

  • I believe some of them work however the vast majority of those that you can buy without prescription don't work too well. The good ones need to be prescribed by the doctor. Those are effective. I would however try to lose weight properly. Get a program and stick with it for some time. Some programs out there are great in…
  • Hi there, While I don't recommend eating up to the exact amount of calories that you've exercised away, keeping a small caloric deficit is certainly important. It has been shown that the best and most lasting form of weight loss is one that is done slowly. Something along the lines of 1lbs a week. This slow loss might be…
  • This is super comprehensive and it really is true! The program I'm using actually tells me this too. He calls it "the dreaded plateau of death". It is depressing and is the one thing that can really destroy a dieter's motivation. The program I'm using tells me that it is important to feed your weight loss. Extreme weight…
  • A terrible "sticky" situation you have there :) But on a serious note, I had that problem too some time ago when my weight just refused to go down. The amount of calories I consumed simply dictated how much energy I had in the day and how cranky I was. Little calories meant I was cranky, had no energy and no concentration…
  • Hi there, 1200 calories seem a little low. If you are the active type then 1200 calories is certainly not enough. Lets assume you burn about 300 calories with your daily work-outs. That leaves you with 900 calories for your basic metabolic function. I can almost guarantee that you're body is going to kick up a big fuss and…
  • Eating excessively low calories or even starving yourself doesn't work. Your metabolism is simply going to turn the dial down and you won't lose anymore weight. The thing that has been successful with me is just to drop calories slightly, maybe 10-20% of your normal intake and slow taper it down as your weight falls. I…
  • I totally have to agree with another posters recommendations to kick the sugars and the carbs. The program I'm on says that is the best way to hit fat. Including belly fat. The issue here is that with your gastric sleeve, it might be the case that you can't process your carbs well already. Hit the gym and do your basic…
  • Its the deadly plateus. After some time losing weight I can tell you that plateaus happen to the best of us and can really deal some damage to our motivation. There-in lies the problem with scales. They aren't great indicators of progress. You should be relying on the tape measure more. Sometimes, especially if you're…
  • Hi there, There are a few thermogenics both natural and man-made that can help with weight loss however these have to be approached with care. If you don't take them properly it can be both dangerous to your health and very annoying if you don't take them as specified. The natural ones that I've used are African Mango and…
  • Actually many times of sugars, Sucrose, Fructose, Lactose, Glucose and so many more. All we need to know is that Fructose has been said to be the worst for weight loss. They use is specifically in pig farms to fatten up pigs before the slaughter. We shouldn't be eating that stuff at all. Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net - How I…
  • Very good advice for anyone looking to lose weight. I've also experience hitting a plateau with my weight refusing to budge. I was miserable the whole day and had so little energy that I thought I was getting sick or that something was wrong with me. Anyway, I bumped up my calories up from 1,400 to 1,900 and within 3 days…
  • Lookin' good my friend! Congrats!
  • Hey there, Simple, just work doubly hard for the next two days and you'll be fine. It takes more than just one day of pigging out to make any noticeable difference. Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net - How I Finally Saw my Abs
  • I agree with the importance of building all round mid-section strength. If you are only building you abs then your lower to mid back might not be getting the right amount of work and subsequently be weak. This will make your back more susceptible to injury. Bad news I say. Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net - How I Lost my Beer Belly
  • As Scully and TheBeast said, don't rely on machines. Your brain and your body are much better indicator of what workouts are good for you. Just trust yourself. Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net - How I Lost my Beer Belly
  • I've only ever tried her work-out once and honestly, its hard. There's no two ways about it. If it is hard, it is probably also very effective.
  • I started to notice the muffin-top was going away when I was at about 18%. The last two abs at the bottom are the ones that are hardest to get at. I started seeing them at 14%. I'm at 14% now and trying to work myself into 8-9%. That is going to take a lot of work! Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net - How I Lost my Beer Belly
  • Are you planning on losing more weight? Your age also makes a difference. The younger you are the easier it is for your skin to tighten back up on itself after you've lost weight. Go do some low-intensity, high reps exercise so you ca bring more blood to the area. I've heard that this helps. Drink lots of water and pray :)…
  • Hey there, I used to be 26% and I couldn't see my abs at all. I used to joke about it to people that I had an "ab". One big one. It was only when I hit the mid teens that you could finally see the abs coming through. Ryan Parker Rock-Abs.net
  • I'm with FireDragon on the trusting issue. Gotta trust him and not let your personal feelings about how you look get in the way of your relationship. He might not like those bikini chicks because they might be a bit shallow? Anyway, back to your tummy. You need to diet and hit the gym a lot more. Some of that pudge might…
  • Yeah...take it slow. Do a lot of core exercises and you'd be well on the way to getting rid of that apron. The exercise is to get the muscles to pull in the "apron" so that it becomes more obvious. You'll also need to hit up the cardio and other weight training to help with fat loss. Don't forget to keep your calories in…
  • Yup, I understand what you need. Here's my recommendation. The only way to strip off the fat from your mid-section is by really hitting the cardio hard. You'll need to do that in conjunction with a diet that is very low in carbohydrates and mid-level of fat. You'll need to do that while also keeping the amount of calories…
  • Belly fat certainly is the last thing to do. At least that my experience when I lost 40lbs. Initially it looked pretty silly. My arms and legs were nice and lean but everything around my mid-section was still super fat. The thing that did it for me was a little trick I learned from one of the programs I joined. It said to…
  • Congrats on winning man. Guess the rest of them aren't as motivated as you eh? :)
  • Hi there, Don't let that dis-hearten you! Unfortunately one of the things that many programs do not address is the need for motivation and re-training the mind to take positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Why not try it on the bed and see if it helps. Work progressively and slowly, just make sure you don't give…