Exercise and excusea



  • UltraRoyal
    I don't make it an option for myself. I set my alarm, get up, dress for workout, wash my face and away I go. If it is not optional in your brain I do it before I am awake enough to notice.

    This is the truth.....Ive talked myself out of so many things. Now i follow the above method and do what I gotta do. So tomorrow I better see an early morning work out missy.......
  • SlimDownDani
    I think it is hard when you first start, you haven't formed the habit yet and it's easy to fall back on old routine. Sadly, that routine didn't involve you getting up early and working out. Just remind yourself before bed that you want this. It might not feel great to wake up an hour or two earlier but, the reward in the end will be well worth it. Don't spend your nights talking yourself out of it; spend your nights remembering why you made the commitment to yourself.

    Give yourself a reinforcement system; it can be positive or negative. An example of a positive method of reinforcement: select a goal. Something that you will love to do for yourself like: a massage, a manicure or a new pair of shoes. When you have completed 30 days in row treat yourself to that. It’ll help keep you focused. Sometimes our physical health isn’t enough to keep us going however, sometimes a pair of strappy heels can be. Or, you could try negative reinforcement. Every morning you skip, you have to put $10 in a jar. The money could go to a worthy cause that you care about or just be a fund that reminds you that you are slacking.

    But, always remember you are human and humans make mistakes. If you do slip up, work out at night or start again fresh the next day. You can do it! You have a whole support system here ready and willing to keep you on track!
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    Thank you everyone! I love the idea about setting a goal, treating myself to something or the dreaded money jar, I think they would help me or anyone that is struggling with this. Everyone has great ideas and thank you so much