

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Hump Day all you Vit f's.

    Lucy- I just hate when we have computer updates that cause my work load to increase especially when it encompasses payroll. Glad you survived yours:flowerforyou:

    drkatiebug-hoping that you were able to walk away the stress:flowerforyou:

    Jo- congrats to your daughters for running in the marathon:flowerforyou: Good for you making good choices at the Chinese Buffet...not sure if I would have been that good:blushing:

    Robin-sorry that "she" is on the war path again, nothing like a stressful work place come vent here anytime to relieve the pressure:flowerforyou:

    Joyce I never noticed that it has changed to military time:huh: boy am I unobservant:blushing:

    Meg- once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY:flowerforyou: You control the amount of birthday cake and a taste is a good celebration and let everyone else eat the big pieces:wink: Isn't it amazing how so many of us are going through or have gone through the same things with our parents...one of those sad but true things:brokenheart: I know that when I had my annual check up a few weeks ago I talked to the Dr about things that I had noticed with my Mom and that i didn't want to have those issues happen to me and she assured me that I'm doing fine. I just hope to take what I observed with my parents and learn from them what NOT to do:ohwell:

    Katla-one of the things I remember most about our15 yrs in Oregon was that it was overcast and / or rainy up until the 4th of July many years and the green of course. it's the green that hubby misses the most and is always talking about moving back to Oregon but I remember all his complaining about how by June and July it should be warmer and sunnyer and I know we couldn't afford to become a snow bird:wink:

    cooky- hoping you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- your yard is sure to look lovey once you have it done:flowerforyou:

    yannie- there have been plenty of times when I too thought I was supporting the USPS. When son #1 was in Afghanistan and Iraq we mailed care packages to him every week and I really got to know the people at the PO:wink:

    colograndma-your garden sounds like it's just the right size:drinker:

    Michele- Our rock was delivered on a Friday and I shoveled it into the wheelbarrel then hubby would take it and dump it where he wanted I would bring the wheelbarrel back and load it up again. It was hot sweaty work and we were sore (lots of advil) but got it done in two days as we really didn't want it sitting in the street for the week. Good luck with your rocks:flowerforyou:

    dover-sounds like you have set yourself some good goals and are striving to get in those 10,000 steps:flowerforyou:

    Joy- that loss is amazing congrats:drinker: Hoping that your hubby is able to get his Mom to go to the restroom on a regular basis it would be awful if she leaked on the seat:noway: Maybe he should take something for her to sit on:huh: Hoping you are feeling better soon now that you have the antibotics it should clear up sooner:flowerforyou:

    Viv- 10 min in the morning sounds doable to me:drinker:

    Linda- prayers for a successful surgery and quicker recovery:flowerforyou:

    Brooke- one of the things I hae indulged in since my weight loss has been bras and undies....I just keep buying them and now have so many that I could go almost a full month and never wash:blushing: I think I'm a bit out of control so I just stay away from that part ot the store now.

    grandmallie- which cruise line? Hubby said that maybe next winter we will consider taking a cruise so I'm pre thinking it :ohwell:

    I'm not sure if I will be able to get back here tomorrow as I'm sure I will have more than enough work to do and wanting to get out of the office on time as we plan for our busy weekend.

    When Son #2 was in the Air Force and stationed in Montgomery Alabama in the evenings and weekends he went to school and got his Batchlors Degree. After he was out he married our wonderful DIL and while she did her Master's he worked so while he has been doing his two Master's she has been working but now that he will out of school he said they are looking forward to finally having two incomes with no one in school:wink: Since Son #2 is so goal oriented I'm sure he will be meeting his next set soon. He's currently training for a triathlon this summer....I can't even begin to keep up with him and his wife does boot camp several times a week...makes my pittance of exercise look like a stroll in the park:blushing:

    One of my field supervisors just called and we had one of our trailers broken into on the job site so I best go find all the papers that they will need to make a report to the insurance company:grumble: Just more paper work to do.

