anyone with big weight to shed!



  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    I would like to join I have lost almost 105 pounds altogether but 44 on MFP. I have 45 more to go!!
  • stongue
    stongue Posts: 34 Member
    This is a great idea! I hope to lose a total of 85 pounds overall and have lost 16.5 so far. I'd love to be on board:) And please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. You can do it and you will with all of the support that we can get here.
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    My overall goal is to loose 101 lbs. So far, I have lost about 5. Secretly, I hope to loose all this weight within a year but I will be happy if it comes off in within two. It's hard, as you all know. I guess the trick is to never stop trying, no matter what.
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    So let's get this thread moving :) How is everyone doing with their goals so far? Maybe we should set up weekly goals and then check in daily or something? I think if we want this to work as a group (which is excellent for motivation) we should structure something a bit :)
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 60lbs....would love to keep in touch with others losing the same sort of weight. It actually terrifies me thinking of basically losing 1/3 of myself, but I am determined to do so or the first time. I have never had any form of group support (such as mfp or anything else) so I'm hoping that it will keep me motivated..and I can keep others motivated!

    We can all do it :D
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I'm doing pretty well. I've lost 5 pounds since I joined MFP at the beginning of the month but I've lost 25 since I started in January. I'm very frustrated by the fact that my clothes still fit me exactly as they did 25 pounds ago. I know I'm losing weight but where is it coming off?
    My goal right now is to continue exercising at least 6 days a week. That's it. I'm pretty boring.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    My goal is to exercise 3 time a week, stay within my calorie goal. drink 8 glasses of water.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I thought I would get us started.
    Everyone has different issues, so set your own goals and add to them weekly. Like every Monday add some new challenge.

    I named mine in my last post.

    25 pushups/25 crunches/5 leg raises/ 1hr aqua class
    9 h2o
    I was 832 calories under goal with exercise calories.

    I like posting daily. Join me while I lose my last 71 lbs
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all! I love that so many people have joined in, and all of the encouragement that is coming alone with it! I have not been around lately due to some pressing family matters, my grandmother has been in ICU for the last week or so and things are looking bad. This has been a pretty big set back for me. My eating is better however i have lost most of my drive to exercise.

    I have been reading over all of the posts and there are quite a bit of questions and requests about structuring and what we should all do together to make this group function as something that will help all of us. To these requests, all i can say is that this is a group and i don't feel right making the rules!

    So here are some things that I think could be good to do. I would love input!!!

    - a weekly weigh in
    -maybe check in once a day and make a goal to give encouragement/help/info/what ever is needed to 5 different people or so

    I don't want to make this regulated or difficult. Just fun, informative, and motivating!

    So bring on the ideas i really want some input!!!
  • latronseya
    latronseya Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I have to shed 75 pounds. I completely understand your struggle, I am looking for a support group as well. I have been going two weeks strong, and I refuse to weigh myself before the next two weeks because I don't want to get disappointed and sabotage myself. If there is anything that I can share to help you or vice versa, I am more than willing! I am wishing you good luck with your goal!
  • MusicalMe
    MusicalMe Posts: 64 Member
    Hey all!

    I know this topic has been around for a couple weeks, but this is the first I'm seeing it so I'm jumping in if y'all don't mind. I started losing weight in January with a goal of losing 115.4 pounds. To date I've lost 54 pounds and have 61.4 to go. Only 3.7 pounds til I'm halfway there!

    Been really struggling with exercise lately. I was doing so good then all the sudden, I just lost all my motivation...I haven't been to the gym in about three weeks...eek! I need to get back in. I can definitely tell that I'm losing the toning I was starting to see.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • rna2007
    rna2007 Posts: 9
    Hi everyone. I am very new to MFP, however not so new to this whole diet thing. I have 100 pounds to loose, and to me it seems as though i'll never do it. I sit now and think, wow this is going to be a long, hard road. I know it will be worth it in the end, and I can really use the extra motivation. I have done really well in the past few days. My biggest down fall is going to be that I work in a restaurant as a waitress/cashier. I am around food daily, and that seems to be all I think about. I have resisted temptaion well, however I've only really been at this for a few days.
  • drjackson23
    drjackson23 Posts: 10 Member
    My goal was 60 lbs, I've lost 22 total so far. Count me in for a support group!! I need all the support I can get sometimes:)
  • Ashl3yS
    Ashl3yS Posts: 64
    Good luck to you all! I have 106 lbs to lose.
  • sav_c
    sav_c Posts: 14
    I'm in. I'd like to lose 45lbs - possibly more. Mini goals for me are lose the first 5lbs then the next 10 and so on.
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I would love to join....I have about 90 I would like to lose....anyone can friend me and maybe we can start constant dialog to help us all...
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone:
    As for last weeks mini goals
    exercise 3x : done
    h2o: got at least 8 a day
    staying at calorie goal: I was over Fri,Sat & Sun:embarassed:

    I'm going to keep those goals for this week and add eating out only once.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I change my ticker to reflect my total numbers. I was just using a little 20 lbs at a time. But I want to see that I have lost more than
    19lbs( since MFP) It's too easy to get discouraged.
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Monday all! It's a new week and its going to be a good one!

    My goals for the week are to stay at my calorie goal and to vary my exercise some this week. I need to mix up my cardio and strength a little bit. I have some resistance bands I enjoy but haven't found a comprehensive workout for them yet - if anyone has suggestions for websites or places to look for comprehensive total body resistance band workouts I'd appreciate them :)

    Good luck to everyone this week!
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