave me time to get the back yard mowed. My new hot tub covers came in - they are light as feathers compared to the cement blocks that were on it. Hot tubs are not cheap - new covers are needed every 4 years. Some how they get "water logged" and become super heavy.

    I'm not logging cal this week but am making good food choices. My whole body feels thinner and fatigued in a good way. These girls are keeping me active. I have the afternoon off and we're going tubing on a local river. Then maybe canoeing at moms or seining at the waterfall (a whopping 4 foot drop but it's the biggesst one in lower Michigan and only 5 miles from my house). Then a soak in the hot tub. Can you say kids love water. It's supposed to get to 87 today so I guess that's good.

    I need to get my tush up and run - today is a short 2 miles but 6 for Thurs and 7 for the weekend. Sighs - the price of reaching your dreams - no morning sleep. Who am I kidding, I'm up before the alarm anyway.

    Have a great Tues!!!

    Kendal - no more cupcakes. Be good for snack day.

    Lacey - take off the grumpy pants and put them in the gabage. Pull out a smile for today.

    Amy - take it easy. I hope all goes well

    Kristina - good luck with your run. Hope you have an easy day.

    Deb - enjoy that pool.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I did not sleep well last night. I know it stormed, but storms never wake me up. I think I was stressed that I was going to oversleep. And guess who kinda overslept? (only by about 10 minutes though) Its all dark and rainy today so that does not make it any easier to fight the sleepy feeling.

    And yeah, its snack day. I went to the store last night to get chips and dip for today and ended up eating them at home. :embarassed: I think its pre-tom issues. I had an unopened container of Pringles at my desk so I donated those instead. But so far I'm being good and ate my cereal and yogurt like normal. Its going to be a struggle to resist the cake and cookies and cheesy poofs all day long though. Its zumba day so as long as I log everything, I should be ok.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oh yeah! I went to the gym last night and ellipticalled for 40 minutes. And then I got a piece of fuzz on my contact and had to leave (eye drops were in the car). Has anyone tried reading a book on one of those? I'm so bored on that thing now but not sure I would really be able to read with all that bouncing.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    and I'm going to post another random post here so I'm not stuck at 666 posts

  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey girls! I have been hanging around, but not very committed. I am doing well the least 2 weeks. What I have noticed is I start to bloat the week before TOM & it does not go away until a week after. So I have 2 weeks of bloating. Oye!

    Anyway, I am working on getting back on track, got all my snacks here at my desk and at home. I am holding steady at 41lbs lost though. I want to lose another 4lbs by labor day. I think I can do it.

    update: Oops...I have actually lost .8lbs in the last week. So, that makes it TL: 42lbs
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- glad you're having a great time with the kids and that you're being so active! Way to go! Sounds like you're burning up some serious calories this week! Keep at it! Great job on the short run this morning!

    Amy- keep us updated on the results!!

    Kendal- way to go with the exercise! I can't read on an elliptical... at least not a book. I can sometimes do a magazine. Too much bouncing up and down. The only machine I can read a book on is the bike. You can always listen to books like I know Victoria does. I'm a podcast fiend that I'm always behind on and they make the time go by pretty quickly. Hope Zumba goes well tonight and you're able to refrain yourself from the worst of snack day.

    Lacey- I'm sorry to hear that you've been so blah and low energy. Going to the gym could actually increase it. Plus, sounds like you've been having some food issues this week. I know when I'm not eating very healthy or eating really sugary or carby stuff, I get grumpypants and lower in energy. Especially if it's beena few days since I've been active- I feel my mood slipping. Get out there and moving!!

    Yesterday was not the best eating day for me. Started off well and then I sort of devolved as the day went on. Had the leftover piece of cake from my friend's birthday party and THEN ate ice cream. *facepalm* Luckily it was a yogurt blend from Edy's, so it wasn't as damaging as it could have been. But I also ate popcorn. Ugh- it doesn't matter how well I follow my exercise plan if I sabotage myself like that. Food is really where the weight loss comes in and this is the last week of our challenge, so I need to get it together.

    Oh, I went to my old office yesterday and had several compliments on how great I looked, which always makes me feel pretty amazing. Plus, sometimes it's hard for me to notice how much I've lost because it's coming off slowly. But I bought a cute black dress from Target (on sale!), which is a bit snug, but not horribly so. I think if I wore a cardigan with it, it wouldn't even be noticeable, or if I broke out my Spanx, which by the way, are no longer very snug on me. That's when you know you've lost weight- when you have to downsize your Spanx size. haha. Anyways, sometimes I like to take pictures of me in new outfits to see how they look, and it doesn't look half bad, PLUS where I can really tell is my face, which has thinned out considerably, which I very much appreciate, as it was an area I was getting pretty self-conscious about with my multiple chins. I'm not thinking I'll lose much weight this challenge, but my clothes are continuing to fit better, so perhaps I'm at least losing inches!!