    Everyone have a good day and let's keep logging.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Ladies, ladies! you are all so busy and chatty, I just can't keep up anymore!

    Meg - a HUGE happy birthday wish to you! Celebrate the day with enthusiasm and may you feel loved :flowerforyou:

    BeckyRay - It is hard to do self care when you are so busy taking care of others - you have my respect and admiration for raising three grands:love: That takes a LOT of energy that seems to be in shorter supply at this age for me!!. Remember that your health and well being are essential if you need to care for others.
    I can so relate to the boredom/emotional eating. I say "name an emotion and I will eat for it!" but you are on the right track logging everything - seeing it in print came be a wake up call and can help me to see patterns of eating as well as overall trends.

    Linda - Hope your surgery and recovery goes well.:flowerforyou: Behave and rest and relax. Good idea to get your daughter to log for you - you have quite a streak to maintain:laugh:

    We have gone from daytime highs of zero degrees last week to plus 27 degrees celsius this week. I think I can see the plants in my garden stretching and reaching for the sun and warmth! As am I!:happy:

    Go well my friends, stay well.
    Glenda, enjoying springtime in Alberta
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick note---skipped gym entirely this am in favor of strawberry picking; oh, how disappointing!!!! It's been too cold and too wet and the crop is paying for this awful weather. The varieties in my area: earlier ones "Sweet Charlies" are few and far between and the larger ones "Chandlers" aren't nearly as large as usual and both have many, many that turn out to be rotted on the side that is down when you go to pick them. DANG!!!! and DRAT!!!!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Once again I'm way behind on these posts and have no time to catch up. :cry: Thinking of and missing all my VitF buds.

    I wanted to share the link to the article that helped me finally break my plateau...maybe some of you will find it of use at some point: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/tips/diet-tips/weight-loss-plateau-tips/?sssdmh=dm17.666243&esrc=nwfitdailytip050713

    LindaS - good luck and speedy recovery:flowerforyou:
    To all the others who are afflicted with some issue (seen ear infections and dental issues recently) hope you are on the way to recovery:indifferent:
    Congrats to all those with SV and NSV:drinker: :drinker:
    welcome to all the newbies:smile::bigsmile:

    Have a great day. Jodios:smile::happy: :love: :smooched: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday!:happy:

    Sorry I've been MIA. I'm going to work my way backwards on the posts and hopefully will have a chance to respond to some of you before I run out of time. I'm was down another 1.5 lbs on weigh in day so hopefully will reach the 50 mark soon! Then if I lose 10 more pounds, I will actually be what I was 13 yrs. ago before I got a job that just involved sitting and also adopted a lot of my unhealthy eating habits. I unfortunately didn't eat very healthy this weekend and paid for it Monday because I felt sluggish and tired all day! However, I did have fun seeing both my sisters who I have not seen since the beginning of the year! Last comment, I finally did Water Zumba class today, first time since last year when I injured my calf. I tried to be careful especially with the jumping but it was a blast! Can't wait to try the Zumba Gold class Friday and I really like this instructor!:smile:

    Meg - Hope you had a great birthday!:flowerforyou: How neat having the forum at the zoo!

    Linda - Hope your surgery is very successful and I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Katla- I'm glad your DH has a good doctor! When I was cleaning my desk drawer yesterday I found a card my mom had sent me years ago. Made me miss her more but oddly was comforting too! I'm sure your mom won't mind waiting until you get the time to go see her.:heart:

    Joy - Wow, sorry you are so sick!:flowerforyou: Get plenty of rest and don't forget to stay hydrated!:drinker:

    Barbie - I have never heard of Lavender ice cream! Would love to try some!

    Cooky56ny - Hope you are feeling better!

    Skinnylady201- Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce - You are way more observant than me! I didn't even notice the way the dates are until you pointed it out!

    Robin - Glad your dad is ok! My dad lived to be almost 90 - he passed several years ago and it is extremely difficult to realize that won't be around forever! I miss my mom everyday! Hugs!

    No more time to post, have to get off my rear and get moving but I will catch up soon!


