

  • You know the taco seasoning mix? I mix that with the cottae cheese and use it to dip celery and cucumbers :) Yummy!
  • Hey great work! You look awesome! I just had a question, did you find you could do all of the pull ups and the ab ripper x at the beginning?? Even the different styles of push ups I find I just physically cannot do them. Did you start like that as well? Or could you basically do most things?
  • I know what you mean! Running is no joke! I have an elliptical, and recently started going out on the trails near my home. I live in a city with an escarpement, so there are stairs to get to the top of the city... 305 of them. So I have started getting out of my house, going up the stairs, walking along the edge of the…
  • Good luck! I'm loving this site, if for nothing else, it makes you completely aware of what you're putting into your body.
  • Hahahaha! I love it! I also love the apple sauce idea, I love it, and somehow, completely forgot it existed! And I will be picking up low fat (or fat free if i can find it) cheese. Thanks!
  • Ok, not bad then! lol, I know I totally should leave out the cheese... but it is my thing, you know, some people like chips or chocolate... i love cheese! I guess i'll have to suck it up and cut the cheese even more then i already have... I also need to switch breads, I am eating light rye bread right now (light not…
  • I just had breakfast, and ate 333 calories, 34g of carbs, 12g of fat and 24g of protein. I'm wondering if I'm on the right track...? I had egg whites on toast with a slice of cheese, and I feel full. But I'm wondering if this is all too much, too early in the day?? Do any of you compare? Just wondering, when I was eating…
  • what is the 30 day shred??
  • Thanks guys, lol, I'm thinking the eating while on the elliptical is a fantastic idea! I think I will try doing my elliptical in the mornings before work, the only problem being my shifts start at 6am sometimes so I would have to wake up at 4am at the latest to get my half hour in.... which is do-able! And yes, being…
  • It seems like no matter how hard I try, I cannot make myself not eat the half-baked ben and jerry's ice cream, and I cannot get my butt off the couch to use my elliptical... which sits right beside the couch:ohwell: What do you guys do to stop yourselves, or to make yourself get up and get active???:grumble:
  • See, that's the thing about this website, it's awesome, don't get me wrong, but I think if one is not hungry, then there would be no point to eat... right? :ohwell:
  • Thanks so much ladies!:smile: This site does look amazing. If there's one thing i have noticed on here, it would be the drinking water topic. It seems everyone on here goes and grabs a cool glass of water if they're feeling a little craving or hungry... I'm going to give it my best effort to drink as much water as i can…
  • I say absolutely not!! Who wants to sweat like a horse?? Not THIS guy! (pointing at myself) :happy: . But seriously, they put the fans in gyms for a reason. The reason being, when you work out, especially trying to get in shape, it's not always a very comfortable feeling to be out of breath, in pain, and, HOT! I think if…
  • If I chose to eat like a heffer today, it was my choice. Forget the calorie counting, the fat, the carbs. I'm trying to think more towards the end of the rainbow... The healthier heart, the running for the fun of it, the walking around smiling at stangers. I have an extremely hard time choosing the right things to eat, and…