200+ (Week 39) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hello all! You ladies have been posting like crazy this weekend! I've been lurking in the shadows- just haven't posted anything. My eating was pretty bad this weekend, but I somehow managed to maintain 220.6 today. I think thats what it was. I know it was 220-point-something. My goal is to see 219 right now. Be done with the 220s. I don't want to plauteu. (dang, how is that word spelled??! I could spell it 6 different ways and they all look right but they're actually all wrong!)

    I wish wish wish I had a place I could swim laps. Actually, I'm going to google that right now...might have to call the Y and see if they allow non-members to use their pool for a small fee. That would totally be worth it. dang thats a big fee...$7.85 per visit or $199 for a seasonal pass for Memorial Day- Labor Day....I wonder if they'll pro-rate that down since I've already missed a month and a half.

    I only worked out once last week. :embarassed: :frown: Storms and laziness got the best of me. Maybe thats why I'm losing though- my body has no clue what I'm going to do! lol

    In more personal news...I'm kinda dating two guys at once. They know about each other but it still gives me a bad feeling about it. I don't want to hurt either one of them but I don't think I get 100% of what I want from either. Guy number 1 has a good job, is ex-army (served in iraq, was shot in the knee and discharged), is really nice and funny and protective, but he lives an hour away and right now he's working at a job site thats 2.5 hours away. He is all into survivalist camping stuff and plans to someday move to Arizona and live in the dessert. My friends have met him and really like him. He just got out of a serious relationship before we started our "thing" and isn't ready to be in another relationship cause he's scared he will be clingy and controlling. His ex stole thousands of dollars from him and he's suffering from ptsd in a couple aspects of his life.

    Guy number 2 dropped out of school in 8th grade, has a couple criminal charges against him, is a bouncer/bodyguard for strippers and a scuba diver (somehow its the same company that does the guarding and the diving :huh: ). Part of his criminal charges was driving without a license so he can't come see me, it'll always be me going to him at this point. He has several made-at-home tattoos and "brands" (hot iron against skin to create scars basically) but he's also very nice and funny and protective. We've been talking for months and months and there was never any pressure to meet in person and I really liked that. He was the one from last week I saw on his birthday. He lives about 30 minutes away (right by work actually) but with his jobs, he goes away on projects for days at a time. He doesn't have a cell phone because it either gets wet or broken in fights (he's been shot and stabbed multiple times at work). When I met all his friends and stuff he introduced me as "the Kendal I've been telling you about" and they were all like "oohh ok! yeah he's told me a lot about you..." so it feels kinda obvious that he really digs me. His sister is even a friend of mine on facebook. So the pros about him though- the bouncing thing....he has partied with some big name celebrities and as a bouncer, I can get on his tab at a club and drink for free. I've always wanted to learn to scuba dive and he's willing to teach me. His company has a boat at the beach and he's willing to take me anywhere the boat can go. I feel we have more common interests than me and Guy number 1. But the big thing I really like is that he's not afraid to tell people that he's really into me.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Wow Kendal, you've got some adventure going on in your personal life! I wouldn't feel guilty about seeing two guys at the same time. As long as everyone knows what's what it's all good. It also tends to work the other way too, if you aren't exclusively dating, don't be surprised if Guy #1 or Guy #2 are also seeing other people. Once you figure out who's the best for you, you can work from there. The bottom line is to have fun!!!! I'm not gonna comment on which guy is better for you but I DO want to say that PTSD is NO JOKE. Some guys never recover from it - 'specially if they aren't being treated for it. I'm glad that you are almost done with the 220's - keep going girl! I hope to be out of the 220's soon too.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    PTSD can be a scary thing..and it is so sad. We've hired two guys here at work that have recently gotten out of the military and been away in the middle east several times. One guy we had to let go after about three weeks because he was a little too aggressive and broke down crying in the bathroom at our Christmas party on a guys shoulder he barely knew. It was horrible to watch. He was told that if he went to counceling or got what ever services the military offered him to help him get back on even ground he would get rehired. I don't think he has and its been almost two years. He is friends with some of the younger guys here and he stops by once in a while. He is still very erratic when they aren't here and none of us girls feel safe.
    The other guy was here a week and came up to the front office and told the owner that as much as he wanted to be here he wasn't still quite right and needed to go back to the VA and get help. SO he left.
    Very sad to watch and so frustrating that you can't really do very much to help them.

