the2aces Member


  • Add me! I lost ~40 lbs in 1.5 years and am struggling to lost that last 10. I keep bouncing between 35-40lbs lost. Gotta get my butt in gear!
  • Yeah unfortunately when you get down into the 100-200 calorie range it's all about knowing your body. I know that if I went about my days without any scheduled exercise and ate 1900 calories per day, I would gain weight :(
  • One thing to note about eating back your exercise calories... You should only do this if you feel the BMR mfp calculates for you is correct. I chose sedentary and it's using about 1950 as my BMR, which is completely wrong for me (i had it tested personally). Mine is more like 1600-1700. This means that if I stick to my mfp…
  • Something VERY common in women exercisers, especially those with wider hips (like me!) is "runner's knee", or chondromalacia: Long story short, your knee cap can be pulled slightly off track by the tendons that run down from your hip to your knee, and this can cause…
  • I think this stuff is delicious - - though it is noticeably sweeter than regular PB.
  • I can't say I'm familiar with the C25K program, but I CAN say that jumping from running 8 minutes in a row to 20 minutes in a row is a terrible idea! No wonder you're having trouble. It's also too big of a jump in terms of injury prevention. The book RUN YOUR BUTT OFF is absolutely fantastic for getting non-runners to a…
  • Something to keep in mind is if you're in it for the long haul (and not just looking for a quick, small weight loss), you will definitely have plateaus - try not to let them worry you too much. A week is definitely not a big deal. Could be water weight, could be fat shifting to muscle - could be many things! If you're…
  • In regards to everyone who asked what the BMR test consisted of, I don't know exactly how it's calculated but I do know that all I did was breath into a tube for about 3 minutes. Done!
  • I eat a cup of Special K Red Berries (110c) with 3/4 cup of Almond Milk (30c) in this guy - - most days. I also like the Quaker Soft Baked Oatmeal bars (140c for the cinnamon roll), 2…
  • Not sure where you're located but the best thing to do would be to get fit for shoes at a specialty running store. A pair of shoes that works for one person can totally screw up another person because our gaits are so different (underpronation vs. overpronation, etc).
  • I didn't read everyone's posts (cause it would make me hungry for dessert and it's just past lunch time :p) so forgive me if someone else has already posted this, but I too have a MASSIVE sweet tooth, and have trouble not having some kind of dessert at the end of the day. My biggest problem, though, is not feeling like…