

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It isn't supposed to really get hot this week, but the sunshine is definitely improving my mood! :glasses: I've been reading all of the posts about gardening, and I'm jealous. I do love to look at beautiful yards, and have often wished that I had one. I've always had something of a "black" thumb, although I do try. My main problem is the wildlife. I've only found three types of flowers that the rabbits and the deer won't eat: jasmine, dianthasis (I can't spell it) and sage, so my flowerbeds consist solely of these. Vegetables never last, either, so I've given up on them. I guess it comes with the joys of country living! :wink:

    Sue in SD – I’m sorry to hear about your medical problems. It makes me angry that insurance won’t let us have the care that we need, when we need it! I hope that your healing goes quickly.

    M – Too bad your DH missed such a great meal! You’ve inspired me to cook salmon tonight. I hope that all of the gardening is indeed a plateau buster!

    Michele – I’m sorry Vince isn’t feeling well, but at least he’s willing to go to the doctor. My DH won’t go even when he really needs to – says that doctors don’t know anything.

    Deb A – I think that we’ve all been where you were at yesterday. Managing to avoid it for two years is an amazing accomplishment -- you should be very proud! It sounds like you know what you need to do to get it under control again, and that is the key: simply not to let it continue. You can do it!

    Cityjane – I’m sure that my husband wishes that I had your problem with shopping! :blushing: That’s great that you can wear skinny jeans. I’ve only found one pair that I look semi-decent in. My calves are just too fat, and they get hung up there.

    Cheryl – I’d love to see the prom pictures!

    Lucy – I’m sorry that I can’t help you with maintenance, as I haven’t gotten that far yet and have totally blown it in the past. But it’s so wonderful that you’re there! Perhaps Laura or Barbie or some of the other ladies have some good suggestions.

    Laura – Glad your physical results were so positive!

    Teral – Congrats on getting the scale to move!

    Jane in Colorado
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends! It's a crazy day here today with a meeting at 7:45, graduation breakfast, then graduation from 1-6 (we have 2 ceremonies and have to go to both). Doubt I'll be back today so I'll be thinking of all of you! meg
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Friday to my VitF's:love: . Hope everyone has a productive day. Found a new crock pot recipe for chicken so it's in the pot cooking. Still have to get my exercise in as we cancelled golf due to cold and high winds. Made out grocery list and plan to go get some more veggies and fruit.
    I'll jump back in later as DH is ready to go!
    Sue in TX
  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    Hi I am new here but enjoy reading the posts. I am 60 soon to be 61. I have lost 64 lbs since last sept. Would like to lose another 10lbs. They are taking their time coming off. If I lose them that's fine if not so what. I no longer take any meds and am wearing a size 8. I exercise everyday doing 3 10 min miles, ride the bike and lift weights. Hope to start swimming once a week. I also work full time waiting tables at a Chinese restaurant.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Hooray! We've canceled the road trip. It's been pouring here all day and I looked at weather and it looks like it suppose to be nice here this weekend and pouring rain there all weekend. I talked MIL into staying here and hubby doing day trips with her and me staying home because I thinking I'm having a relapse with this infection. Both ears now hurt and I had to take a nap this afternoon and when I woke up my sore was killing me. I dreamed about being in Italy eating honey gelato! :love: Hubby called to cancel the hotel and they told him it was snowing there. I think this is a GREAT decision! :heart: :heart:
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I saw my friend, Lizmfp, had posted on this group and had to learn more about it. Sorry for stalking, but this may be the group I need to get back my motivation. I turned 56 in March, I have lost 30 lbs and have 90 more to go, and my weight loss seems so slow its discouraging. I had a knee replacement two years ago and it's time to get off my big butt and exercise. I see lots of challenges posted that I just know I am not capable to do, and it makes me feel sad and old. Coming up with personal goals and having some accountability is brilliant. I will give some thought to what I would like to accomplish for the month. So many of my friends are not posting anymore, so being part of a group may help me feel connected to others, and because I am alone a lot, I think it helps me. So hi everyone! Have a great day.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday was my wedding anniversary.

    Steak - Lobster - Red wine and white roses. :love: It was a good anniversary. I came home to Doug trying to get the kitchen cleaned up before I got there so I wouldn't have to do it. Then he cooked dinner. I got him a Samsung Galaxy tab 2 and he got very emotional.:blushing: I think I did good.

    Its friday and it is supposed to be beautiful here this weekend. I plan to work in the yard.

