:( Help??

I have a question..My BMR is 1476...my TDEE is 2280 something..take off 300-500 calories off the TDEE for a healthy half pound to pound of loss is what I should NET for my calories...so I stay to net in the 1700-1900 range. Now, why is it when I complete my food diary and it tells me what I should weigh in 5 weeks, it's so discouraging..only ranging a pound or two below what I am now (162)..or even a pound or two ABOVE???


  • destinedwi
    Under Goals did you put what you want to lose? For your weight I think to actually lose weight they probably would have you eating around 1200 calories. I weigh more than you and I'm at 1330 calories, put your activity level also and this can increase your calories. Generally it says 15 lbs or more on my 5 week one.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I didn't read the options under "Goals" right...and when it recalculated what my weight should be (following their suggested intake) I should *gain* 5 pounds by such-n-such date. I totally freaked-out...and then went back in and realized my error ~lame chuckle~. Definitely look at what you have set under the "Goals" tab in your profile...perhaps that's where the answers are...if not, use the "Search" option in "Communities" and type "how to use Goal" or something akin to that.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • msgabismit
    Under Goals did you put what you want to lose? For your weight I think to actually lose weight they probably would have you eating around 1200 calories. I weigh more than you and I'm at 1330 calories, put your activity level also and this can increase your calories. Generally it says 15 lbs or more on my 5 week one.

    To lose a healthy pound I need to net somewhere around 1300, but you should never eat below your BMR because you will go into starvation mode and your body will hang on to those calories..My BMR is 1476.
  • msgabismit
    Under Goals did you put what you want to lose? For your weight I think to actually lose weight they probably would have you eating around 1200 calories. I weigh more than you and I'm at 1330 calories, put your activity level also and this can increase your calories. Generally it says 15 lbs or more on my 5 week one.

    To lose a healthy pound I need to net somewhere around 1300, but you should never eat below your BMR because you will go into starvation mode and your body will hang on to those calories..My BMR is 1476.

    Ok I set the goal for 1600..lol That is above my BMR and below my TDEE. Thanks girls.