

  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Road trip today. At least it's not an all weekend one. Leaving in a few minutes and home by dinner. I'll try to catch up then (if MIL hasn't driven me crazy). Down 1.5 lbs from yesterday so the scale is finally moving! Hooray!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Hallo all,
    Tomorrow DH and I are going up to London for my grandson' s birthday. He will be two. He is the gorgeous one sitting on my lap in my profile. That was taken at Christmas. We will take the train as I prefer that to powering up the motorway and circling London in a bank holiday traffic jam!
    It is also our 10th anniversary of the day we met. We are going to leave DGS at teatime and take ourselves off to the place we met at 18.30 ten years ago. How romantic :heart: Might fit in a chinese meal in Chinatown - like JODIOS I will stick to fish and veg.:drinker:
    I haven't seen my DDIL' s parents since I lost all my weight. I expect she has talked about it though so it won't come as a complete surprise. Must wear my most fitting clothes! !!!:blushing:

    Joyce - I do feel for you with the MS. I know a few people with it and it must be the most frustrating and depressing thing. I would be super angry that it happened to me.
    Won't be posting tomorrow as have to get up early to fit my gymming in before we catch the train. Looking forward to seeing DGS so much I could BURST! :bigsmile: :tongue: :laugh:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Rori – Have a fabulous time on your Hawai’i vacation, you deserve the down time as your work schedule is daunting! Traveling for a living is not for the faint of heart

    Renny – I’m like Rori, I’ve gone to chiropractors since I was a kid and always feel better after adjustments. Hope you find relief as well.

    Lila – Yes, I think your bear strategy is right on, change it up! That yearling is going to weigh ½ a ton in no time (can’t convert to metric at this hour). The fashion show sounded like a blast. As for envying husbands, I’m of the “don’t” contingent.:wink:

    Joyce – {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} I understand how anniversaries like that can trigger the blues. May is a particularly hard month for me too, my mom died two days after Mother’s Day 11 years ago so that holiday is painful. Try not to compare yourself and your life to what others may do. The path you’re on is yours and yours alone, do what you can and what you want to. It really is about the journey not the destination. :flowerforyou:

    Jodi – Your celebration dinner sounds divine! Congrats to DH on hitting his goal, glad you found some new shoes that will hopefully alleviate your foot pain

    Dovergopp – Welcome! Glad you found our group. Your May goals sound great, you’re on the path to better health. Come back here to read/post often, you’ll find lots of support and encouragement.

    Sunshine – Yikes, hoping your road trip was at least bearable. Congrats on your loss!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “If plan ‘A’ didn’t work, there are 25 other letters – stay cool!”
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today is going to be all about FUN! My mulch pile is no more, my gardens have never looked so fabulous, and now I get to sit back and enjoy them! Actually last night we had a beautiful warm breeze and were able to sit on the patio and enjoy all of our hard work too. I almost feel asleep on the patio though :laugh:. We have outdoor speakers and were able to listen to the performers from NOLA Jazz and Heritage Festival (JazzFest) – that was a treat. Anyway, DH finished the walkway and now we have two tons of rock left (out of 6 – the rock people seriously overestimated what we would need). I may move it myself and use it for another pathway or maybe fill in the sandbox under the swingset – as I get that ready for DGD, who will be here in less than a month!!! I don’t think that swingset has been used in 8 years.

    OK, I’m rambling. Anyway, today is buying of some flowers for pots, maybe look at a few veggies, then off to the ballgame. I was hoping for another warm, sunny day but it’s overcast and cool right now. I hope it warms up. It’s probably best – I’m a little sunburned from all the yardwork this week and could use a break.

    Jackie, thinking about you today – great running weather!

    CityJane, have a great time with your DGS! Show off that new shape too. I’m sorry DH’s team lost, but I am totally lol-ing at your having to prepare your sad face and wine for his return :laugh:.

    Sunshine, glad to hear your scale is cooperating. Hope MIL does too :smile:.