    I just found out that my dad has been in the hospital all week. :noway: They called me on Sunday but of course I was out of town and apparently I never set up my voice mail on my new phone so I haven't been getting my voice mail. I fixed that this morning. Dad should be going home tomorrow so I will talk to him at his home instead of trying to talk to him in the hospital. without his special phone it is almost impossible to have a conversation.

    No time to really catch up. Maybe later tonight.

    Have a wonderful Friday!!

    Robin Bodi and Ritter,
    In the great sunny PNW
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Been job hunting and going on interviews all week; nothing happening yet but refuse to get discouraged!! I think if it wasn't for MFP and this thread I would probably be doing a lot more stress eating but instead went to the pool this am. :happy:

    Robin - Happy belated anniversary! Sounds like you had a great one!:smile:

    Lin - Welcome!:flowerforyou: This is definitely the place to come to feel connected and part of something!

    Sunshine - Hope you feel better soon!

    Jane- My hubby says the same thing about doctors :laugh:

    Laura80111- Glad you physical went well

    Lucy - Don't apologize for the rant, that's what we are here for to support each other! I don't really have any answers but can certainly relate to how you are feeling, been there!! Hugs!!! Just keep coming back here!

    Brooke - Thanks for sharing the link about the snacks! I have to check it out!!

    That's all the time I have for now. Hugs to all! :drinker: Don't forget to stay hydrated!

  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Wow what a busy group we have here! Thanks ladies for the warm welcome and good advise. The last few day have been good, coming in under my alloted calories, and getting plenty of exercise. Added doing some squats.. a friend challenged me for a month to start with 25 squats and add 5 each day to the end. I know I am not doing them as far down as I should go.... not sure if I could get up fromb there, but I go as far as I can... Perhaps by the last day when I am at 100 squats I will be super strong and can squat with the best of them :bigsmile: Also just unpacked my mini trampoline.... any rebounders in here? Just got it and excited to work with it.

    :wink: Jackie at Cherry Hill: Way to go! I will be thinking of you Sunday when you run the Broad Street Run, I know you will do great!

    :heart: Hope you heel gets better!

    :happy: Brooke from Colorado - We are in the "Banana Belt" and do not get a whole lot of snow. Got 6 inches storm before last and none this last week. Praise God.... Our daughter lives in Thornton and they are oh so tired of the snow too.

    :bigsmile: Nannikins - we are both newbies, but what a great start you have had! Keep it up!

    :flowerforyou: Santd - Wow girl you are an inspiration 196 pounds !!! Awesome!

    Catch you all later- Be Blessed and Not stressed!

    Colograndma (Connie)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I tried the recumbant bike today at the Y, much better. I rode about 4 miles at level 1 but it only burned about 70 calories. My husband said that I burned more when I walked at the mall. Yes I do but I need to go to the Y where there is so much more help for me than my husband walking with me at the mall. Because according to him he knows everything. So it's a start.

    Joyce, much more satisfied in southern Indiana
  • scol14
    scol14 Posts: 19
    Bring on May....So glad to join this group of motivated inspiration women!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    DeeDee - I'm with you on the no more than 1600 calories a day.

    Lucy - you can let your inner skinny out, I know you can.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Laura - glad to hear you are "normal":wink::wink:

    Welcome Lizmfp and friend Lin :flowerforyou:

    Hi Jamie - now we are 3 (folks with horses in their picture :laugh: )
    Kathyszoo - good luck with the job hunt.

    I am still very sick today. I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning and record whatever it says. I suspect my 26 pounds may say 24 tomorrow. :embarassed:

    And as promised - prom picture number one.

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Produce market today, YUM!!!!! I guess I’m lucky, because even as a kid I’ve loved veggies and fruits, especially fresh. Normally I go on Wed. (double sale day) but it was snowing and I was lazy. But managed to get tasty and healthy goodies so the week is all set for success! Tomorrow is “weigh day” so hoping to see a budge in the plateau I’ve been hanging on for a few weeks - - would love to bust through to “30”! :bigsmile:

    Lizplus - Going to get going on the house cleaning...here's me pushing myself up. ...reaching for the dust rag..*bones cracking...back groaning .......up up and away..oh. :laugh: Boy, how I can relate!!!!!!! Your May goals sounds just as they should, with #1 being spend more time with your sister. Hugs back at ‘ya during this trying time and prayers too for calm and healing. :flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie – Wow – marvelous success, congratulations!!!!!!