    Still haven't tackled closets but did get more desk drawers cleaned out and did a bit of shredding.:laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So when I got home yesterday I had a missed call from my dad's lady saying that they almost lost him. that his heart isn't under control at all and that she thought I should know. My dad doesn't want to waste time to drive into the city to visit him. He says he is just fine. So I compormised and said I would call today to see how things have been going. If it isn't going to well I will drive down to the city. Today is my work for the good boss day so I am busy but not so stressed out. But the queen has requested that I work a 13 hour day this Friday. At least I will get a little overtime for the effort.

    happy Birthday Meg

    Kathy congrats on the 1.5 pounds

    To those of you who are sick I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Still sunny PNW
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just been up to London AGAIN for two exhibitions at the British Museum. I went up with my brother. It was nice to get a bit of bonding in!
    He is diabetic 2 and has quite a belly on him, although, apart from his eyes he is doing OK. I made him walk out for lunch down to Chinatown, then back to the museum, then walked all the way down to the station for the train home. I bought sushi to eat on the train. I think I stunk the whole train out with fishy smells! Good day, and kept my calories and exercise in reasonable ratio.:flowerforyou:
    Will go for a walk tomorrow to our local wood to see the bluebells. At last we are getting a few showers for the garden, but it's not so good for walking!
    May you all look after yourselves. - you are all precious.:heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Measured my waist this morning, and I am 1" slimmer.:smile: Nothing changing on the scale however, and I upped the lbs to where I have been for the last month. Darn.:grumble: :grumble:

    Have a headache today. Wondering if it is a result of my chiro adjustments, since I have actually not really been prone to headaches since menopause. Dr. did say things could get worse before they get better. So, I will go with that.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • bennzz61
    bennzz61 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm having a hot flash right now running the little fan under my desk while my co-worker who sits next to me has her heater running under her desk. Grrrr, so frustrating. Anyway I'm here like you trying to drop a few pounds while the big M has me at a plateau. I figure every little bit helps so I'll just keep plugging away at it and post here and check in at other web sites to get motivation and different recipe/menu ideas.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I didn`t even have time to say hello this morning:grumble: . I always like to start my day off with all my Vit. F`s!!! I think I got caught up on all the reading though. Just a few replys, because I`ve been sitting all day:sad: , and I swear my behind is numb:blushing: :laugh: . I`ve not even had my walk yet:noway: :ohwell: , at least the sun has decided to come part way out and it is warmer now. Noel and I should get in at least a 30 minute walk if not more!

    Grandmallie:smile: I don`t think my tooth is infected, nothing hurts, it just showed up on my x-ray, that`s why Dr. said I had some time to decide what I want to do...my problem is I don`t want to do either:noway: :laugh: . I want it to be the way it`s supposed to be:sad: ! I go in to get a crown on the 22nd, and I`ll make up my mind then.

    Robin:smile: Sure hope your dad is doing better:flowerforyou: !

    Joy:smile: Take care of yourself!!! Sinus infection, ear infection and pneumonia:noway: , bless you, I hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: . I finally got over my `bout of pneumonia after 2 rounds of antibiotics, I didn`t listen to the Dr. the first time and I kept going strong and I kept getting worse, when I finally slowed down and stayed home for a bit I finally got better. The worse thing was I didn`t know really how bad I felt until I started feeling better!

    Kathy:smile: Water zumba sounds like fun!

    Bennie:smile: Hi! Welcome! Come in often and chat! Some of the ladies have great recipe ideas here, me not so much:noway: , but I`m learning with each new recipe:laugh: ! I hear ya on the hot flashes:grumble: , hot, cold, hot, cold..that`s me most days:tongue: . I keep a sweater with me everywhere and I`m always taking it off then putting it back on...I just call them power surges now!

    Enough chatting, got to get up and go for a walk!!!! Have a wonderful night ladies!!!

