

  • Hey I will add you I am a mother of four! I have three in school and one at home who is special needs. I usually go for a walk with him in a stroller when the other three are at school. My younges is 2 and a half so he is still young enough to go in the stroller. We live in an apartment so in your shape I would fine when…
  • Baby carrots are great! No cutting! Now days too you can buy everything precut if you rather pay a little extra to not have to cut.
  • Under Goals did you put what you want to lose? For your weight I think to actually lose weight they probably would have you eating around 1200 calories. I weigh more than you and I'm at 1330 calories, put your activity level also and this can increase your calories. Generally it says 15 lbs or more on my 5 week one.
  • Hey! I will add you. I've been on here for several months, but only actively entering my stuff since June. It really has helped me.
  • That is so awesome! Me and my husband have been losing weight together as well. I have lost 40lbs, and he has lost 80lbs. We have lost 120lbs together.
  • You look incredible~ Although you looked wonderful before hand too! Thanks for posting this gives me inspiration the weight lost has been so slow for me.
  • I personally do add them. Although I generally try to stay under 150 carbs although honestly I don't generally stay under, but with my fruits and veggies I do allow them to go a little higher.
  • I try to add comments like way to go or good job when people lose weight, not if they are under calories or something like that. I do find it frustrating when i comment and then they never do.
  • I've been struggling with this as well. Although with me it's more of a fact that I have more calories left over and I don't want to go into starvation mode. So I do also tend to eat a lot of my calories after 5pm. One thing you can try is something I saw on extreme makeover. Split your calories into meals and eat them…
  • It's funny I was just talking about this subject to my husband. I am actually down 30 or so lbs since I started, I'm not noticing any bagging I'm actually noticing my skin is going in. Then I was looking at some people that got the lap band surgery and their skin is sagging or the people on extreme makeover. Basically…
  • I just use pam sprays.