    Kathy – Good luck on the interviewing, I’m right there with you girl

    Robin – What a wonder anniversary you had! Your hubby sounds like a keeper! :love: Sorry to hear about your Dad, hope he is home on the road to healing (I understand so well about the “special phone”).

    Lin –
    Greattimes –
    Welcome!!!!!!! Awesome group here, you’ll find great support from wise and witty women. Come back and read/post often.

    Sunshine – Yay, so glad the road trip has been “weather delayed indefinitely” :wink:

    Meg- Hoping graduation day means for you some calm and down-time! You certainly deserve it, your schedule sounds pretty brutal lately. Hoping you can enjoy a serene weekend

    Laura – Great NSV from your doctor’s appt. – Hope you were able to get out today and enjoy the glorious weather and get your “bike on”

    Lucy – I can’t speak from experience, I’m not quite there yet, but it sure sounds like it could be hormonal to me (I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV). If you don’t want to do HRT have you thought about a dietician and/or herbalist? I have friends who’ve had good luck with either/or and both. Good luck, rant any time!

    Cheryl – Hoping you found a dentist today to take care of you and your pain - Yuck!! :cry: Please do post pics of DD at her prom (never mind, you beat me to the post!!!!)

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” – Victor Frankl

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Jamie, scol14 - welcome

    brooke - thanks for the link. Some good suggestions in there

    Rosa - have you ever tried the shirataki noodles? I hear ya on the calories/portion of the spaghetti. Each portion of the shirataki noodles is only 20 calories. Now I admit, they ARE a bit more rubbery than regular spaghetti. Some people don't like that. To me, it's an acquired sensation and now I would really rather have shirataki noodles than regular spaghetti.

    Joy - I wish you the best of luck on the diet. I'm just the type of person who if I can't have something, then I'll really crave it. I love my fruit so much that I don't know that I could go even two days without it. Oh, yea, I could. But don't tell me that I can't have something because then it'll be pig-out time. That's just me. Have fun on your roadtrip, as much fun as you can have. Yes, let us know how that diet goes. Sounds interesting. Just read that the roadtrip was cancelled. I can hear you crying all the way over here <smile>. Hope you feel better fast

    DeeDee - wasn't it cool today? I exercised, went to WalMart for 2 items, then went to another store to see if they had what I needed (didn't), stopped to get limes at Food Lion since that's right next to the store, went to mahjongg, on the way home got two Mexican Train sets from a lady, stopped at Lowe's Foods (since it was on the way), picked up Vince's bowling ball that had to be repaired, came home and cleaned another part of the deck raining. Now alls I have to do is the railing on the steps. Once this is done, I'm hoping we can use the Wet & Forget.

    Jane - have a good time at the party and have a (small) piece of cake for me

    Cindy - I almost never use the calorie burns on the machines. There are times when I'm doing HIIT and I KNOW I'm burning more calories when I'm sprinting but it registers the same as if I was recovering. Plus, we have some machines that don't ask your weight.

    cityjane - you're lucky you can wear skinny jeans. I can't and that seems to be about all the stores are selling.

    Cheryl - so sorry you're in such pain. Stock up on yogurt, that doesn't require chewing. Your daughter looks absolutely stunning (and her date isn't half bad, either)

    Lucy in DE - sure hope the Zicam works. Rant any time at all. We exercise so that we can have strong shoulders for each other. Now you wouldn't want all that to go to waste, now would you?

    Katla - good luck to dh

    Laura - great report from the doctor! Your hard work certainly showed thru

    texasgal - at least your husband will walk with you, even if it's only on occasion. Mine won't, primarily because he knows me too well and knows that I'll stop and talk to this person and that person. He just wants to get the walk over.

    yanniejannie - we play American mahjongg. I haven't found it on the computer at all. Perhaps it's somewhere but you'd have to pay and in this respect I'm a cheapskate. Most of my yoga classes last at least an hour, sometimes a bit longer so 1-1/4 hr isn't outrageous. Congrats on the fantastic weight loss

    jane - Vince is one of those people who goes to the doctor for EVERYTHING. Which probably explains why his medical chart is twice as thick as mine...lol My calves are fat too and skinny jeans just look awful on me. Bootcuts are pretty OK, but it's very rare that you can get a bootcut in anything other than a jean or black.

    meg - it must feel so good to go to the graduation and know that you helped the kids grown.

    greattimes - welcome. I really like your attitude "if it happens, great, if not, oh well...."