    Cheryl, I think I’m like you – fairly content where I am. However I don’t want to lose all the muscle tone I’ve worked so hard to get (and that’s helping my body burn more calories than if it were just a blob). Thinking of it as maintaining is good – and your weight is always going to fluctuate a few pounds. If you can, try not to wait too long to get the crown. DD had an implant and then waited too long before getting around to getting it finished and had to have a lot of gum cutting and some bone surgery because she had lost bone in her jaw (I think?). Anyway it was a big deal. I’m sorry about all the trouble with your teeth – hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon.

    Liz from Idaho – yay for days off! Yours sounds like a fun one.

    Glenda – welcome back to the healthy life :drinker:.

    Renny, try not to think of all that exercising as being ineffective – every single bit of it is doing something positive for you even if it’s taking longer for your body to register. DH and I were for some reason going through my health records (my company now has them all on-line) and saw that my blood glucose level, while just under 100 now, was at 123 for the past several years – and I didn’t even realize it. So it dropped the most. My cholesterol is actually a little higher than it has been, but the HDL is up and my tris and LDLs are down, so it’s a good change. All those vegetables and fruits you’re eating will make a big difference too.

    Roeann – Oh, my – you’ve been through the wringer! I’m so sorry to hear about your DH. I would imagine you are a bit depressed – but if you’re ready for change, now’s the time! I have a hard time getting in my proteins too – you’ll notice a number of people here are trying out protein shakes. I have one for breakfast every morning to make sure I get enough for the day – I get more than ½ of my daily allotment in one meal with that.

    Connie, NSV = non-scale victory – someone notices your changes, you change clothes sizes, your panties fall down while you’re walking (true story, ahem, and we’ll take whatever victories we can get).

    Peachstate – I think your rain is headed our way – just what my gardens need now! Just let it hold off until this evening, OK?

    Brooke – congratulations!

    Rori, you’ve done really well with your goals – and Hawaii! Have a great time! Happy belated anniversary to you and your DH.

    Gail, your goals are well-met – congratulations!

    Lila, hey, welcome back! I’ve missed your smiling face. How cool/awesome/scary that you keep running into a little bear!

    Michele, Bryan is certainly sending mixed messages – all with “send money” attached :smile:. He doesn’t want anything to do with you (or maybe just to hear it) but will gladly tell you what to buy him. Hrmp. I’m so sorry it’s such an ordeal – a wedding should be a happy time.

    Joyce, I’m so sorry you’re having a tough time. MS is a terrible thing to manage. Remember, all of our levels of activities are in conjunction with “what we can do.” Yours is too. You just have a different range – but celebrate it!

    Jodios – congratulations to your DH on meeting his goal :flowerforyou:! Of course he wanted to celebrate by eating :laugh:. Dinner sounds lovely. And new shoes too! *M goes to her closet to see if she can justify another pair . . .*

    Dovergopp and areese – welcome! Congratulations on your successes and commitments to change.

    Feeling a little bit tight in my shoulders – the nerves in my right arm are screeching at me too from all the repetitive motion of shoveling. I should go do some yoga this morning but am thinking about it right now. I really just want a day off.

    I’ve been so busy gardening this week that I haven’t really done any cooking. I made a lovely channa masala earlier this week, but beyond that I don’t think I’ve cooked at all this week – and it shows by the cheese and crackers dinner I’ve had for the past couple of nights – and one night with no dinner at all. I definitely need to hit the store and the stove! I guess I better get dressed and go to the store. Those groceries aren’t going to buy themselves :laugh::sad:.


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Don`t have a lot of time this morning, but I will try to reply to some.

    Cheryl :smile: I know it`s disappointing having to record a gain:sad: , I fought it for months, but I feel better now that I did. So glad Jackson is doing better!!! Hope you feel better soon!

    Renny :smile: I think it`s great that you`re trying out different exercises! Video was great, thanks for sharing!

    Roeann :smile: So sorry to hear about your husband:cry::brokenheart: . My husband died 15 years ago, I know how hard things can be! Sending you a hug!!!