    Today should be okay. Had an 8am meeting this morning. Did my 3.6 mile run this morning in decent time and felt pretty good during it. Glad to have exercise out of the way now. Eating should be okay today if I can keep my trap shut when I get home. No more of the ice cream this week, even though it's available. I want to see how much I can lose in this last week. Am tempted to go swimming tonight, as exercise won't be until after work tomorrow (Cross training), and I'm usually okay by then, but on Tues/Thur, their lap swim times aren't until 9. UGH. That's too late for me, so I don't think it'll happen. Bummer.

    I MIGHT get some more walking in today though, because I might have to walk to my dealor after my car is finished being fixed. It was leaking rain water into it (can't remember if I told y'all), so brought it in this morning and luckily they think it's part of a sunroof drainage recall, so I shouldn't have to pay much if anything, but it's going to take several hours as they need to remove one of the car seats and who knows what else. So i got dropped off at work, and I don't know if I'll be able to get picked up and brought back to the dealor, but it's just 2 miles from my office, so I might first walk home, drop off my excess crap, grab my sneakers, and walk to the dealor. I'm actually sort of leaning towards that as long as it's at a good time of the day for me to do so.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Let's power through this last week. Any thoughts on the name for our next challenge? It'll be July 30-Sept 10. Getting Fit for Fall?

    Can you believe next challenge is our second to last before hitting the one year mark for some of us?? How time flies!

    ETA: holy essay length comment batman!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hey ya'll. it's like i can't keep up this past month. :brokenheart: now i can't really exercise b/c i have abcesses (they are like large boils) under my arms... :cry: this is startin 2 suck. :sad: i haven't been eating that well at nite 4 the last month & i haven't been exercisin at all. this evenin i'm gonna join my softball team as a substitute (which means i may or may not play) & it'll b the only exercise that i'll have had in a month. the abcess under my right arm is the 1 that is killin me right now. so i'm wonderin if i'll b able 2 even swing a bat or run :frown:

    i'm goin 2 the dr this wk 2 c if i can get them drained. the appt is 4 friday but i may go 2morrow nite if i can't take the pain no more then i won't b exercisin 4 a while again <sigh>

    but this wk i'm gonna get my eatin in order at least. then later when i'm feelin better i'll get 2 workin out again. so i'll b MIA 4 a while :grumble:

    i haven't been losin any weight this whole time also but that was 2 b expected. i've been yo-yo between 229 and 232. but hopefully that will change. :flowerforyou:

    It looks like every1 is doin a pretty good job! keep up the good work!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    we've been so quiet lately. seems that everyone is busy. I pigged out at work today. I seriously ate my entire day's worth of cals already and I'm HUNGRY. But I only have 240 cals for tonight so I'm definitely going to go over today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I survived the day (wipes sweat from head)... I saw 3 clients, cooked quesadillas and made salad for lunch, went tubing, blueberry picking, and then drove an hour in the woods looking for wildlife. Dinner was mini hamburgs with corn on the cob. I just sat down. The girls and DH are out cleaning the hot tub filters so we can go in. It may be my guilt but feel we have to pack lots into each day. Mom is taking them tomorrow. Thurs is biking and seeing Eclipse (drools)... We've been listening to Breaking Dawn when on car trips and cleaning. I've already packed tomorrow's lunch - I work 10 hours.

    Whip crack at Kendal and Lacey!!! Get that eating on track.

    Mish and Goo nice to hear from you.

    I'm like Kristina - the scale may not have moved much but my clothes are loser!!! Several people keep telling me that I'm smaller everytime I see them. They are calling - HOT TUB time!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ended up not doing my second walk for the day after I got a call from the car dealer. They did the recall fix on my car and kept throwing water on it and couldn't find a leak, so hopefully it's fixed now. Unfortunately, the padding below the rug was still pretty damp and they asked if they could keep it overnight to let it dry out better, which I was okay with.

    So tomorrow, deck guy is coming to finish up staining the new railings and then hopefully the car will be ready to go, the weather will cooperate, and i'll walk to the dealer to pick it up before heading in to work later in the day. Will still then go to the rec center or do some other more calorie burning. Could use the 3 mile walk + something a bit more strenuous.

    At least my eating was somewhat more under control today. Able to stay away from the ice cream. The popcorn? Not so much. I might have to throw the box away or something, cause I appear to not be able to control myself.

    Will check in tomorrow :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah - life with kids has it's ups and downs. I showed da girls how to turn the tub temp up the other day. They were too warm the last time they used it so they turned the tub down to 80 yes 80 (facepalm)!!! They have no concept if temp change taking time. The tub was rather cold tonight. We've now had the 98 is a good cool temp discussion. Thank goodness I'm pretty laid back and didn't get mad. DH just laughed and declined to get in the tub (sighs). So now I'm sitting wrapped in a blanket trying to warm up and the girls are still soaking - to be a kid again!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm here. Just tired and busy with month end at work and the owner being gone so I take on his quoting and sale responsilbities as well.
    I do good during the week eating but not at night lately. I'm logging thought and thats good.

    I need tom get back to the gym. That's what I really need to do.

    Pretom pms symptoms are still horrendous. Seems like every quarter I get one bad one. And my daughter has been overtired and cranky too so we stayed home tonight from swim lessons so we could all relax.

    Sounds like everyone is having a good week and that makes me happy!!