kami89 Member


  • I did get my TDEE, I guess I am just a little (okay, A LOT) scared! Ha!! What did you mean by double post?
  • You look amazing!!! Great great job!!!! What an inspiration you are!!
  • Yup, exactly what Beattie said! I just did it with Banana bread yesterday. The section asks you how many you want the recipe to serve, I chose 12, and it gives you the total intake for the recipe, and also splits it up into portion sizes. Very effective!
  • So with this new change in diet, what will your daily foods look like? I am just curious, as I too have back problems. L3-5 and S1. Back issues are a terrible terrible thing. I hope this helps, and I will be following you to see how you feel!! Good luck!
  • I have just started Eating Clean.... only on Day two. However, my mornings consist of 1/2 cup oatmeal (makes 1 cup cooked) with 1T natural PB (with only peanuts and salt in ingredient list) and unsweetened frozen berries (I nuke them to defrost them). I have been using Brown sugar splenda blend, but I need to phase that…
    in Meal plan Comment by kami89 May 2012
  • You could use unsweetened almond milk, along with a packet of stevia? Or lowfat half and half, just check the ingredients!
  • wow, I could have written your post myself. I completely binged the weekend before Easter, and also on Easter. All that crap got back into my body, and I just couldn't stop. I kept waking up saying TODAY I will be better, TODAY I won't eat junk. And I kept doing. I mean- yesterday? I hate 4, FOUR bowls of sugary cereal.…
  • I have heard great things about JM 30DS too. Also another one to check out that I have done in the past is the Biggest Loser workouts. You really sweat with those ones, and you do a variety of different things to work all parts of your body. ALSO, another thing to help you tone up & lean out is lifting weights. I know that…
  • I have always heard that for optimum fat burning, and weight loss, to keep your carbs 100 or less per day. I am new to the lowering the carbs thing as well, but 100 is what I am shooting for. If it seems to hard for me at first, I will up it wo 150 and then decrease slowly from there!
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