Help! Haven't Lost in 10 Days! :(

Let me start off by saying that I'm 300 lbs. I've only lost 35 lbs in the past 8 weeks, and I feel like that is not very much for someone my size. I have been losing consistently, but in the last 10 days, I've actually GAINED 2 lbs, and haven't lost ANYTHING! I am running/walking at least 1.5mi per day, 6 days a week. The only thing I really changed last week, was that I lifted weights one day for about 20 minutes, but I don't think that would be the reason for not losing and actually gaining? I am allowed to have 1,670 cals per day. Most days I get around 1,400, but some days I've eaten around 1,550. Can someone help me? I feel like I should be losing more weight, especially since I'm so big :( I'm really getting discouraged! :sad:


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    weight loss is not linear...and not losing weight for 10 days is not a big deal...try going 3 weeks.

    As for the gain it's from the new exercise most likely...water happens with new exercise.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    is this the first time you lifted? new exercise can cause water retention in your muscles, but if youre in a deficit then you are still losing fat

    dont sweat about a lbs or 2 over a period of time that short, weight fluctuates too much due to water and food waste. give it some more time

    patience and persistance
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    weight loss is not linear...and not losing weight for 10 days is not a big deal...try going 3 weeks.

    As for the gain it's from the new exercise most likely...water happens with new exercise.

    QFT , just be patient and stick with it
  • KaraBoo87
    KaraBoo87 Posts: 35 Member
    I know that, but being 300 lbs, it's very hard to understand why I've increased my activity and limited my food so much in the last 8 weeks, and I'm only 35 down....well, now only 33 down. And the worst part is I feel like all of that was water weight. When am I going to start losing fat?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know that, but being 300 lbs, it's very hard to understand why I've increased my activity and limited my food so much in the last 8 weeks, and I'm only 35 down....well, now only 33 down. And the worst part is I feel like all of that was water weight. When am I going to start losing fat?

    you keep saying 'only' 35lbs... this isnt biggest loser, you're not going to lose 10lb a week if you are losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way.... 35lbs is a GREAT start in your first 8 weeks... just be patient and consistant and the scales will keep going down.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    Weight loss is not linear at all. And you should eat your recommended calories. Under eating can be detrimental to weight loss. 35 pounds in 8 weeks is not quite 4.5 pounds a week on average. I don't think that's much to complain about. A 2 pound gain can be water weight, hormonal fluctuations based on where you are in your cycle, etc.

    Don't expect the weight to drop in large chunks consistently. You didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't go away overnight. It will take time. The closer you get to your goal, the slower the weight will come off, too. It took me about 3 months to lose my final 5 pounds.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Adjust your expectations. 35 lbs in 8 weeks is a huge amount. It sounds like your body is slowing down the rate of weight loss a bit. I've had 3 week periods where I haven't changed anything but not seen a loss, or even had a small gain. It's how it works. You might find that next week you're down 3 lbs. Just carry on doing what you're doing and settle in for the long, slow journey ahead.
  • KaraBoo87
    KaraBoo87 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the comments all!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Theres no way you lost 35 pounds of water weight. Also, I realize the heavier you are the faster the weight does come off at first, but 35 pounds in 2 months is pretty dang good I think. It took a while to put that weight on, and will take a while to take it off. Theres no hurry, in fact the more you take your time, the more you get used to your new way of eating and the more likely the weight loss will stick. There will be plenty of weeks, you will lose a lot, and plenty where you wont lose any. Dont be discouraged.
  • KaraBoo87
    KaraBoo87 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not meaning to complain or anything.....It's just very frustrating.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    weight loss is not linear...and not losing weight for 10 days is not a big deal...try going 3 weeks.

    As for the gain it's from the new exercise most likely...water happens with new exercise.


    I understand it's frustrating, we have all been there. Just stick with it. Patience.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    dear, shake it off, try taking pictures or measurements.. that scale is the devil. I was 310 when i started this and it took me over 100 days to get where I am now.. you're practically nipping at my heels! What are you worried about!?!?1 Keep up the great work and you'll be fine!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I know that, but being 300 lbs, it's very hard to understand why I've increased my activity and limited my food so much in the last 8 weeks, and I'm only 35 down....well, now only 33 down. And the worst part is I feel like all of that was water weight. When am I going to start losing fat?

    you keep saying 'only' 35lbs... this isnt biggest loser, you're not going to lose 10lb a week if you are losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way.... 35lbs is a GREAT start in your first 8 weeks... just be patient and consistant and the scales will keep going down.

    I'm with her, try to stop using the word ONLY. I've "only" lost 35 lbs. You've lost 35 lbs! That's awesome! That's amazing! Celebrate it!!! When you put it like I've only lost 35 lbs you are minimizing what you accomplished.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    When the fat cells lose fat water moves in at first, then you will see a woosh and you will see weight loss. You are retaining water. Log your food accurately. Weight and measure and you will see a drop.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Frustrating yes. But it happens. I've gone a couple of weeks without losing anything or even gaining a bit. When that happens I have to just take a deep breath and trust the process.
    And yes, 35lbs (or even 33) in 8 weeks is spectacular. I'm not a doctor or a dietician or a nutritionist but from experience I can say that you have had a lot of success to this point and leveling out a bit is normal.
    THE most important thing for me in this process - the main factor that has contributed to what I've accomplished so far - is adjusting my expectations. As hard as it can be sometimes, if I can constantly remind myself that losing 1-2lbs a week is normal and healthy and part of the overall plan, then I'm less inclined to give up and eat an entire pepperoni pizza when I have a tough day.... or week... or month.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get that you're mostly venting but seriously hon - what's the alternative? Give up? Nah, not gonna happen. You just gotta keep on keepin on. And yeah - stop with that "only" crap. You've lost 35 pounds in 8 weeks!! Holy ****e! That's over 4 pounds per week! Definitely nothing to get upset about. There was a post on here yesterday about a woman being in an abusive relationship with the negative voices in her head. You should read that and gain some perspetive. Stop being so hard on yourself and celebrate your victories!

    It's very likely water weight. You're not regaining actual fat - that's just not possible on a calorie deficit. When I first started out, I lost 2-4 pounds per week but as soon as I started exercising, I went up a pound and then stalled out for a couple weeks. Didn't let it get me down, kept up with the calorie deficit and exercise and the next week I was down another 4.

    No one really talks about it but patience is a HUGE factor with weight loss. We all want to lose the weight NOW but that's just not how it works. Some weeks you lose a lot, some weeks you don't. Water weight is brought on by new/more intense exercise, TOM, too much sodium/not enough water, even unusually high carb intake. Fluctuations happen, get used to them.

    Good luck!
  • KaraBoo87
    KaraBoo87 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks, all!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm not meaning to complain or anything.....It's just very frustrating.

    Yes we understand that but remember you didn't put the weight on in 35weeks....40 weeks...or even 52 weeks...this is going to take some time...and as long as you do it at a healthy sustainable rate you have more of a chance of keeping it off...and isn't that really the end goal here?
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    weight fluctuates... to be honest, you shouldn't be weighing yourself all that often. Sometimes you will lose lbs, or inches... it all depends. You are doing amazing!!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    35 lbs in 8 weeks is great be proud of that. I started at 285 lbs and it took me about 4 to 5 months to lose 35 lbs. It takes time, I understand wanting it off immediately but that is not realistic. Buckled yourself in for a long ride but one worth every moment.

    Weight will fluctuate that you need to get used to, if you invest your emotions on the number on the scale I would suggest not weighing so often.

    Hang in there you are off to a great start and trust me it can be a fun adventure learning what you can do.
  • 0Amra
    0Amra Posts: 24 Member
    You might as well settle in for a long ride because this sort of thing will probably happen to you many times over the course of your weight loss. I started at nearly the same weight that you did and I can tell you that on a good week I average a loss of 2 lbs- which is fantastic in my book! However, I've gone as long as 3 weeks without any loss at all. It's frustrating but if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and logging everything accurately, eventually the weight will come off. It will probably be a much longer process than you are anticipating.
  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    35 lbs. is a great job! Your body is probably adjusting. I think it happens to most people, at least from what I've read on here. I started at about the same weight, and when I lost about 30 lbs., my weight stalled and then I gained about 4 lbs. But after my body adjusted and I changed up things a bit, I started to lose again. In the end, I still made my monthly goal of losing at least 10 lbs.