    Weekend was way too fast but good. Could have used another day at home thats for sure.

    TOday I'm going to hit the gym. its overcast and cooler and that always helps me want to go more. Summer time makes me want to go home and enjoy the hot weather.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm not sure what kind of counselling Guy 1 has had. The thing that he's dealt with recently is the death of a great uncle. Guy 1 says he was sad because he didn't feel "sad enough" that his family member was passing. But at the same time he was telling me that the great uncle was old, had lived a great life and was ready to go live in his mansion in Heaven. Its kinda hard to feel super sad in a situation like that though. Guy 1 has never gone Dr. Owen Hunt on me (grey's anatomy reference there) and has never given me reason to believe he would. I've never seen any behavior that has sent up red flags about him.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I've printed out these two challenges and am looking for an upper body/arm challenge as well to do at the gym. I like things like this because it is challenging and makes me look forward to going.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendall, sounds like Guy 1 is great and guy 2 is fun. LOL. Have fun. See where they go and enjoy it. As females I think we are raised to feel bad if we aren't taking care of one, and only one, male at a time. This whole multiple dating thing is pretty modern if you think about it for females. Its okay for men, but not until super recently, like in the past five to ten years, has it been socially accepted for a girl to do that...so I thnk it makes it hard.
    In between marriages I dated several guys at one time and my parents threw a freaking *kitten* fit that I was doing it, on top of being divorced. (And now my brother is divorced and dating multiple women and they treat him like he's some greek god for doing it!) I was like a scorned woman who was useless to them. And then when I was talking about getting married again? OMG the terror! So it felt weird to me to date both dudes at once, but I kept at it. Partly out of spite, but mostly because it was FUN to be wanted by several guys at one time. Its good to feel that need once in a while I think.

    Plus when you are married, if you get married again, you lose that. You are with one guy and no matter how much you are in love and love them, there is never a chance to get to feel those new relationship feelings again. So I highly highly encourage you to get your fills worth and don't feel guilty for it. Men do it. All. The. Time.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm a bit cranky so I'll keep it short. We got out the door by 6 am and made it home about 30 min ago. It's been a long day in the car and I'm sleep deprived.

    Men - are not high on my list of the moment. Kendal you just got out of a serious relationship. Play the field, be honest with each of them and take your time to make sure things are right before settling down. I smiled when I got home - DH enlarged a flower bed and put a pretty rock border around it - unfortunately, he only dumped the mulch over the grass (*rolls eyes*). He must have been bored - he's on my *kitten* list due to taking everything in the house that he didn't know what to do with and dumping it on my closet floor. After throwing it all back out (*which did make me feel better*) I'm now venting to you guys. He means well but drives me nuts. Please remind me why I'm married.

    I need to go take a nap so I perk up before I start work. Yes, I have 4 clients tonight...
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    wow, how wierd to read all the posts about men.....Lacey, so agree with you, double standards for sure. Kendal, again...agree with Lacey, have fun enjoy your time...once you get hitched...those new feelings are no more! Pinbot...agreed again..men can be total air heads..they mean well, but COME ON!! I got a little testy with my Hubby of almost 20 years yesterday....sometimes you'd just like to be pampered instead of..."get me this, what's for dinner", then when dinner's over like in 5 minutes because they don't chew!, or talk for that matter...there I sit with mounds of dishes and clean up as he asks for a beer wile plopping in the recliner....I was very irritated yesterday...not sure why, no where near 'time of the month', but I kinda snapped and told him I thought he knew where the fridge was...we've lived in this fricken house for 12 years!! I guess that's is what has me a little testy, the whole re-doing the house project has taken a stall....whew...didn't realize I needed a little vent time...thanks girls, I feel better:wink:

    Insanity plyo for me today and I also tried out the Nike+, I really really like it...I might by one for myself, it was pretty accurate on mileage, and helped me try to pace my run a little quicker.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I totally agree with Lacey that society has kinda groomed girls for serial monogamy while men are taught to "spread it around". Luckily, I wasn't taught any of that nonsense (parents just kind of avoided all boy-girl talk entirely) so I created my own opinions. My opinion is what's good for the goose is good for the gander and I definitely had my fun before settling down.