    DeeDee in NC who needs to drink 5 more glasses of water today:noway: . I will get them in!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura: Regarding Oregon weather, your experience is pretty typical. :ohwell: We’re having an amazingly sunny and dry year so far. The last time it was like this in my memory was 15 years ago when we bought our current home. I am taking advantage of every nice day that I can. :love: It is hard to know whether this is an anomaly or part of the global warming that seems to be ongoing world-wide.

    Jodios: I followed your link and it was very interesting. OMG the water! :drinker: I can’t imagine drinking enough without having to simply move into the bathroom and taking my computer with me. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I have plateaus, but they always go away within a few days or a week. This may change as I get closer to my goal weight.:drinker: :drinker:

    Kathy: I hope you’re able to be with us more often. You have good insights.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Best wishes go to your dad. I hope his heath stabilizes and he feels better soon. :flowerforyou: Your attitude toward she who will not be named is showing pluck and humor, which I consider a good thing.:bigsmile:

    We’ve been having a quiet day at home today. I finished the latest Nora Roberts book and enjoyed it a bunch. The clock lady came and my chimes now work again. Yay! I’m starting to feel the need to get up and move. I think I’ll take the dog for a walk, or the dog and DH for a walk.:wink:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hello Vitamin F friends - just stopping by to say hello again!! Sorry to hear so many are suffering with illnesses, poor work situations, family issues, and other difficulties. Hugs and prayers.........:heart::heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    Have been moderately busy with this, that, and the other thing. I have been pretty faithful to my little workouts and I think I'm gaining a bit of core strength and also a tiny tiny bit of upper body strength. I take that as a positive sign and it motivates me to keep on!:wink::wink:

    I also just had to try to grow something so I ordered an heirloom tomato plant from Burpee's this afternoon. Shipping for this zone should be within a week or so. I can taste those tomatoes already........:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • jmv2012
    jmv2012 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, everyone! May I join the group?
    I am 52, 5'4" (though, the dr says I'm now 5'3"), 147 pounds and want to lose 30 pounds.
    Is there a way to see the most recent posts first, instead of paging through to the end?
    I'm new to forums.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Checking in for today. Testing was still crazy, but better. 7 more days with students. No time for comments. Maybe tomorrow.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nothing much going on with me today except that my husband had another follow up with the cardiologist after his treadmill. The treadmill was OK but I told the doctor about the one day about a month ago that he woke me up because he was having angina and his heart was irregular. So that changed that whole thing with the doctor. He felt he needed to take care of the one remaining blockage and while he was there he would very carefully look at the other stents to make sure that they were still OK. If all was not good then they would need to do a bypass. My husband was not happy about that and preferred the 'wait and see' attitude. So he made a medicine change, will have him wear one of those 24 hour monitors and then see him again in 3 weeks. The medicine change is mainly because the one he has him on, which is free on his medicine now, will be $85 in July when he goes on Medicare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that's really the only reason for the change. But he wanted to make sure there were no rythm problems and that the change in medicine kept his heart rate low enough
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Brooke, when the dogs roll around in the grass and leaves and stuff and get it all over their curly hair, I call them “salad”.

    :bigsmile: :heart: LindaS. Thinking good thoughts for you and your surgery.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, we used to have a five acre farm and now we’re content with a few flower beds, plants, and trees and lots of rocks.

    :flowerforyou: Kathyszoo, come to the lavender festival this summer in Sequim, WA and taste the lavender cheesecake or peach lavender ice cream.

    :flowerforyou: Jmv, welcome, the way to read more recent posts is to click on the word view next to the name of the last poster instead of on the name of the thread in “My topics”, then you can scroll back to where you last post and see what has been posted since then.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My day was more of the same……two hour dog walking in the morning….line dance class…..spinach omelet for lunch,……planning and practicing for the line dance class I’ll teach on Friday…..more dog walking… spreading bark in the yard….riding the recumbent bike while consuming a chocolate berry Isagenix shake and watching TV with Jake…..and then more dog walking before bedtime

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today went well. I reset my goals. I had my calories set for losing a pound today I change it to 1.5 so hopefully it will help.

