iqbalkaurthin Member


  • I started alternative treatment (Ayurveda) for Fibromyalgia which is very diey focused. Eliminating wheat, corn and potatoes has helped bringing pain down significantly. Diet does play a big role for me - I don’t eat packaged food as much as possible. I also don’t eat stale food as much as possible. I am not pain free but…
  • I have nothing to add to what has already been said on this topic. Every response is correct. At this eating rate, you will lose muscle, skin elasticity will come down, your metabolic rate will fall permanently and as a result you will never be able to eat "normally" again I went through serious calorie control of gross…
  • As per BMI you are in healthy range (23.18 BMI). I would, personally, recommend that you focus on fitness - build muscle, reduce fat% - instead of focusing on just one metric of weight.
  • There is no rule. You have to find out whats works for you better. If you eat dinner late, you are probably full in morning and dont need to eat anything. If you eat very light dinner or very early, you may need a small snack to last through your workout
  • Even with same clothes and same time if the day, after or before same activity, weight will vary. I would take the average or median and accept that
  • Yoga is the best exercise for any kind of arthritis. Holding the poses in yoga will also help with muscle strengthening that will give relief to your joints
  • I have them all over my body and hence my recovery is taking long. Its been 6 years now since I was diagnosed with Fibro and related trigger points. However, I am working on muscle strengthening as trigger points occurs more on weak muscles and I have seen some improvement
  • Try Jillian Michales Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. It uses no equipment and its one kick-*kitten* work out for all sets of muscles
  • My personal solution to get out of a plateau: 1. Change cardio: Move from steady state cardio to High Intensity Interval Training. Google on it and change your regular treadmill/ elliptical workout to HIIT. You can also try circuit training like Jillian Michaels DVDs. 2. Add more strength training: Not nessacarily with…
  • I would recommend that you add High Intensity Interval Training to your elliptical and treadmill workouts. If you dont know HIIT, just google and you will find a lot of material on internet. This will help you build twitch muslce. It has been proven that cardio in steady state heart rate zone actually makes you fat over…
  • As i read some of the posts in this topic, it feels like listening to my own story. From a healthy, active runner to being unable to walk even 5 minutes was the worst experience of my life. I have the extreme form of fibromyalgia & hypothyroid since early 2007 and thanks to same I couldnt exercise for 3 years and ofcourse…
  • i have fibromyalgia which means i am usually in pain but I am able to manage level 1. With level 2, its a different story, all those plank exercises, increased pain in my shoulders so bad that I had to stop all forms of upper body exercise for 2 weeks. I am sticking to level 1, till my shoulders gain enough strength to…
  • cocktails! i still enjoy wine and JD with diet coke but it has been hard to give up my cosmpopolitans and long island ice teas :)
  • Completed Day 2 of level 2 - and realized what everyone meant by it being a big step up from Level 1 . Those plank exercises are killing me!
  • If you increase your fat intake, it would make sense to increase protien intake too, else you can start losing muscle because if you reduce carbs, body willl target protein for energy. fat is the last thing body processes. Increase in protein intake will save your muscles. Finally, fat as source of energy requires…
  • for some people aspartame, the common sweetner in anything diet, stalls weight loss. I am one of those. Even one aspartame drink a day and i dont lose weight on a 1000 calorie diet plus exercise. If you want your coke switch to coke zero. Thats made with sucralose which is better than aspartame and does not interfere with…
  • I am a little under 5 ft and have still atleast 10 pounds to lose (have lost 30 so far) I try to net at 800 calories a day. So the day I workout (usually 6 days a week) I can comfortably eat 1200 gross calories but the day I dont workout I stop at 1000 gross calories. The negative 200 against net goal of 800 is motivation…