    Victoria: I am with you on the DH dumping stuff in your space. When my DH "cleans up" he collects random crap he doesn't know what to do with (because he hasn't applied a helluva a lot of thought to it) and dumps it on my side of the bed. He doesn't do it in a hostile way or anything but I ALWAYS have hateful thoughts when I see crap on my side of the bed. I don't do that to him. I put his junk away, put my son's junk on the foot of the stairs leading to his room (his room is the only room on the top floor so he can just grab his junk on his way upstairs) and find homes for whatever random junk needs homes. I believe this is the way cleaning up should be done - moving junk from place to place is NOT cleaning up. However, I adore my DH. He is sweet and thoughtful. He will do the dishes when I have cooked, he will fold laundry after I have washed it, he goes grocery shopping with me every week because he knows I HATE grocery stores more than an audit from the IRS. DH knows me. He's not perfect (neither am I - I leave shoes wherever I happen to remove them and I KNOW it drives DH nuts but I tend to do it anyway) but I love him. I think that real love is actually knowing the other person's faults and loving them anyway. It helps that the military has a tendency to send DH away for months at a time and it reminds me that my life is so much better with him than without him. I can only imagine your story is similar Victoria - you love your DH, that's why you're married. Hope your night improves!

    I got my Insanity Fit Test in but that's it for the day. I was just toooooo tired from the early rising and not enough sleep. But my neck is feeling much better so I think maybe I needed a light day to help with my recovery. Tomorrow will be C25K and Insanity and I need to clean up this joint (Monday is my usual cleaning day but we weren't home today). Hope the night goes well for all.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My husband does random stuff like that too..drives me nuts. But then I hate laundry with a passion and will pick through and leave out my neatly folded clothes for a week that he took the time to fold and wash for me. And I too leave my shoes where ever they land..and I get on him about things he does when I do the same things and never call the kettle black so yeah.
    The one thing I wish my husband would do is take the time to plan "us time." If we do anything without our daughter it revolves around work functions or family functions. If I suggest having a date or vacation or anything else like that, its up to me to plan. Even the times he says he will I always end up doing it. He doesn't get it. I doubt he ever will.
    That and the fact that I have more mechanical aptitude than he does. Or inclination is maybe the right word. There is a hole in my daughters outside window pane. It needs to be replaced. I've left it for him to take care of since he is the one who can't remember to make sure there aren't any rocks in the yard before he mows the grass.. Its been a year now. His dad even offered to pay for it. I've begged him. He works four days a week I work five. This boils my blood and I'd better stop thinking about it, lol.

    I too have been on a mild warpath lately around the house. Not sure why. PMS symptoms a good three plus weeks away from TOM. I caught myself doing it last week but couldn't help myself so I went to our room for a while and chilled out. It happens.

    Amy - yeay for sticking with the working out at home! I can't do it. Have to be at a gym and even lately I've been floundering at that.

    Victoria - take a rest and a breather so you can hopefully enjoy your clients tonight.

    Deb - I dread remodeling for that reason. It seriously seems like it is never ending.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Hey girls! I'm back...Things have been so freaking hectic with my new position at work and wedding plannin and moving that I have lost track of everything. I need to get my booty back in gear. I feel bad for not being on here more often. I am going to try and post something every day, but I don't have as much free time as I used to. I'll be starting back to the gym on Wednesday after work and I AM SO READY...It feels like it's been forever sicne I've gone. It probably has. I am starting all over again on here...I've gained back weight since I haven't been doing the right things. Sorry I've been away and I'll be back soon!
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    hey everyone. Happy Monday! It'll take me time to get to know people's names but I'll try. Today was an ok day. Typical Monday I guess. Work and then home.

    I guess I should introduce myself a little. I live in New Brunswick Canada and am single, no kids. All my kids have 4 legs LOL. A horse who will be 29 in less than 2 weeks and a Black lab who is 10. I share custody of the dog with my ex (go fgire - I know weird). I get her on Thursdays after work and he comes and gets her on Sundays sometime. I have been alone now for 3.5 years. Not especially fond of it but I am not going to just settle with anyone just to "be" with someone either. My highest weight was 260 so I am actually down 27 lbs since November. A little at a time. But I really like this site so far and I wish I had found it a few months ago.

