200+ (Week 39) Sizzlin' Through Summer



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - my friend sent me a bunch of Glee songs on cd and I love it when they come up on the ipod at work...especially Journey songs. I LOVE Journey!
    On a fruit and veggie note, I've met people who like very limited fruits and veggies and I can't imagine it. My favorite fruit is nectarines and I seriously look forward all year to their season so I can eat as many as possible. I think the only veggie I refuse is beets and watercrest (if you can even call that stuff a vegetable). However some fruits and veggies cause my throat to swell up and it can be random so I have to be careful with how much I eat of them...cantelope, avocado, bell peppers so far have caused it. But not every single time so I don't get it. Maybe its the pesticides they sprayed them with? I don't know.
    I haven't been great about eating veggies this week so next has to be good.
    If you make smoothies, you can add spinach to it and you won't even taste it. I add about 1/4 cup to my morning smoothie every time I have one. It makes the drink green but mine taste like choco peanutbutter.

    Well as usual I am tired on a Friday night. Doesn't seem fair really that I'm tired at the start of the weekend!

    Amy good job on working out consistently!!!

    Victoria - drive safely and enjoy your trip!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thank goodness the hotel has internet!!! We made it safely to Canada and have been enjoying family all evening... I've met so many new relatives. It's late and I need to get up and run in the morning. It's pretty cool that I am getting to run on the "old family farm" - where my grandfather grew up before he emigrated to the US... The hotel we are staying on is also on the old family property.

    I've decided not to log food this weekend. Too much to do and eat and we wont be in the hotel much. I just plan to make to make the best choices that I can... See you tomorrow...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Started off my Saturday great. I made protein enriched pancakes with blackberry syrup for breakfast and then did my C25K. Now we're off to run errands and then to the village's 700th birthday party (provided it doesn't rain). Have a great day.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Happy Saturday Pals...just a quick pop in....it's an off day for me with insanity, but I plan on getting some walking in. We had round 1 of my son's semi-state tourney last night...We won and my son hit 2 homeruns...woo-hoo go south whitley!! we play again at 3 today...
    but I wanted to share my personal homerun....the whole team wanted to stop at a B&K after the game...and I was starving...everyone was getting fried this and fried that and tons of spanish dogs.....I made the choice of a baked potato with the spanish sauce on top and an ice water...it was very filling and I felt it was a pretty good choice...and I even influenced my hubby a tiny bit...he was going to go for a greasy double cheesebuger...I just looked at him and asked if that was good for his heart ( you might remember we found out earlier this year that his cholesterol levels were high) and I reminded him that the cheese is yellow and processed and he quickly changed his order to a BLT...I mean that has to be a little healthier right?

    Small tiny steps right?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! I managed to get my run in even if it was slow ave 14:30 a mile - I still ran 7 miles in 1 hour and 40 min.... Now, I'm off to get some food.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning girls! Man could I have slept in this morning. But my daughter woke me up at 6:30. I should have reminded her tom play quietly a while before coming in to see me. But at least it got me out of bed. I need ot take a shower and get going so we can drive south to Medford. I downloaded a new audiobook to listen to make the drive go faster.
    We will go to the hot springs when I get intontown. I love the Ayer, it makes my skin feel so good and it is very relaxing. Then maybe a few local farms.

    Everyone have good weekend!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria: :noway: 7 MILES??? Wowsas! I'm still several weeks away from hitting that. Super impressive! You're over halfway to the half length! Have a great time in Canadia this weekend.

    Kendal- I love fruits and most veggies, which is good, as I am a vegetarian. haha. But it's great that you're learning to add more of them to your diet!

    Penny- a half a pound is still half a pound!!

    Deb- way to go with the eating AND getting on the hubby about his.

    Lacey- hot springs sound fab! Have a great time!

    Amy- great start to your day!!

