klbaierwalter Member


  • Hello! I started in October and I’m down almost 30lbs since then!
  • Gravedigger- Dave Matthews
  • I'm in! I need more motivation. I have been so stressed lately and I'm definitely stress eating. I'm eating all the Halloween candy and not really watching my carbs like I should be. I would love to drop 10 pounds by the end of this year. I have gained 20 pounds back of the 30 pounds lost since having my son and I hate…
  • I just downloaded the app. My email is [edited by mods]
  • Feel free to add me!
  • I would find a new practitioner! My husband and I are getting ready to try and conceive again (have had 2 miscarriages one back in Sept of '14 and one on April 11th of '15). I have already let my OBGYN know that I want my progesterone tested this time because it hasn't been tested before. I haven't asked my…
  • Hi Kristina, I am from Muncie, but now live near the Angola area. I have lost 35 pounds, feel free to add me!
  • Metformin is normally free at most pharmacies. I am on Met and it helps with my PCOS and my Type 2 Diabetes. It used to help with the facial hair growth, but it seems like that has subsided, but I have also been eating a lot more red meat than usual, so I wonder if I were to lay off the red meats, if it would slow down…
  • 137 this morning. :-( I haven't been keeping up with my meds and I haven't been eating the best either. I did take a pre-workout this morning before going to the gym and lifting and then running, so I'm not sure if my higher sugars may be due to the exercise. I have to start checking before the gym, instead of after.
  • I just looked into him as well and I cannot find anything either. I wanted to find out more about pricing, but was hesitant to email the information email address, because I didn't want to feel pressured into anything that I don't want. $300 seems like a lot per month. I pay $32 per month for a gym membership where my gym…
  • Did you enable negative adjustments? It will take what you actually burned vs what MFP says you should burn per day and adjust it accordingly. You can turn the negative adjustments off.
  • 100 today! Got my results back from my recent A1C. Went from 10 to 6.1 since October 17th 2014. My next appointment with my Endo set for around 4th of July. Just keep swimming!
  • I'm 5'3 SW: 235 CW: 201.2 GW: 135 (Depending on how I look). I just want to make sure I am in the healthy BMI range. Right now, I am focusing my energy on getting below 200. I am currently at my lowest weight in at least 5 years.
  • Oh the cravings. Yeah they come after me as well. I don't feel like I'm dying of hunger, but I do find that the little voice in the back of my head telling me to eat the whole bag of cheetos and drink 4 cokes, gets a lot louder during my TOM.
  • To get down to 165 by the end of 2015! I am currently at 202.6. To also do some sort of exercise daily and to take better care of myself overall. Also, to get my blood sugars down so that my husband and I can try for a baby next fall!
  • Artificial. I am highly allergic to the real trees and wind up with sinus issues, vomiting, and diarrhea. Yeah, I love the real trees because they are really beautiful. However, my body appreciates the artificial trees.
  • I feel disappointed. I couldn't workout on Monday because my husband was in the ER. But at the end of the day, I know that life does happen and that I can always work out the following day. I was and am more concerned about my family.
  • Honestly, no I don't think so. Knowing what happened there would bother me and I honestly believe that places absorb the energy of people who inhabited them. I just don't think I could live there. I feel like in my mind I would be seeing that poor child being harmed over and over again. I don't think it would be good for…
  • My goal is to get down to ONEderland by Christmas. I have lost 7 pounds in about 3 weeks now and 26 pounds overall. I am down to 209.4. So, I'm more driven than ever to ring in the new year under 200 pounds! Especially with the holidays coming up, I am really going to try to make sure not to sabotage myself by eating all…
  • I have lost 23 pounds so far. I put on a shirt that when I first bought it, it was tight around my chest and shoulders and it was supposed to hang longer on me, well it didn't. I wore it on Monday and I was able to pair it with a pair of black skinny jeans (which finally fit me!!). I was shocked with how loose the top was…
  • I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about 5 years ago. I am 27. I will be honest in saying that for almost 5 years I didn't take the diagnosis seriously. I still ate what I wanted and thought that the Metformin would be my magic "fix," and that I didn't actually have to do anything to lower my numbers. Well in the past 2…
  • Ice water all the way! As an occasional treat I will stop by our local coffee shop for a soy vanilla chai latte on my way to work. But that only happens maybe 1-2 times per month if even that.
  • So far I really like the program. I am technically on my 3rd week but I am re-doing week 2. I was out of town most of last week and was only able to squeak in 1 workout while I was out of town. I was helping my mother sort through my grandmother's things, so I did lots of heavy lifting and walking and moving things, etc…
  • Awesome! Congratulations! Great work!
  • Congratulations! That's awesome! Great work!
  • I have the FT7 as well and I agree with the other ladies. It depends on age, weight, etc to determine your actual calories burned. I'm super sad, I went to put mine on this morning and the battery was dead! I was hoping I could get one more workout in before the battery died. So I had to guesstimate my burn for today, but…
  • Your body will start to slow down in weight loss. I started by losing about 10 lbs in a week and then after that, it's like 1-2 pounds every couple of week and I've even had months where I've gained 2 pounds instead of losing. Don't give up! Do you drink a lot of water? Cold water helps to get the metabolism going so that…
  • Quinoa. I think it tastes like dirt...ick!
  • Your husboyand seems to have some deep seeded insecurities of his own. Misery loves company and what better way to make himself feel better, than to drag you down with him. He's a *kitten*, plain and simple. He sounds like a mean-hearted loser in my opinion. I am 27 and my husband and I have been married for less than a…
  • My husband and I tried them last week. I took one bite and thought it tasted disgusting. My husband ate his and mine. I just didn't think it had much flavor. I was sad because I was pretty pumped to try it and I won't lie, I felt let down. :sad: