amberkins Member


  • I lost my mom long ago, at age 4. I don't know the pain of losing a parent as an adult but I do know that the pain of losing a parent lasts forever, at least it has for me. It alerted my life, shower my interpersonal development and I started looking to food at an early age. I recommend therapy. I know that's not always a…
  • Congrats on your weightloss! I am pre op right now but hoping to have bypass by the end of the month. I meet my surgeon Thursday. I love water exercise, have you tried a water aerobics class along with your laps? I find it to be a lot of fun! Will be sending you a friend request as well.
  • I'm gearing up for gastric bypass as well. Pre op apt this week, hopefully surgery by the end of March. I know it's not a quick fix, but another tool on my weightless belt. You can do this!
  • Monday check in! I've been plateaued at 275lbs for about a week and a half. It's been super discouraging and slowed my motivation. I weighed this morning and had gone from 275 to 272!!!!! It was amazing to see a change in the scale and I'm so glad I continued to eat well and exercise. Plus, I keep forgetting I started at…
  • I'm right there with you, I worked really hard and got down to 235, then started a new job and life got in the way. It seemed i woke up one day and was 290lbs. I'm down to about 273 now and feeling much better, after just 10lbs I could breath better, roll over in bed easier. Take it one day at a time and we'll get to where…
  • I have a protein shake in hand as I walk out the doors of work and on the way home. After work/dinner time have always been my biggest weakness but I find if I have that shake, or quest bar right after work it helps take away my need to snack.
  • I just came back to MFP this week as well and most my friends are inactive. I too have always been heavy...really heavy. Highest weight was 290, currently at 275 and hitting a stall and dying for motivation to keep going even though there are no results right now. Welcome back, we can do this!
  • Hello all! I'm new here and wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm 30 years old with a sedentary desk job. Highest weight was 290lbs, I'm currently 275lbs with a long way to go. I try to keep my goals in 25 lb increments so I don't get overwhelmed. So for now my goal is 250! I am in need of encouraging and motivated…
  • You sound very similar to myself. I used too eat super healthy all day long until I got home from work, then I'd start eating everything. I took up some hobbies last summer including puzzles. I have one on the kitchen table almost always as they keep my mind and hands busy. I also taught myself to crochet. Last fall I…
  • I too am a binge eater. I've been binge free for about 3 months now but once in a while I feel the urge. I just have to remind myself of my goals, and why they are important to me. I still over eat once in a while when stress or emotions run high. I have to forgive myself in the moment so I can stop and get back on track…
  • Hi there! I was 286 in January, now 275. I try to keep my goals in 25 lb increments but my ultimate in 180! I'm also lookingfor friends with similar stats and goals!
  • I'm so glad I found this post, this is exactly what I need. I tend to set goals way too high and ultimately fail from being overwhelmed. I am in the process of gastric bypass. This hasn't been a well-received Topic in the past for me here at MyFitnessPal. I'm not going to lie about who I am and what I'm doing though. I'm…
  • I am on a modified pre op diet right now, my first pre op appointment is on March 8 and i like to lose 10lbs by then. I know it will be hard and I'm also exercising everyday. My bariatric road to this point has been long and draining. I'm really glad i found this group here as the days are getting tougher. My pre op diet…
  • Its great that so many people are finding help through this. I myself am having really hard time with self control lately. I found out last night that my grandma is getting her breathing tube pulled tomorrow and not replaced if she can not breath on her i went on a little emotional binge of over indulgence.…
  • my goal is to fit in 3 workouts of 45 minutes. and have one of those be strength training rather than cardio. Also, i would like to be more consistent in my food diary. Also i would love to get a scale so i can weigh myself again!!!!
  • keep your spirits up! It is easy to get discouraged when we have little set backs like going over calorie goal or not meeting a weekly weight loss goal but we have to remember that we are her not only to loose weight but to be healthier. Just remember that you did do your 3 workouts this week and even though the scales may…
  • Hi all! I love that so many people have joined in, and all of the encouragement that is coming alone with it! I have not been around lately due to some pressing family matters, my grandmother has been in ICU for the last week or so and things are looking bad. This has been a pretty big set back for me. My eating is better…
  • YAY welcome everybody! i hope we can all learn from each other and ultimately help each other succeed in our goals!
  • So far so good, i'm restarting after a lapse in healthy judgment. I have noticed lately that my close are looking better on me and it has gotten me really motivated to make a go of it. Mainly I do a lot of walking and swimming, i'm eating less lately do to lack of money but i know that it isn't very healthy. I'm learning…
  • i hope i didn't come off as putting a limit on weight. just a preference for bigger numbers haha. of course you are welcome!!!!
  • I know the eating is horrible for me. pay day is friday so it will look better then. I was anorexic in high school, i ate a granola bar a day, i dropped a lot of weight, but i gained it back ten fold once i started eating again, and killed my metabolism for good i fear.