anyone with big weight to shed!



  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    keep your spirits up! It is easy to get discouraged when we have little set backs like going over calorie goal or not meeting a weekly weight loss goal but we have to remember that we are her not only to loose weight but to be healthier. Just remember that you did do your 3 workouts this week and even though the scales may not reflect that right now, your body does thank you!!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Hi All,

    My goal for this week is to meet my exercise goal of 5x/week at 45 mins each. I got 5 days in last week, but they were fairly low intensity shorter days due to a pinched shoulder. It seems to have recovered now so it is time to up the intensity and get the scale moving again. I needed the 3 month break I just had, but I am ready now to push through the rest of this journey We can all do it! :flowerforyou:
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    my goal is to fit in 3 workouts of 45 minutes. and have one of those be strength training rather than cardio. Also, i would like to be more consistent in my food diary. Also i would love to get a scale so i can weigh myself again!!!!
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    I'm going for 90lbs - sometimes it seems insurmountable! But I'm determined!
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I'm going for 90lbs - sometimes it seems insurmountable! But I'm determined!

    That's my final goal (for now, we'll see how I feel when I hit 180lbs). I'm at almost 75lbs lost now since November of last year.

    You can do it! Don't get discouraged.
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Hey guys! I'd love to join you. I'm barely 5'2 and have 100 pounds to lose to reach my healthy goal....well 98 actually since I'm 2 lbs down now...*patting myself on the back*. It does seem overwhelming but I'm feeling great and already noticing a difference in my attitude and energy levels. So glad to have found this site.
  • iamnick
    iamnick Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in.
    My goal is 100lbs.

    I was doing great for the first 3 days (lost 6lbs), but then a weekend of birthday debauchery wrecked my progress.
    i'm back on track though. boxing and jogging tonight.
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I need to lose at least 70 lbs.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I need to lose the weight, I can not fail this time.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I need to lose the weight, I can not fail this time.

    :drinker: You are off to a good start
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    I think I've been a little lax on the water lately. I've been good with the eating, but it seems like some diet soda, or just not drinking anything, has been creeping on. Tomorrow I plan on getting it a minimum of 8 glasses!
  • Journey10
    Journey10 Posts: 3
    Count me in girl! I'm working off 95 lbs. My wife is working of a bunch too. You can do it! Way to go for reaching out.
  • fightingthebulge
    fightingthebulge Posts: 65 Member
    Yes I have to lose 130 pounds I want to weigh 120 pounds on my 5'3 frame and right now I am about 250 =(
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I lost 68lbs so far and I still have 97 more lbs to go.......... I need all the support I can get.
  • scotlanded
    scotlanded Posts: 20
    I want to lose about 90 lbs more (have lost 10 or so but not in the healthiest of fashions). I'm excited about this site and the support group!
  • I need to lose 120 pounds. I'm 8 pounds down right now, leaving me with 112 to lose. I'm in!!!
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    Its great that so many people are finding help through this. I myself am having really hard time with self control lately. I found out last night that my grandma is getting her breathing tube pulled tomorrow and not replaced if she can not breath on her i went on a little emotional binge of over indulgence. gigantic bowl of ice cream, more than a liter of coke, a doughnut. Definitely my worst day so far. If anyone has any ideas on how i can fight my emotional food urges i would greatly appreciate any advice you can give.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Amberkins: <<<HUG>>> Prayers for you and your family.
    I'm really bad at emotional eating. I really can't advise on that. Just do the best you can and get back on track as soon as you can.
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    So sorry to hear about your grandma, amberkins! :( I'm an emotional eater, too, so I understand that part well. It's so easy to say, "I've had a hard day, I deserve it!" My only advice would be to either "binge" on something like fruit rather than ice cream, or have the ice cream but in a healthy portion. Easier said than done, I know! But don't get discouraged, we all fall off the wagon sometimes, it's just important to get right back on. <3
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I needed 64lbs to reach a healthy weight but my goal weight is 6lbs lighter than that, so a total of 70lbs:blushing: Good news is I'm already 8.4lbs down so that's 61lbs to go:drinker: That's how I visualise it, the longer I go the less weight I have left to lose. My body seems really stubborn when it comes to losing weight!:grumble: I sometimes get about 1.4lbs in a week but most of the time its 0.8-1lb which I suppose I have to be grateful for. It's a pound lighter than I was before, right? :laugh: It's just that I find people of my weight seem to lose much quicker than I do! :mad: I read somewhere recently that you can only physically lose 2lbs of fat in a week, but I don't know how true that is. I'm hoping that by losing it at a slower pace I can minimise the loose skin issue.

    It's great seeing everyone group together on this and take control of your lives! I personally find it so liberating to take control of myself!! :tongue:

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