    Connie :smile: NSV means non scale victory, like your clothes fit better, someone giving you a compliment, buying smaller clothes, etc. etc.:bigsmile:

    Brooke :smile: Love the profile pic!!! Also love the quote “Speak only if you can improve the silence”!!!

    Rori :smile: Enjoy your vacation!!! Yes, be sure to wear lots of sunscreen:glasses: !!!!

    Cityjane :smile: It is no fun being without power! Have a wonderful time with your grandson! How romantic to celebrate the day you met:love::heart: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Grandmallie :smile: Hope your heel will get to feeling better!

    Lila :smile: Sometimes I envy those with husbands too, like when the trash needs to go out, when things need to put together, when things are too heavy, etc. etc:tongue: ., mostly though I`m happy with the way things are…I don`t have to schedule my time around anyone else, I come and go as I please, life is good:bigsmile: !!!

    Michele :smile: You only had on a long sleeve sweater:noway: , I had a long sleeve shirt with a long sleeve sweater, with a jacket on top of it all, I was still cold! I found nothing shopping yesterday:frown: , my wallet like that! I so hope things will get better with Bryan!!! I think I would just give them money for a wedding a gift, maybe for a Christmas present you can send them tickets to visit.

    Joyce :smile: I`m sorry you`re feeling so blue! Don`t compare yourself to everyone else, just do what you can do! Hope you feel better today:flowerforyou: !

    Jodios :smile: Congrats to hubby for reaching goal!!! Your dinner sounds delsih!!!!

    Liz :smile: I sure hope your ankle gets to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Cheryl :smile: Scantily clad woman sitting on a naked man`s back:huh: :huh: :huh: :laugh: ????

    Joy :smile: Congrats on being 1.5 down!!!! Hope you enjoy the road trip, well, as much as you can!

    LizPlus :smile: I`m thinking about you and your sister, sending hugs your way! You`re a great sister!

    Welcome to all those that are new:flowerforyou: !!! Jump right in and chat away!

    I had a wonderful time yesterday shopping with my friend, however, I didn`t find one thing I wanted to buy:noway: , my wallet and my closet thanks me:laugh: ! I did over do it on sodium with lunch:angry: , now I`m avoiding the scale for a few days!!! Time to get myself ready to go boss the boys this morning:devil: ! Time to get the hair ready for the tiara:smokin: !

    Have a great Sunday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy and still cold NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Goodmorning Ladies Has been a beautiful sunny warm weekend so far and is supposed to continue for a few more days !!!
    have been outside most of the time working in the garden and just enjoying the spring next season here
    we call BUG season nasty blackflies so work before they arrive

    Have lost inches but no pounds this month I'm just trying to focus on how to live a better healthier lifestyle try
    some new foods and move a bit more everyday not to make it a race like in my younger years when we could
    lose weight faster but didn't learn enough to keep it off.

    Sending thoughts and prayers to those in need and congrats to all those who have done so well
    Thanks for all the quotes and support everyone

    juanita in sudbury
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    Good morning Ladies!
    I'm still trying to get going with your group of wonderful ladies here.
    It can be difficult to get a sense of who everyone is the first couple weeks.

    Today is my day off exercise.
    I may Walk slow/y, mosey-a-mile around the houses here, :20 just for fun, but it is really a rest-day from my biking/walking.

    Today includes going to Mass, then Ladies' meeting, and visiting extended family. I have a goal of reading for a while too. Doesn't sound like much, but it's going to take most of my day.

    MFP-goals include *not going over on Calories, especially since I do not exercise today. I bike or walk 5 other days weekly.

