100 lbs to lose



  • Hi, I've lost 18 pounds so far, and have another 100 to go. My goal is to lose it by August 2011. I'm with you! We can do it!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I started with 100 to lose! I am down 10 so 90 more for me! you can add me
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    according to bmi for my hieght I needed to lose 100 lbs. Im aiming for alittle bit less since I have never been 100 lbs in my life. I started at 200 and my first goal is 135 and we will see from there how i feel and look. Ive lost 29 so far and Im hoping by april next year to be at my goal or less.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    ME! Haven't weighed in a few weeks, but as of now I've got 101 to go!
  • scarletjg
    scarletjg Posts: 29 Member
    Holy crap what a response! haha I love this site for responses, they come so fast and they're all wonderful! With so many it would take me days to add you all as friends, so if you could just add me I'll approve them and we'll do this together.

    Thanks so much for such overwhelming support.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Well according to the BMI index I have a min. 150 lbs to lose until I'm at my healthy weight. So far, I'm down 19. I'm hoping to be down at least 40 by October (wishful thinking I'm sure) and I would like to drop at least 100lbs within a year.
  • I completly understand. I am in the same boat. I am the biggest I've ever been and want to get this weight off.
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    i have about 115 to lose....im currently 236......goal weight is 136-130......im just starting and i too need major motivation....
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member

    I weigh exactly what you do and your goal weight is identical to mine. Would you like to add me to your friends list?

  • Chris_B
    Chris_B Posts: 15
    So, I have just a little more than 100 lbs to lose and I was wondering if there is anyone else out there who is in the same boat as me.

    Hey Scarlet,
    thats a lofty goal. I hope you make it.
    I have 95# to lose. Got 4# out of the way so far. Just started myself.
    I want to be able to go to the pool on June 1, 2012

  • KElayne
    KElayne Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined today. I have to lose 113 lbs just to hit the edge of normal weight on a BMI scale. I'd like to lose a bit more than that, but right now it's so daunting to even focus on that much I'm trying to look at it in little bits rather than the whole #. Could definitely use some friends since I'm brand new :)
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    I am right there with you guys. Feel free to add me as well. I would love some extra support and I can give it as well. We all have a long journey but it all strts with one small step...this site is my step!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    WOW with all these responses we should be able to motivate each other to our goals. Anyone that wants to add me as a friend feel free, and can use all the encouragement I can get and I am sure you could use more encouragement also.Lets do this together
  • Hi all

    Brand new here, and I have about 100 to lose. Glad I found this thread!
  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member
    I'm still here but haven't responded to the thread because I've been such a bad girl! I haven't even weighed myself for a couple weeks because I'm afraid I'll be too discouraged. On the other hand, that would probably be a great motivation for me to "get back in the saddle". I definitely need encouragement, just as I'm sending to all of you who need to lose that 100 pounds!
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    You can add me if you like. I have more than a hundred to lose and would love to have/give a little extra support! :o)
  • Hi everyone I am in the same position as you all. I want to lose 100+ lbs too.:embarassed: So far have only lost 3 lbs. I am finding it is very hard to stay within one's calorie intake. It makes me realize what I must have been eating before starting. Mind boggling. I would like to have friends, so please add me. I wish everyone good luck on your journey, hope to hear from you all soon.:love: Patty
  • lcglog
    lcglog Posts: 24
    Hey Patty!

    Trust me...when i started logging my food on this site it was like a slap in the face. I never dreamed that a chunk of cheese would be that many calories!!! This site has been an absolute positive tool for me and the best part...it's free!

    I have been struggling to lose as well...when I first started out I actually gained a couple more pounds...but now I am seeing weight loss of 2 lbs a week. So far, the only adjustment I have made is tracking my food and making better decisions about what I eat. I never used to eat soup...now its a lunch time staple....normally 400 calories or less. I have to say I have also stopped eating cheddar cheese when stressed and I try avoiding potatoe chips...though I still do a few tortilla chips...replace them with carrots, celery or apple slices...you still get the crunch...just not the calories.

    Good luck..stick with it and you will see results..I know you can do it.
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