
I'm doing great with exercise but finding my biggest struggle is that I then eat the calories I burn. And I use them for things like candy, ice cream, etc. I've got to stop doing this - any words of advice?


  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    My advice is, that's fine! If it fits into your calories, why the hell not? That's the whole point, so long as your within goal, you're gonna lose weight, so why not enjoy those things, especially if you've earned the calories from some hard-earned exercise! :drinker:
  • bennzz61
    bennzz61 Posts: 18 Member
    How about planning ahead and portioning them off in small baggies or containers so you know just how much to snack on without going overboard?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    My advice is, that's fine! If it fits into your calories, why the hell not? That's the whole point, so long as your within goal, you're gonna lose weight, so why not enjoy those things, especially if you've earned the calories from some hard-earned exercise! :drinker:

    This times a thousand.

    As long as you're getting generally good nutrition, there's nothing wrong with eating something that's a bit of a treat, as long as you're staying within goal. I wouldn't go wild, but there's nothing wrong with eating the odd treat.

    Really good fruit is more generally my saviour, particularly of an evening. Mango. Strawberries. Dark cherries. Lovely. Much yummier than some bag of sweets or chocolate bar.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I totally agree with the above, but if your goal is to still leave a deficit and you're not doing that, then there are things you can do to curb the sweet tooth.

    I find my sweet tooth rears its head when I'm tired or dehydrated, so check for those things first. Sometimes I just need to drink a glass of water and go to bed.

    Also, I find if I eat more protein, I'm naturally get less snack-y...
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm doing great with exercise but finding my biggest struggle is that I then eat the calories I burn. And I use them for things like candy, ice cream, etc. I've got to stop doing this - any words of advice?

    You're supposed to eat them. That's how MFP is set up. Not eating them, in fact, can lead to health problems if you create too large a deficit. As for candy and ice cream, so? You might want to look into If It Fits Your Macros. There's nothing wrong with candy and ice cream in moderation. So long as you have calories left over, and you have gotten enough protein and dietary fat for the day, enjoy! I had jelly beans and cheez its yesterday, and I don't feel the slightest bit bad about it since I had the room in my day for them.

    IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)

    An example of applying IIFYM
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I guess I just have this frame of mind that I need to not eat my calories that I exercise off. I need to get past that mentality.