    @Kathy I have taken water dumbs before and really enjoyed it.

    @Lin we are trying our hand at gardening. Its been a long time since we had a garden..

    Really stressful week at work.
    We are going through management changes so watching to see what happening how it going to.effect us.

    Hoping everyone has a good evening

    Liz from idaho
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Joyce - THAT's RIGHT!!! I'd completely forgotten that they keep ads at the checkout. Thanks for reminding me. Guess I'll have to go today anyway.

    Vince isn't going to go to the Newcomers general meeting or to bowling. He was up last night with a cough and he's starting to have diarrhea. Sometimes I think he makes things out worse than they are, but I'm not even going to start to comment.

    Did a 45 minute DVD of Kari Anderson's step, tomorrow I'm planning to do (I think it is) "I Want That Body DVD.

    Linda - as weird as this is, if you prelog even one item, MFP counts it as a day when you logged in. Trust me, I tried this. Praying for you today.

    sunshine - feel better fast. Glad they gave you antibiotics

    brooke - I can believe that a well fitting bra would make you look thinnner. When you stand up straight, you look 5 pounds thinner...so why not when you get a good bra? How do I keep track of my schedule? Thank goodness for the invention of weekly pocket calendars!!!! My exercise just has to work in my schedule, but I do like to at least go the extremepump class once/week (only on Mondays, too late on Fridays) and something in the water. I do prefer a class, but now that the board meetings for the Newcomers have been changed, I might wind up just swimming laps one day.

    grandmalle - why doesn't hubby like the cruise line you picked? You may need rain, but I'm getting out the blueprints for the ark!

    katla - trust me...I'm no bowler myself. As a matter of fact, whenever I get a strike (which isn't very often) I do a little dance -- I'm known in senior bowling for it...lol - where I just wiggle my hips. One guy gave me a bowling towel that says "I only bowl so I can do that funny little dance when I get a strike". I had it framed. That is SOOO me. Good luck to your dh

    Sorrry, just skimming the posts today. We bowled this team, there is one lady on it who is slower than molasses. On top of that, two others on her team were slow. Slow is one thing...but she would CONSTANTLY be off talking to someone. I remember last year I meantioned to her that it was her turn to bowl while she was talking to someone, and she just said to me "oh, OK' and containued talking! We were the last team to leave the bowling alley. Maybe she has 3-1/3 hrs to spend at the bowling alley, but not all of us do. I'm just glad that she's not on my team. Have to have dinner, than mahjongg tonight. We used to play on Mon nights but the farmers market decided to open on Mon nights and one of the gals is committed to being there. She wouldn't even be able to leave until well after we'd started . Good luck to your son

    kathy - glad you had such a nice visit with your sisters. They are so important.

    Robin - prayers that your dad is OK

    Renny the scale really doesn't matter half as much as that tape measure. Congrats!

    Bennie - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation and ideas

    jmv - welcome! Of course you are more than welcome to join

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • dovergopp
    dovergopp Posts: 9
    Not much going on here I didn't get a good workout in today I only got to walk about 15 minutes. Went to a high school baseball game tonight the teams playing were the town we live in and the school we graduated from. I did get 7620 steps in today with the job I did at work today. Then we didn't get to eat until 8pm we went to KFC I got the new boneless chicken combo I only eat the white meat and my side was green beans and I eat the biscuit and still stay with in calorie range. Well getting ready to drink my nightly tea and then go to bed. Everyone take care and hugs prays and thoughts with you all Take care
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi all

    :flowerforyou: Just a quick one, I managed to do 17 mins exercise yesterday, so if I want to match it today, I'll have to be quick - don't know where the time has gone this morning?! :noway: :noway:

    Wanted to say a lot but will have to stick with "have a great day dear vit fs"

    Fell asleep soon after my tea last night so didn't switch on the PC I was sooo tired, but it must have done me some good as I feel quite refreshed this morning :bigsmile:

    Exercise awaits - chat to you tonight all being well.

    Take care everyone :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