    Lin - welcome! You've come to a great place for encouragement

    Robin - happy anniversary! mmmm...steak and lobster. Glad your dad is doing better and will be home.

    Connie - I have a rebounder DVD and do it sometimes. Great workout and pretty low impact.

    You know, I was looking for Bryan's facebook page and there was nothing there. So I figured it was a facebook glich. Well, I just checked again and there was a place "send friend request". I guess this means that he unfriended me. I see where Jess and Denise are still his friends. Oh, I really don't want to start stress eating. I sent Jess an email asking her to check his friends to see if I'm still there or not

    Walked on the treadmill today for 1 hr 1% incline 4.2mph. I must say, just increasing my speed from 4mph to 4.2 made a difference in how much I sweat. Tomorrow...yoga.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    wessecg, beautiful prom picture.

    Relay for Life was fun. Wish I could always walk on a track and to blaring music. The time goes so much faster and is way easier than asphalt and hills (my usual trek). We only got rained on a little bit; it stopped entirely for the survivor walk. DH and I got in another 2.5 miles tonight on the track in addition to our 2.7 we walked at 10 this morning. DH did the 2.7 circle at 8 a.m. as well, but I decided to sleep in since I had the issues with the stupid cough medicine. If the cough keeps me awake tonight, I'm going to suck on a cough drop instead.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Really tired after this week and still have to work at least one day this weekend. The volume is incredible!

    Went to the orthopedic doc and found I don't have a fracture in my wrist, but severe tendonitis (De Quervain's syndrome). They did a cortisone injection into the site and said they could do another if it isn't better in 6 weeks. Still using the immobilizing brace for lifting anything and to sleep in (so I don't twist it weird at night). It hurts a lot tonight, enough I took half a pain pill, but that is probably from the injection, though. Tomorrow w/b better. Anyway, pretty much a party pooper tonight and am off to bed now.

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Holy moly, ma and pa, Alabama, Arkansas...just thought I'd share a fun video, youngest DS and DIL singing an Edward Sharp song on their way back from a tour. On a BC Ferry back home.


    Home is where ever I'm with you. Thanks my Vitamin F friends. I feel at home with you too.

    Have a great weekend!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: Taught a great line dance class this morning, then Jake and i went to the Senior Independent Living Fair at the senior center where the line dance performance group danced then we went to the store where I bought two new pairs of jeans
    I've been at my goal weight so long that the pants I bought when I got to the new weight have begun to wear out and need replacement.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lucy, I recommend that you read “The Thin Commandments Diet”……..it is filled with great strategies for making sane, healthy eating a way of life….there is an especially good section about maintenance…..for me, when I reached my goal weight I just kept doing what I had been doing before without the extra calorie deficit……at a lighter weight and healthier eating, I have more energy and am constantly active so I eat more than one would expect for someone my size. Your diary isn’t open so I have no idea what you eat, but sometimes thinking too much about food is because your body is getting the right number of calories but not enough nutrition.

    :flowerforyou: We have house guests coming in the morning so I was busy this afternoon with my share of the house cleaning chores but I still managed to spend about 30 minutes working in the yard.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura in CO: Good for you-- great news from your doctor.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations on your hard work and success.:flowerforyou:

    Sunshine: Good decisions and luck all at once. I hope things are better soon.:bigsmile:

    Robin: Happy anniversary!:heart:

    Wessecg: Your daughter is beautiful. I can see why you’re so proud.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’d call wearing out a pair of pants that have fit since you reached your goal weight as a very nice NSV! Good going. Your maintaining a healthy lifestyle and holding the line on weight gain. I hope I'm as disciplined when I get to my goal.:flowerforyou:

    DH had a two hour long MRI session today. While he was in there, I went for a ride, bought a new pair of pants that are a smaller size (NSV) and got lost. I stopped and at Office Depot and got enough directions to find my way back to the MRI place where DH was. I was really close, but got mixed up. Stress doesn’t do good things for my mental capabilities. :grumble: The technician praised DH for his good sportsmanship through a long ordeal and said the doctor will have the results by Monday.
    Being at home after the stress of the day was a pleasure. I caught a ride with our neighbor across the river to the island and sat with them in the sun visiting for an hour or two. Then he brought me home and they stayed on the island for a while longer. The island is right across from our house and is pictured during fall in my pounds lost ticker.

    Have a good weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in gorgeous NW Oregon.