    Can you change something in your routine? Drink more water? Change what you are doing for exercise? Add longer walks? Your body has probably adjusted to the 1.5 mile walk every day.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    weight loss is not linear...and not losing weight for 10 days is not a big deal...try going 3 weeks.

    As for the gain it's from the new exercise most likely...water happens with new exercise.

    I have seen several instances of this as I've lost weight and I started at 264. As long as you are staying within your calorie goals and getting exercise, you will see a weight drop. Here and there you'll plateau but the overall trend will be down.

    Also, keep in mind that the scale isn't the only way to measure body change: Are you shirts/pants looser? Lost/losing a chin? Can see a rib you couldn't before? Less winded climbing stairs? etc etc etc

    All this having been said...if you go another two weeks with no loss then at THAT point, I'd post this topic and open your diaries to get advice..
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    Your body will start to slow down in weight loss. I started by losing about 10 lbs in a week and then after that, it's like 1-2 pounds every couple of week and I've even had months where I've gained 2 pounds instead of losing. Don't give up! Do you drink a lot of water? Cold water helps to get the metabolism going so that it burns more. I workout fasted and I've noticed that I feel really good when I do. I eat after I workout and I am good and full until snack or lunch time, and sometimes even beyond then.

    And 35 pounds is AWESOME! Congrats! I've lost a whopping 16 pounds and it has honestly taken me since October 2013. I have around 100 pounds to lose. I just have to keep reminding myself not to get discouraged when the scale doesn't move, or even when it moves up.

    I also have stopped obsessing over weighing myself all the time. I have now cut back to weighing in 1x per month. The scale really doesn't matter that much, what matters is how you feel. Do you have more energy, are you noticing your waistline decreasing? I haven't lost any weight, but my measurements have gone down.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for encouragement!
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    LOSE THE SCALE!...Don't be so hung up on the numbers it's really senseless to constantly get on it, weight fluctuates, relax and listen to your body and feel good because you're feeling good. Get a measuring tape...GNC sell's them and you can use it alone if you're putting out more calories then you're taking in you will see the changes in your body...I can go a few weeks without dropping a single pound per the scale but my jeans fit loose....LISTEN TO YOUR BODY not your scale. KEEP Pushing!
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I like my scale that tells me body fat and weight. I wasn't losing any pounds for the past month but I've lost 4% body fat. At first I thought that was an error but it's been consistently lower for 2 weeks.
    I'd rather lose fat than muscle so I'm very happy with that. Don't know why the scale isn't moving though.
    It will move, just have to be patient and doing the calorie count. I've noticed that when I'm guessing at serving sizes I don't lose weight nearly as well as when I measure and weigh everything..
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    Celebrate 35lbs lost, and be proud of where you've come in the last 3 months. I started out at 275 and only lost 1-2 a week and still have far to go but am finally finding who I want to be and am proud of that!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I started at 329lbs... and I certainly didn't consistently lose weight. I did have some really big losses at the start but then some weeks I just didn't, despite doing everything the same. When I got the consistent losses is when I increased my calories and settled in for the long haul. And even then, I've had a few plateaus and my weight fluctuates up and down for no reason. It's overall that counts, and to trust the process and just keep going. 140lbs down so far.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    As annoying as it may be, the body is not a perfect machine and some things influence the reading on the scale. Mainly water weight from sodium, hormones/monthly cycle, stress, sleep, etc. Even starting a new fitness routine can make you temporarily retain water.

    June 7th I weighed 144.4. From June 8th-June 24th I was between 144.5 and 146.5. Its just the way my body is affected by my monthly cycle. Today, 143.4. :)

    Give it time. 35 pounds is excellent for 8 weeks, just keep in mind that even when your body is losing fat sometimes its holding on to water. Push thru for another week or two and you'll see scale movement again.