    My hardest thing is the exercise. I can do a gym right now so I am relying mostly on walking and doing stuff here at home. It's been so blessed hot up here the past two weeks with the high humidity that doing anything outside for me is a struggle. Just can't breathe out there. I do get some walking in each day at work though as I manage a self storage facility so I am out walking the site at least twice a day and sometimes a whole lot more depending on how busy it is. So that helps a bit.

    You guys seem like a really good group so I look forward to checking in here each day. I can't post from work but I will make a point of posting at least in the evenings (I am on Atlantic time) and hopefully in the mornings as well.

    Hope you all have had a good day!

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone. I have been doing some cleaning & got my C25K run in for the day so all I have left (exercise wise) is Insanity - Plyo Cardio Circuit tonight with DH. I am also scheduled to make paint bubble aliens and <sigh> cream puffs with my munchkin. This is the first summer vacation (Gabe is 7 yrs old) that I have actually not been working so me & Gabe are spending time having fun this summer.

    Alannah: How cool is it that you have a horse?!!?! My neighborhood is right on the edge of a rural area so a lot of people here have horses. Being a city person (I'm originally from the San Francisco Bay area), the horses entrance me. I love watching the neighbors walk their 3 blonde-colored beauties up my street when they take them home from the pasture they hang out in all day when the weather is nice. My dog, a big Bernese Mountain dog, is also obsessed with the horses - she watches them like a hawk and if we happen to be out for a run/walk when a horse trots by, she tried to chase after it. So far, I have been able to keep her from catching any hoses (I don't think it would end well for her if she did).

    Erin: Hi there! I'm Amy. It's been a while since I have had to do any kind of wedding planning but I know it can be stressful and take over your life. Going to the gym will not only help you reach your weight goals but will also help relieve any stress you might have. Good job for getting back in there.

    Lacey: I love working out at a gym as I have more options but I have absolutely no desire to drive 30 minutes (out of my way) to go to the gym and then drive 30 minutes to get home. That extra hour of driving time just makes me refuse to do the gym thing. I have a lot of exercise equipment in my home though. I've got a treadmill and a rowing machine as well as a TRX (doorway suspension thing) and kettlebells. Though my Insanity DVDs have been keeping me quite busy. At any rate, I have no excuse NOT to get exercise - that doesn't even count the kilometers & kilometers of biking/hiking trails in the naturepark in my back yard.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I knew there was a reason I loved you gals!!! Thanks for the support in knowing I'm not alone. I rested, felt better and had a nice visit with DH after work.

    Welcome Allanah - I too have 4-legged kids but mine are all cats.

    Next week I'm "borrowing" some 2-legged kids for a week. I finalized plans last night with my best friend to meet her 1/2 between our houses 2.5 hours away on Sat. I'm bringing her two oldest home with me. The girls are 10 and 13 (I think - time flies and I can't keep track). Life will be a challenge.

    It will be good to be back to a reg schedule today for eating and ex. My alarm will be going off soon - I'm thinking treadmill sprint trainging. It's thunderstorming outside.

    Welcome back Erin!!! Sorry to hear you've gained back.

    I believe proper nutrition/eating is the key and 80% of weight loss. Exercise is important and not every session has to be a sweatfest. Taking a walk with the kids 2 or 4-legged is exercise. Anything you do to get up and moving rather tha sitting on the couch is great!!! Gardening, shopping, housework, etc all count as exercise. Just do something.

    Keep up the great work!!!

    Amy great job with C25K!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Unfortunately, the weather people say the heat and humidity we've experienced so far this summer will be nothing compared to what we're about to experience this week. I already thought it was too hot to do stuff outside! Theres no way I am going to be able to walk/jog this week! UGH. Thankfully tonight is zumba and I might be able to convince mom to go with me. If theres enough time to reset it, I'll even let her wear my hrm since I know basically what I burn in that class now. Maybe that'll help get her excited about going.

    Halloween is probably my most favorite holiday. Its still 3 months away, but I'm already excited about my costume. I'll be re-wearing my Alice in Wonderland costume from last year, except this year it will fit comfortably. It fits great now, but I'm *hoping* to lost another 10-15 pounds by then. That will make me smaller than I was when I graduated high school. :noway: I really went all out last year on that costume...spent close to $200 on it when all was said and done. It was the first time I ever really bought an outfit.....I normally just make my own (or maybe buy cat ears and black face paint stuff....that kinda thing) Spending that kind of money makes it a lot easier to be Alice again too (besides the fact that its incredibly cute).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. I hit the ground running at work today. Wow. Don't have much time to talk. lol.

    I went to the gym last night (yeay me) and did the first week of Squats challenge. Then I did five sets of 15 of chest bench presses. My triceps, biceps, chest and back are feeling it today. I tried to do the sit up challenge, but had to stop. I have an anterior pelvic rotation (sway back) and it is nearly impossible to do sit ups. I almost felt my back go out so I stopped and did crunches instead. I will find another way to do them. Maybe on the ball or something. I need to get more core a working!

    Back at it...have a good day all!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Great Job Lacey...Your off to a great start with your challenge!!!:flowerforyou:

    Kendal, you'll be rocking that Halloween outfit!!:bigsmile:

    Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio abs for me today...shew, glad it's finished I was super hungry today when I finished.

    I am having a fresh greens salad from my garden, topped with avacado, shaved turkey and a couple TLBS of hot sauce, and some fresh blueberries and cantalope on the side.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Welcome Alannah, walking is awesome, good luck with your goals, we're all doing this together!
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    Just got a minute to stop in right now - I'll post more later. But weighed in this morning and down 2 lbs this week! I may change my ticker to show from the very beginning before I started here so that would make it 29 lbs in total. At least the day started well!
  • pennylbunch
    pennylbunch Posts: 122
    is it really just Tuesday? Wow, it's been an incredibly busy week already and I have done absolutely NOTHING! Let me explain if I may....

    Saturday we had a flat on our van, no biggie, the dh was there to change it and patch it, but I thought I would be the good supportive wife and help him out.... I tried pulling the BIG 3 ton jack to the rear of the van when he was finished with it and the handle slipped out and pounded my leg really badly! I thought I had fractured it for awhile there....

    Sunday my altonater went out in the van. The DH pulled it (with my "help" again, though I didn't get hurt this time) BUT because he had to work nights it was up to me to get the new one! Got that done, and just kinda laid around yesterday and today letting the leg rest.

    I did notice that today I was eating ALL day long, probably because I wasn't doing much more than sitting, but still haven't gone over my calorie limit for the day. I guess I must be making healthier choices without even noticing! *pats self on the back* I turned down homemade french fries today (one of my many favorite foods)... Yes, I am tooting my own horn here, but I have too, if I don't who will?

    Got in to a "heated debate" today with the DH. He asked me what my goal weight is, and I told him, right now it's 160, but I may try for 140 after I get there. He actually argued with me, told that I would be nothing but bones at 140! It really was very funny.

    And, last but not least, my granddaughter came over today and I got pictures of her. She and her mother had done her hair and make up and dressed her like a rock star, so I got pictures and have been playing around with them all day, enhancing them and stuff. They came out really cute, if you like seeing a 3 year old in make up and looking like a rock star! LOL Not for me, I still see her as my little princess, but we had fun! And she IS beautiful no matter what she wears!

    Okay, thats my "beginning of the week" news lol sorry it was so long, guess I am just talkitive tonight!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning all! I had a good night last night. DH & I did Insanity - Plyo Cardio Circuit (which was super hard after doing my C25K earlier in the day). Thanks to burning about a zillion calories yesterday, I was able to actually eat the dessert my son & I worked so hard on making. We made profiteroles with chocolate sauce. They were sinful. DH actually licked his bowl clean! I took it as a compliment. The other compliment I got yesterday (which I am more stoked about than the cooking compliment) is when DH randomly squeezed my bum (not abnormal behavior in our house) and then looked at me & said that my bum has gotten firmer and smaller. I was sooo happy! (i can't exactly measure my bum but DH would definitely notice something like that) Yay me...and my smaller bum!

    Penny: You had an eventful weekend. I hope your leg is ok.

    Alannah: Good job on your loss!

    Debra: Your salad sounds super yummy!

    Lacey: Good job with going to the gym! I have downloaded the ipod apps for the situp and pushup challenge (ok, so I downloaded them 3 weeks ago) but I actually plan on doing them now.

    Kendal: Halloween is my favorite holiday too!!!!! It has been my dream to be Alice (in that fabulous red dress from the movie) ever since I saw the movie. However, I'd have to have the dress specially made and I don't really want to drop $200 on a fabulous costume.
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