

  • I wish I could help, I gain 3 pounds every month during that time. Can't wait until Monday I'll be three pounds lighter.
  • thank you. Keeping on tack is hard for me on the week end. I am always running here and there. but I found a neat trick at the movie theater. the one that I go to in brooklyn, ny started selling pop corn flavoring. If your like me you love to put all that butter on your pop corn. I will pop some pop dash some flavoring on…
  • no working out early in the morning is really the best thing for you. You'll have energy, I think that the individual that told you that my have gotten his/her fact a little mix up. If you exercise late at night and then try to go to bed you'll see that you will be unable. you'll toss and turn. exercising at night is only…
  • I use I can't believe it is not butter, for just about every thing. some one told me that virgin olive oil is better for cooking your food. do any one have any suggestion.
  • Help. I have 26lbs to go and I have the tools at home to exercise, but as I arrive home I have to cook for my child, some time not all the time i have to help her with her home work. Or i'm just just not motivated to do what I have to do. The dvd in the basement stop working had to throw it away and just have not bought a…
  • Ladie's. Gentlemen. Help, Why di men lie. not all men I want to say insecure men. I was talking to a gentleman name Andrew he seem nice. Then we started talking about what he had accompish and here is what he told me. He graduated from law school at 22, became a ledigation lawyer, then he quite that to joine the army as…
  • I do not know if you are doing to much. i believe that if you have to ask the question that you know the answer. I think that you should do boot camp during the week and just run on the weekend. your motivation may just come back. I am happy with myself an lost 1 pound and i am hoping to lost another pound. I started at…
  • exercise either before you go to bed or before you go to work. Those are the best time to work out. on your off time/day off workout any time you want. hope that help:smile: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter :sad:
  • I have learned that carb, fat, sat fat, and sugar, that we will either be under or over. I have learn that if you add a small toss salad, it will cover the cal that is left over and you will not go over your carb, fat, sat fat, and sugar. I have loss 1 pound just by adding a slad to my meals. It fills you up. Hopr this…
  • This is not about your family. it is about you. You do not have to eat the potato chips in front of the TV. put the baby in his or her stroller and take a walk. It will help, believe it or not ask your husband to go with you make it your together time, and talk to him about what you are trying to do and that you need is…
  • Sending you my prayers and wishing you good luck. :happy:
  • Thanks for the welcome to all of my new friends. I have just started this week really keeping my meal diary. I am learning that I cheat a lot on the weekend. any suggestion on how to stop.
  • :laugh: New to the site and my friends call me Zee. I'm not good at blogging this is really my first time doing this and, not really sure what to write. I can tell every one, that I am currently looking for and exercise buddy, that live in Brooklyn, NY the crown height, Brownsville, park slope area. Let me know if there…