Carriesund Member


  • Veena is awesome. She has plans once you sign up for her lessons. She also has strength training lessons. I can put together a few short strength training videos for you....the won't be professional quality but I have some fun things I can show you to help you build strength back on and off the pole.
  • I am planning on teaching pole and maybe other aerial arts. I am working on a personal training certification but the nutrition program focuses on average people just trying to get healthy. I am literally training for my future job and one of these days I am hoping to find a few competitions around here. Thanks everyone…
  • Yes the more I thought about it I think the belly fat will go away if I start adding some cardio into my daily activity. I am getting REALLY strong from classes but have really hit a fat loss plateau. I walk with my hubby but it just a moderate pace I think I will have to start getting on the treadmill and elliptical again…
  • I know counting calories is a good thing but I have done it plenty of times before and have a pretty good idea of calories but I am not going back to carrying a measuring cup with me or never going out to eat. What I can do is keep a food journal again maybe it will make me think twice about eating 10 things when I get…
  • Hi ladies I got on the scale today and I am down to 124 now started at 127 so I am down three pounds since I started posting here. I thought I might have a false sense of weight loss tomorrow since Thursdays are my most active days I usually walk an hour and go to pole fitness for an hour and a half and go to Latin dance…
  • I am not sure how I am doing I was out of town most of last week so we will see how much damage I did by not counting calories. I tried to make healthy choices and I worked out but I am going to wait till Friday to weigh in. A week off from Pole Fitness classes made my first day back a little rough. The scale doesn't…
  • I make my pancakes or waffles ahead and freeze them since they are whole grain and pretty good for me. I also make my syrup but it is not for everyone. I have used a variety of frozen fruit but I like peaches the best and I never by sweetened fruit. I am pretty sure any frozen fruit will do berries make a thinner version…
  • Okay I am not making huge progress but I did weigh in at 125 today. I started at 127 had a really good week and went to 124 but then I was back at 126 last week so I am going to be happy that I was 125 today. It is two pounds lost in less than a month and if I have learned anything from watching the biggest loser reruns it…
  • I know what you mean about the hubby but I don't have kids. We shop together and some of the things he puts in the cart I can resist others I ask him to take it to work with him. He is not as bad as he used to be he used to get mad at me for trying to eat healthy and now he is pretty much okay with whatever I make or…
  • Hello Tanya, I am Carrie and I am 5'1" and I weigh about the same as you do right now I am fluctuating between 124 and 126 and it is annoying me. I was 97 pounds my last year of high school but don't ever expect to be there again because I while I was thin I didn't have much muscle. I do wish to be 120 or less and my big…
  • For the panckakes I uses Hodgsen Mills mix and usually I use peaches or a frozen tropical fruit mix. If you use berries you the syrup is a lot thinner. I don't really know for sure how many calories it is but it does keep me full for awhile. I hope everyone is doing well! I am not sure what the scale says for me I am just…
  • Okay I weighed today and I am up two pounds from my last weigh in. Still down one pound since I started this but I am also in my period and I always weigh more then so I am going to try to start remembering to weigh in daily or close to it. I am about to take a long walk with some burst of jogging with my dog and I might…
  • Hello ladies I have had a really bad week and I am not sure what the scale will show so I am kind of afraid to get on it. It started last Thursday with me being way too hungry and I just kept eating. I ate healthy foods but way too many up until I just completely gave in and had pizza yesterday. Have been keeping a pretty…
  • Thanks everyone I understand dried fruits are not the best option all the time but I make my own trail mix with them with nuts and maybe some sort of seeds and take them with me when on days like the day I have pole fitness from 5:30 to 7 and then Latin dance class from 7:30 to 8:45. I need something in between and I…
  • I weighed again today for two reasons the first reason is that if I don't make it a habit I will never remember to do it on Friday. The second is that I really wanted to see what happened after a day where I had over four hours of activity. In the morning a jog/walk on the treadmill then a Jillian Michaels video and then a…
  • I stalled out with my weight loss a few months ago and then a few weeks ago I started counting calories again and still nothing. I ordered the body media device and found that what used to be giving me a great cardio workout was just not doing it for me anymore. I am 5'1" and I was 127 lbs a little over a week ago and I am…
  • Got on the scale again this morning and it said 125 that is two pounds down! I don't know why it was not budging and then it jumped so fast. I suppose it could be that I have been pushing the cardio a little more....okay a lot more now that I have the device that tells me how vigorous my activity is. Hope everyone else is…
  • I weighed in again today and I lost a half a pound. I have been very careful with my eating creating at least a 500 a day calorie deficit and after almost two weeks of this I am only down a half a pound so I guess i have to get the measuring tape out again and pump up the cardio. My classes are great and they are fun but…
  • Hello ladies how are you doing with you new commitment? I weighed in at 127 two days ago but keep forgetting to weigh in the am before I have my coffee and breakfast. I am 5'1" and I have about 10 more pounds of fat maybe a little more to loose. I have some great muscles in my upper body for a woman and I don't want to…
  • I joined this group to find out more about clean eating and was hoping that there might be some other people in my situation. I am not going to go 100% organic at this time but some day I might. Right now my version of clean eating is to eat real food. I eat whole grains and fruits and veggies and meat and try to limit…
  • First the advice already given is great. I was there before I started pole fitness. I went to the gym and I worked my butt off at least three days a week and I hit a point where I stalled in weight loss and started gaining weight back. It could have been muscle but the problem was I was not loosing any more fat. I started…
  • Well I am not sure if I will loose 10 pounds by the end of April but that is about how much I have left. I need to lose the fat in my tummy to see the muscle I have been working on building. I need a little motivation so I would love to join you guys. I can't say that I will lose 10 pounds of weight but I want to loose 10…
  • Pizza! I love a lot of food but pizza is the one that is the most dangerous. It is the one thing I will almost always over eat. At least with most sweets I can say no or just have a serving sized portion.
  • I could care less if there was a woman in only a sports bra and shorts as long as her rear end was covered and her breasts are not hanging out of the bra I say wear what you want. I would check and make sure the gym allows it I know some of them have dress codes.
  • I got a Dynaflex when I started and a pull-up bar. I use the pull-up bar to do a lot of core exercises but I spend a lot of time when I first got it just hanging on it with one hand or the other. The Dynaflex has a weight in it that spins and has exercises that can help you with your grip and to strengthen forearm strength…
  • I have been doing Pole for a little over a year now. It is so much fun! You will build muscle even if you are lifting weights because there muscles you use to do pole are usually not the ones you target in pole. For beginners it usually seems really hard but it doesn't take long to get up there. I have two left feet so…
  • I have that stupid stubborn belly fat. I am rocking these super sexy muscles in my arms and legs even my rear end looks good with my new exercise regimen of spend every hour in some type of dance class that I can afford. So a good 10+ hours of pole dancing fitness mixed with a little Latin and maybe some ballroom now that…
  • I am here with you I am right at the top of healthy weight for my size but my tummy looks awful. I want to be on the low to mid section of healthy weight. I work out a lot so I know it is not lack of exercise I am putting in about 15 to 20 hours a week of exercise right now preparing for a dance show. I need to raise my…