...I'm baaaaaackkk! again!

Hello! I've been using MFP for over 7 years now, however it's not been consecutive. lol

My name is Jenn, I'm 36 yr old Canadian Mother of 2, wife of 1! I dont take life too seriously and love to have a good time. I work in sales and am pretty much sat at a desk all day. I'm a classic Binge eater, and food addict. I defo eat my feelings.

I've always been heavy. I'm almost at my heaviest weight.. again. 220 lbs currently. Trying to get back on the Healthy lifestyle wagon. Not into Fad diets, I believe healthy diet and exercise are the only way to achieve and maintain weight loss.

Currently on day 7 of my Healthy lifestyle change! Sugar cravings seem to be going away (finally)

My husband recently started natural body building, and he's done quite well.. time to get my *kitten* in gear! (I used to be the hot one.... hoping to get that title back again!)

Looking for more like-minded friends, as all my older friends on here are inactive :( LETS MOTIVATE EACH OTHER!!!


  • renanrdgs
    renanrdgs Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, good luck! Stay focused and strong!!!
  • Build4Longevity
    Build4Longevity Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome back Jenn! I hope you archive your goal. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    I just came back to MFP this week as well and most my friends are inactive. I too have always been heavy...really heavy. Highest weight was 290, currently at 275 and hitting a stall and dying for motivation to keep going even though there are no results right now.

    Welcome back, we can do this!
  • dha1127
    dha1127 Posts: 6 Member
    Keep with it! Good luck
  • purplelilac1
    purplelilac1 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck. I recently came back too.
  • Frankie_Fan
    Frankie_Fan Posts: 562 Member
    Welcome back!