    I just got back from my work walking group. I walked the shorter route today, as someone needed to, but we did the loop twice. That plus walking to a from and a speedy pace came out to about 3.5 miles. A nice crosstraining day for me checked off my list! Nothing big on the schedule for today. I'm getting my hair trimmed this afternoon and just plan on relaxing. I got some plants last night to plant today, but I got super motivated when I got home and planted them last night instead. Haha! Thinking about getting some more, but I hate going to those stores on the weekend, so we'll see. Otherwise, plan on relaxing, maybe cleaning a bit, and reading.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I love adding spinach to my smoothies! I am really NOT a fan of spinach (I like it IN recipes but not as a stand alone salad green) but I started adding 2 cups of raw spinach to my smoothies and I cannot even tell it’s in there. My son likes smoothies for dessert too so I add the spinach to his for a nutritional boost and he doesn’t even know it. I also got some Amazing Grass Green Superfood (they have it at whole foods) that supposedly gives you the nutrition of 7 servings of fruits & veggies without the whole, actually eating 7 fruits & veggies thing. It’s also got probiotics and is made of things that I’d never in a million years actually EAT like alfalfa (isn’t that what they feed horses?). Anyways, I figured it wouldn’t hurt me so now I put that in my smoothies too (I can tell it’s in there, unlike with the spinach but I generally put enough strawberries & such in there that it mostly covers up the grassy/dirt/weird flavor.) Enjoy yourself at the hot springs – sounds divine!

    Victoria: AWESOME job on your 7 mile run. You totally rock. Where are you in Canada? I keep planning on visiting Canada as I have about a zillion relatives up there in Nova Scotia that I’ve never met. Maybe someday. Enjoy yourself. Oh yeah…and YOU ROCK!!!!

    Debra: Good job making healthy food choices when hit smack in the face with temptation. I generally do not fare so well, but I am getting better. Funny thing I’ve noticed is that when I make good food choices, DH tends to get a sheepish look on his face and puts down the chocolate/chips/beer/insert bad-for-u-food-here and makes a better choice.

    Kristina: Great job on knocking your exercise out for the day! I love gardening and, now that we’re mostly settled, I plan on getting to work making my yard look like all the green-thumbed neighbor’s yards. I kind of have a black thumb so maybe I’ll so a cactus garden.

    I got my run in this morning and I’ll be doing my Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs workouts this evening and then relaxing with DH & some Bavarian Strawberry Wine (it is soooo good!). Tomorrow is - thankfully- a rest day and, boy, do I NEED it! Have a wonderful remainder of your day ladies.
  • Hi all! I appreciate you letting me join your group. I've been out of town for the past few days visiting my son's girlfriend. He just went overseas and she's pretty lonely. Anyways I kept on track eating wise until today for dinner. I'll weigh in the morning and post then. Got a new pair of running shoes, so now I have no excuse. Out to the park in the morning!

    This site is awesome and I have really enjoyed getting to know you. Your posts have kept me motiviated.

    Thanks agian!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Armyrangermom- good to see you back! Totally understandable that she needs someone right now. Yay for getting new shoes. I think I might invest in a new pair as well. Break them in slowly!

    Well, ladies. I was up early and ran my long run for the week. 4 miles- nothing like miss Victoria's 7 haha, but I'll take it. Ran 4.06 in 49 minutes, which is a 12:06 average pace, which is great for me. It's nice to know that I am getting faster! Don't have much to do today. Will hit the shower then eat breakfast. Go to the grocery store. I'm thinking of making veggie chili this week. Yes, it's the heat of the summer, but I love it so much, I don't really care. Think I might camp out at a coffee shop and read my book for a while this afternoon. We'll see. Should be a pretty relaxing day, which is just what I need. If only it were another 3-day weekend. Boo.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi ladies! Today is my rest day and my body is feeling it. Insanity keeps me pretty sore all week long. I had problems at the end of last year with a bulging disk in my neck. I treated it with acupuncture & traction and it got mostly better but, when I was getting ready for bed last night I could barely turn my head. I have no idea what I did to it - maybe I strained my neck when I did the Cardio Abs workout or something. I have been treating it with my traction collar but I don't have acupuncture available to me so please, please, please cross your fingers that it gets better. Other than that, I'm just hanging out reading and painting my toe nails.

    Kristina: Fabulous job on your run. Are you doing anything in particular to get faster or is the speed just coming with continued running? I still run painfully slow but at least I can do it for 25 minutes at a time now. What book are your reading? (I LOVE books and am practically glued to my kindle!) Enjoy your day.

    Armyrangermom: A deployment is tough on the people left behind at home. It's nice that you are keeping your son's girlfriend company during this stressful & lonely time. Good job with your eating. Enjoy your new running shoes!

    Have a great Sunday ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm in Bayfield Onatario which is an hour north of Sarnia on Lake Huron... My grandfather grew up in this area. We are enjoying ourselves. Yesterday we went on a 2K trail hike and shopped in the quaint town stores. We are just using American money the exchange rate $250 American = $254 Canadian... We had a nice family dinner with 40 people last night.

    Today is another hike plus a dedication at a church for a piano with potluck for our family and later a flea market...

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Kristina - great job on run... You're a speed demon...

    Amy - rest and take care of that neck.

    Armyrangermom - we've enjoyed getting to know all of you as well. It keeps us active. At least in today's world, you can keep in touch with email and the internet.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- sounds like you definitely could use a rest day! Don't overdo it girl! As for the book I'm reading, just recently started "The Brothers Karamazov." You know, light reading. haha. I'm going through a phase where I'm trying to read all these classics I missed in high school/college. I intersperse with more iight-hearted/cracky books. Like, I'm almost done reading the Southern Vampire Series- the show True Blood was based on. Total cracky fluff- I appreciate them for what they are and don't try to be anything else. The next one I have is the most recent in that series. Oh, and as for running, I'm just getting faster as I've continued to run more. I've done a little bit of speed work on the treadmill, where I'll run for shorter periods at a faster pace, with walking intervals, but I really think it's just mostly keeping at it. Still no where near as fast as I would like, but it's nice to see improvement. I have to remember, it's really only been about 3 months since I've been running 3+ miles on the road (after I completed c25k), so I have a lot of time ahead to improve.

    Victoria- glad you're enjoying Canada. I'd like to go back to Toronto again sometime in the near future, as I blew through it so quickly last time and would like to explore more. It's only 4 hours drive. Sounds like another lovely day ahead!

    Well, I'm off to Target and then the grocery store. Toodles!
  • Well I'm up 1/2 pound since last week, but since I've started two weeks ago I'm still down 4 pounds. Walked (with a little running) 3 miles this morning with my new shoes.

    I've got to stay on track. We're going to St. Louis tomorrow for 5 days which will be hard. We rarely take vacation, so all of this travel has been unusal for me, but I'm committed.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone, sorry Pals that are in more than 1 group with me...but I have to post quickly and then help my son, he's in the mood for some baking so I'll be doing some copy and paste today.

    I am so excited to posts that at my 2 week check, I have lost inches, I have lost pounds and I also did a lot better on the insanity fit test, most of the exercises I actually doubled the amount that I was able to complete...except for those darn suicide jumps, (can you feel me Amy:laugh: :laugh: )they kill me and I did 1 less of those, but I did 2 more rotations of the globes jumps, so all in all I am very happy with the way things are moving along.

    I got my hubby one of those nike+ ipod and receiver things for his birthday (along with a new ipod) and we tried it out today on a 2 1/2 mile run....are you all ready for a good chuckle, in my hurry to transfer his music and get us out the door before it got to hot today...I forgot to turn it on, so it never did track our run:blushing: :blushing: , lesson learned...but we had a pretty good time

    Not sure if I posted yesterday, but I did swim for 30 minutes before I left for the game...and bad news, our second game of the day was horrible and we got knocked out, didn't get home until midnight last night and we were all pretty sad today...some fielding errors and 1 bad inning and now baseball is over :cry: :cry: :cry: ,
    and then today I did the insanity fit test, some running and some stretches. :bigsmile:
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    Can someone new join in this group? I just started on this site last week and although I haven't been perfect, I've been better than I was so there is some improvement. I weigh in on Tuesday so I'll see then if I am down any. i love this site so far but am just starting to explore the message boards a bit. Anyway - hope everyone has a great start to the week! I look forward to checking in here every day!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Gracie and I are back from our quick trip. The drive home went much faster than getting there so that was nice. I went to Rogue Creamery and bougt Oregonzola, Smoky Blue, lavender cheddar and chocolate stout cheddar and a bottle of rose wine. Yum!! I don't know if any of you have seen it in stores but Rogue Creamery is famous for their Blue cheeses and have some won some big awards in ghe cheese world. Tonight For dinner I am thinking salad with lettuce fro the garden, strawberry slices, the oregonzola and some lint champaigne dressing.

