Sooo, I'm new!

If I chose to eat like a heffer today, it was my choice. Forget the calorie counting, the fat, the carbs. I'm trying to think more towards the end of the rainbow... The healthier heart, the running for the fun of it, the walking around smiling at stangers. I have an extremely hard time choosing the right things to eat, and an even harder time peeling my butt off of the couch after working a job (that I am completely restless in now:frown: ) for 8 hours, for another hour of moving around and being active. Blah! Right? The point is, is I'm trying, I tried to not eat that bag of Miss Vicky's Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar chips today... but as I ate them and enjoyed their delicious-ness in my belly, I just reminded myself to NOT do that again tomorrow! Let's see, shall we?

p.s I'm super stoked about this website! I track everything, almost an OCD... but not quite.


  • michellelynne1
    If I chose to eat like a heffer today, it was my choice. Forget the calorie counting, the fat, the carbs. I'm trying to think more towards the end of the rainbow... The healthier heart, the running for the fun of it, the walking around smiling at stangers. I have an extremely hard time choosing the right things to eat, and an even harder time peeling my butt off of the couch after working a job (that I am completely restless in now:frown: ) for 8 hours, for another hour of moving around and being active. Blah! Right? The point is, is I'm trying, I tried to not eat that bag of Miss Vicky's Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar chips today... but as I ate them and enjoyed their delicious-ness in my belly, I just reminded myself to NOT do that again tomorrow! Let's see, shall we?

    p.s I'm super stoked about this website! I track everything, almost an OCD... but not quite.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site, it is so awesome. I love this site so much, it is so supportive, helpful, and motivational. I just wanted to wish you great luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • rmcotter777
    rmcotter777 Posts: 34 Member
    oh yes you will love this site, i love it myself. i write everthing down so i know exactly how you feel. I find that when i have a craving for something i will drink a glass of water. i will give it 5 minutes and if i still want it after that i eat it. most of the time though I dont want it, cause i realize that i was just thirsty. good luck and there is tons of support on here.
  • michellelynne1
    Thanks so much ladies!:smile: This site does look amazing. If there's one thing i have noticed on here, it would be the drinking water topic. It seems everyone on here goes and grabs a cool glass of water if they're feeling a little craving or hungry... I'm going to give it my best effort to drink as much water as i can and give it go! I honestly am terrible at making sure i drink water, and have noticed i've gone 2 days without grabbing a glass. I am a major Diet Coke addict, and am trying to give it up! So far today: 2 water... Diet Coke 0!! Dang, now I'm really craving it! :laugh:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Welcome! You have found a gem, an oasis in the the turbulent sands of the weight-watching desert. It is a tool for every aspect of your journey.

    The water thing is a huge mountain to climb, but once you've scaled it, you'll look back and chuckle at your own struggling (wow, I am really punching in the metaphors tonight:wink: ) In no time, your body is going to start craving water and then your skin feels better and your organs are happier (no joke, my appendix hasn't stopped tap-dancing for a week) :bigsmile:

    *The goofyness is only a symptom of late-night posting and early-morning course work, it is not a side-effect of drinking water (I swear). :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome! You are the sum of the steps you take, and this is definitely a step in the right direction! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: