

  • I wouldn't mind joining in on this. 20 more pounds and I will hit my goal weight!
  • Welcome back! I joined back up again this year and I was surprised by my own new motivation. Sometimes we need a break or we just need to be ready for a life change. Good for you for making the choice to come back! The calorie part was the hardest for me as well. My coworkers probably wanted to tape my mouth shut during…
  • I think it is hard when you first start, you haven't formed the habit yet and it's easy to fall back on old routine. Sadly, that routine didn't involve you getting up early and working out. Just remind yourself before bed that you want this. It might not feel great to wake up an hour or two earlier but, the reward in the…
  • Cheese! I've never come across a cheese I don't like. I am a fiend.
  • A week for hard boiled - however raw can be kept longer. So maybe hard-boil only a dozen at a time.
  • I've been super sick this past week. I am completely nervous because, that means my range of motion has been minimal. I was rushing out the door this morning so, bright and early I'll weight in tomorrow. I hope this bug didn't set me back!
  • First Weekly Weigh-In I didn't lose very much at all. :grumble: But, even .4 off is less than I was last week. It'll just be motivation to work 2xs as hard this week. I hope everyone did well...and better than me :wink: Start date 8/1/2011 - 145.4 First weight in 8/8/11 - 145 I'll be so happy to clear the 140's and welcome…
  • Day 3! I can handle the dieting ... but, I am not looking forward to the gym today. I am going to try to do my strength training there. However I am looking into some DVDs for at home use (THANKS FOR THE ADVICE). I guess I am a little shy. I don't want people to watch me try to lift, I am such a weakling. Good luck to…
  • Today is my 2nd day of our Challenge. Yesterday was a little tough to stay on track after a 2 week vacation. But, I made it! I totally believe I can hit an eight pound goal...who knows, with all this support maybe I can even get all the way up to 10 like everyone else! So, my area of weakness is strength training. Do you…
  • I would love to join in! I don't know if I can lose 10 but, I will make sure I am working along with you!
  • That is incredibly hateful. You aren’t being too sensitive at all. So don’t for a moment think you’re overreacting to his actions. Now that you have the support of other people you can focus on yourself. You are in the middle of a huge journey and it isn’t easy. (So what if some woman at work was able to drop her baby…
  • Don't become defeated. It’s all about moderation. On a day you know you might indulge in foods that are higher in calorie content go for 30 minutes longer at the gym. Or maybe split a really sumptuous meal with a friend. There are ways to still enjoy things you love and stay on track. The worst thing you can do is…
  • If you don't already have the smart phone app for MFP you should get that. It's free and it makes it easy to track the foods you eat and the calories burned from working out through the day. It's nice to know how many calories I've been eating. :) Good Luck! You have a really reasonable goal and I believe you'll reach it…
  • Summer time is here, with all the fresh fruit out there you won't even need the cookies... As for the mashed potatoes - I feeeeeel you on that. Gosh, they are such a comfort food.
  • Everyone slips up. I know that my problem areas are the weekends. It's so easy to just not get up and go for a run or to eat the left over pizza from my boyfriend's guy’s night. It's okay to relapse a little bit. What is important is that you caught yourself! Good Luck on the 9th! If you can do it once, you can do it…
  • This site has really helped my awareness. I feel so much better about myself now. :smile: Good luck!
  • It's normal to feel frustrated. Keep doing what you’re doing and remember that you are .3 lbs less than you were 9 days ago. Every little bit helps. Some weeks will be better than others. Just don't give up! :)