    Support Request - I'm a v-e-r-y beginner on any Core Abs Arm Shoulder exercises. Does anyone have a link to a list or showing of exercises? Just range of motion type things would be fine. I need to protect my joints, muscles, ligaments, and anything else inside that I could injure. But I really need to add in some sort of strength/flexibility for something other than my Legs.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • ramblinritz
    ramblinritz Posts: 24 Member
    How do I join this group? I"m soon to be 55 and would love the support of others of my age who deal with some of the same issues I do. Friend me and help me lose these last 10 pounds. I would love to get off some of my meds.
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    I am 50+, this sounds like a great group! Sign me up:happy:
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Good Morning, I just want to get focused again. I work at an elementary school and the end of the year is so stressful I'm exhausted. Trying to add as much muscle as I can and lean out. Hope all of you have a great month!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    The only goal for April I had was to get back into the daily logging. I accomplished that!!! :bigsmile:

    I found out that I am Hypokalemic - started my potassium supplements (wasn't sure how that was going to effect weightloss) and being a Hypothyroid sufferer now started my support on that issue... I lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in and am truly pleased. It goes to show if I'm just honest with myself and keep my head out of my butt :blushing: I can do this! My sugar problems should soon come to pass (I'm sure). :flowerforyou: I'm hoping my Fibro will someday go bye-bye too. :flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning all and welcome newbies!

    I read everyone's post but only have time to comment on a few that are tugging at my heart.

    @Roeann - condolences on the loss of your husband.
    @Joyce - you are grieving a different kind of loss - the loss of your "normal" - big hugs to you. Hang in there and know that we care.
    @Exermom - I missed the back story on your son, but it appears that you have been hurt greatly by him. Been there, done that one. Big hugs to you, too.

    My goal is to one day be able to respond to more posts as some of you do.

    Oh, and one more thing: Sunshine, did I beat you to the board this morning? What time is it in Norway anyway (compared to the east coast of the US)?
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Wow, I have been away for a few days, and I am overwhelmed by how many posts I have missed!

    Have a happy, warm, sunny Sunday, and enjoy your life!

    BJ, SWOnt
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    OK, I said I wasn't going to post any more before tomorrow night, but I have just had a HUGE NSV. (Huge for me :laugh: )
    Some of you will know of my problems buying a new dress for my DSIL's 60th in June. Today I dropped DH off at the cricket and decided to go and check out the dresses at our nearest out of town Marks and Spencers. I had seen a dress on line that I thought would at least be worth trying on and I wanted to find out if British 14 really was my size now.
    I picked out 4 dresses and they all fitted beautifully! :drinker: The one I had seen looked fine, but another one looked even better and really classy. It's cream background with black roses. It's a shift style that I haven't worn since my twenties. It fits perfectly, but if I lose 2 or 3 lbs before June 25 it won't do any harm. Hooray! Hooray! I can't tell you how excited I was. I nearly cried in the changing room. The ladies helping must have thought I was crazy as I was babbling about losing 3 stone.:laugh:
    The only trouble is that M &S is a very popular brand so I might not be the only one wearing that dress. Anyway, I bought it and DH is going to pay for it as he promised me a dress as a present. Lucky him it's not too expensive! !!!!
    Just thought I would share my excitement and, yes, relief, that I have taken the plunge and bought a dress. Bought anything really. I also bought a utility black cardigan for cooler days.
    Thanks for listening. X x x x x :heart:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sunday! :flowerforyou:

    It's a gorgeous sunny morning, :love: I've been out setting the sprinkler on the flower beds as they dry up in no time flat in this heat. My hubby and I planted our pepper plants yesterday afternoon, and this morning we'll put in the tomato plants which have been living in the greenhouse for the last month. We'll spend the afternoon at home in the yard, in the shade. :glasses:

    I'm having good results from experimenting with having protein shakes over the last 11 days. :bigsmile: I've lost 2 lbs, and I've noticed I have much more energy and considerably less cravings. This is good thing for a person who's been known to stand there gazing in the fridge for something to eat, mindlessly, just wanting something, anything, but not knowing what. I really don't feeling so out of control and just grabbing at things. So, goodie goodie goodie, I think the added protein is working! :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!
    Welcome any new people.This is an awesome group.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Glenda: Congratulations on the arrival of spring. I hope it decides to stick around awhile.:wink:

    Newbies: Welcome. This is a great group.:bigsmile:

    Brooke: Congratulations on breaking your plateau. WTG!!!:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I hope you and DH have a great Hawaiian vacation. My son and DIL had a great time there last spring. I haven’t been since I graduated from HS. When we were in junior high BF and I talked our parents into letting us go for graduation if we earned the money ourselves. They said yes, and didn’t get nervous until they realized we’d both saved the money before our senior year in HS. We went and they dealt with their nerves. Good times, great memories. :smile:

