bennzz61 Member


  • Count me in too, I need a little motivation to going during these winter months.
  • Many of us are in the same boat - try going through menopause. ;) I felt this way all weekend but I'll just start over again on Monday and plug away. Any exercise and good eating habits are better than none. Hang in there.
  • Thanks! I'll search again. I wonder why it didn't appear for me?
  • Did this person keep the weight off once they stopped the supplements and drastic diet? If not maybe you can say people must keep the weight off for X weeks afterwards? Or make it an inches competition?
  • It's always a struggle but just keep going. Every positive step is better than nothing. After the long holiday weekend I was just thinking today how it takes forever to lose one stinkin' pound but just a day to put on 1-2 after a little extra splurging. Just keep up the good work and eventually you get past the plateau and…
  • How about planning ahead and portioning them off in small baggies or containers so you know just how much to snack on without going overboard?
  • I hear you, it's so difficult to start/keep new habits and so easy to pick-up/keep bad habits. Yes, try logging in here daily and it might help to see your progress and chat with others. Once a week I try to think of my vacuming, dusting, (more like once every two weeks) as exercise. Maybe try to sneak in a little…
  • I have to agree here, even many skinny women don't look great in them. If they are too tight you get all that wrippling effect up and down the legs, they don't lie smooth. Also, if there's even one flaw on the person's legs and butt again it looks bad. If they have a slight bubble butt but skinny legs it looks out of…
  • Try mixing it up a little. I prefer arugala for my salad greens. They are a little bitter and last all week if I put a piece of paper towel in their mix so that they don't go mushy. Try adding in some dried cranberries or craisins as they are called today. Also, I like to dice up a few dried plums/prunes. I also like to…
  • First off don't have those sugary or salty treats in the house if they are such a temptation. If you must have them for others how about sticking them in the freezer so that they aren't ready to eat right away giving you the time to talk yourself out of eating them. Secondly have a few healthy snack choices on hand. If you…
  • I am so sorry you are going through this. Of course I have no idea what you mean when you say your friends are going through major things and want to talk about it (good/bad news like buying a home, having kids, etc.) but there really isn't anything wrong with telling, 'look, I honestly can't talk right now, my BFF is…
  • Hi all, I'm having a hot flash right now running the little fan under my desk while my co-worker who sits next to me has her heater running under her desk. Grrrr, so frustrating. Anyway I'm here like you trying to drop a few pounds while the big M has me at a plateau. I figure every little bit helps so I'll just keep…
  • 1. Do you have a refrigerator/freezer in your office? If so how about PROMPTLY taking it to the freezer and sticking in there. Then you can take it home and portion it out for another night. 2. Can you step outside and find a homeless person to give it to?? 3. My co-workers ALWAYS get take-out, I bring my food from home.…
  • Wow! Thanks for all the replies and encouragement. I do go to the gym on Saturday for an 8:15 spin class followed by weights. I also usually take a nice hour long walk on Sunday with my neighbor and his dog. And on my lunch hours I try to take a walk depending the weather. Taking the stairs is out. They are strict on…