    Amy I too put some macro greens in my smoothies. The jar says something lime one scoop surpassing the nutrients of five servings of veggies. Its got the probiotics in it too and I feel better when I use it every day. Ive often thought about doing two smoothies per day with that stuff in it and just a dinner.

    Sounds like everyone is having a good weekend. I'm tired and am gonna lay on the couch and relax for a bit.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Alannah- welcome! Join right in! We usually weigh over the weekend at some point, but whenever you want is fine!

    So gals, I got motivated and went swimming tonight. Woo! It had been a long time since doing so, and really enjoyed it. No surprise. Definitely would be a fun way to crosstrain. Now if only the lap swim times didn't suck so bad. It would be hard to get there, swim for a while, and be at work on time, and I really can't do it over lunch, and late in the evening isn't great either. *grumbles* I'll need to figure out something.

    Once I got moving, I was fine. Swam for almost an hour (when I took out short breaks). I breaststroke most of the time, as that is what I'm most comfortable with. MFP said I burned 696 calories in 50 min. Seriously? Me thinks not. Did feel good though.

    Not ready for another work week to begin. Blech.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    It was pretty painful to get up this morning. I wasn't sore or anything (at least at this point) from my late evening swim, but it made it pretty dang hard to get up this morning. I had floated the idea of doing some swimming as crosstraining and the time that really would work best for me would be the late evening lap swim times, but there's NO WAY I'd be able to do that and get up at 5:30 the next morning to do a run. I almost called in "sick" today just so I could sleep in! Alas, have a pretty full schedule of clients and calls to make today, so it wasn't meant to be. I'll just need to get to bed early this evening to make up some sleep, especially with another run on the horizon tomorrow.

    This week's training bumps it up a small notch from the first 2 weeks, with the shorter runs going from 3.0 to 3.5 miles and the long run from 4 to 5. Totally doable.

    The scale was not friendly to me this morning. I seem to be waffling in the mid 180s, which is irking me. I didn't eat spectacular this weekend, but I was hoping my exercise mitigated it a bit. Not so much so, says Mr. Scale. Apparently I didn't kiss it enough, per Victoria's advice.

    Got to have a good eating week. I had hoped to be under 180 by the time my mom visits in August, but I'm not thinking that will happen in time. Boo.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Monday all. We had to get up at 5 am this morning to drive 2 hours to Heidelberg so DH could have a medical test done (Upper GI - he thinks he has gallbladder issues but his doc is ruling out an ulcer). I don't usually get up that early and, as this past weekend was the village's 700th birthday and since it doesn't get dark here until around 11 pm AND since there was a fireworks show going on at 11 pm last night - it was really hard to get up & get going. But the trip went fine. DH & my son did get ice cream before we headed back but I had 2 graham crackers. I was soooo tired when we got home this afternoon, that me & my son took a nap (poor DH had to go into work for a bit!). He is actually still asleep and moving into being that way for over an hour and a half.

    Today is the Fit Test for Inanity (yeah, Debra, I TOTALLY feel you on the suicide jumps! They suck!) and I hope to get C25K in as well, but we'll have to see how it all sakes out.

    Kristina: Good job swimming! It does sound like you'd make yourself miserable if you followed up a swim with a run the next AM. You DO burn a butt-ton of calories swimming though. I used to swim competitively and it just torched calories AND I didn't get overheated doing it so it seemed like I wasn't working too hard. Bummer about the fight with the scale. Hopefully, it will work out by the end of the week.

    Alannah: Welcome!

    Lacey: Your dinner plans for tonight make my mouth water. I LOVE me some good cheese. When we lived in Monterey, we frequented The Cheese Shop in Carmel and became addicted to cheese. I have a serious love of all cheeses made of goat's milk (ok - of MOST cheese, no matter what it's made of). When we moved here, DH got in contact with the shop & found out that they ship anywhere - so now he's planning his order. :laugh:

    Have a great rest of the day!
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