    Gail in Atlanta: Wow! You rocked your goals last month. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your continued heartache over your son makes me sad. Let your daughter have her way on this and pretend/assume it is a facebook mistake until you know for sure. I hope things go well at the wedding and your soon to be DIL will be open and sweet to you.:heart:

    Joyce: I am sorry you are blue and sympathize. MS is a disease that steals a little today, and steals a little more tomorrow or next month. You’ve been stable a long time now, and that is a major victory. You’re also taking charge of your weight and learning to cook. I think you’re a star. :flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Congratulations to your DH! It sounds like you did a great job managing the celebratory dinner to stay healthy.:flowerforyou:

    Wessecg: I can understand your satisfaction with size 10. Yay so far! I’d like to be there, but haven’t made it yet. When you’ve found your sweet spot, there isn’t a need to keep dropping BUT there may be some good reasons to stick around here to give and get support. I lost a lot of weight a long time ago, and when I stopped dieting it gradually all came back. :tongue: Keeping it off may be an even bigger challenge than getting it off. :grumble: Good luck getting rid of the naughty pictures on your computer. I would find them offensive, too.:ohwell:

    Brooke from CO: I love today’s quote. I really loved the one about March best because DGD’s birthday is in March and it fits her perfectly. Where do you find them all?:smile:

    DeeDee: Sodium can really do a number on the scales. Have fun bossing the boys!:bigsmile:

    Roeann: I am so sorry about the unexpected loss of your DH. I can’t find words to express my sympathy adequately. No wonder you feel a bit depressed. Time will help blunt the worst of it, and if you stick around here you’ll find lots of support. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DH has been such a good sport with his MS diagnosis and limitations. The new DR is having him go through a bunch of tests to confirm or disprove the diagnosis he’s been living with for the last couple of years. It has raised hope that a surgical solution might be able to improve his life and that is a bit scary because of the fear of disappointment. The MRI marathon on Friday left him with severe lower back pain.:cry: I hope it is a little better today, but he’s still sleeping so I’ll find out later. He has more tests on Monday. :tongue: I hope these aren't painful. :grumble:

    Yesterday I foolishly went walking on a hot concrete dock barefoot, and have injured myself. :grumble: What a dope.:angry: I blame it on sunshine and warm weather making me temporarily insane. :blushing: Thinking about exercise today, and the recumbent trike in the garage may be my only real option.

    Have a great Sunday.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in gorgeous NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon ladies, sorry for the delay!!!
    have been running around since 6 am this morning, just sitting down now, I went grocery shopping and did well, I think...came home put it away, and went to the gym...worked hard there, came home and sorted groceries and froze what I needed too.
    and to top it off im in those stretchy capri's 2 sizes down from what I was:bigsmile:
    haven't eaten alot today but have a boat load of energy....
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day :heart: :drinker:
    I dont know if I have told you all lately but~ even though we haven't met
    LOVE YOU ALL !!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • rosielko
    rosielko Posts: 81 Member
    Happy Sunday and a beautiful Sunday it is!!! Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone!! :) Will probably take me a while to go through posts but is pleasure to meet you all :)

    Hubby and I got in early walk with our 3 dogs so over half way to meeting my goal of 10,000 steps! I should add i have to carry water for me and dogs plus a little bowl, treats and for some of the walk my littlest ( four and a half pounds) as she just can't do as much!

    My goal will be to stop being so obsessive and checking the scale everyday. I also have to remember to eat what i burn. I am trying to focus on being active and eating healthy. Is a lifestyle change i can live with not a diet! What i am gaining is a wealth of good information here so glad i found you again and i plan on sticking around this time! :)

    Well i have laundry to finish and 3 dogs who need a bath so will check in later! Enjoy your day :)
  • chenomi
    chenomi Posts: 1
    Hi ! I'm new to this. Just started last night. Any help is welcome :drinker: