NEWBIE! :) Have 21lbs to go! HELP

Hello! I have lost 21lbs so far and 21 to go. I am now adding a lot more exercise to get fitter and tone up. Really struggling to stop eating bad things and go on binges tips to stop this please otherwise im never going to get rid of the last lbs. Any exercise tips would be good to tone up and burn fat I prefer doing different things instead of repetitive exercise. If you want to add me as a friend feel free too and If you want to give me motivation and shout at me also welcome!


  • angelajo01
    I'm new too, just joined a couple of weeks ago, I keep hearing wonderful things about Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, I've seen some before and after pics of some people and it looks like it works really well.
  • amksmk
    amksmk Posts: 40
    we should help each other out! you shout at me for not sticking to my plan, i'll shout at you for not sticking to yours :)
  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    What has worked for me is the inspiration from others on here and more importantly how much do you want it. Set small goals and challenges.
    You will get there.
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    I'm like you have to change it up. I started with zumba then 30 ds. Didn't finish it the first time. After starting and completing insanity I'm back at 30ds again. Also have her six week six pack and the C25K app. so I'm always doing something to change up my routine. As for the junk food. I eat that in moderation. Not all the time. I've noticed now after eating certain things they don't agree with me and then its a trip to the bathroom. It's a lifestyle change. Not going to happen over night. Stay encouraged:) Feel free to add me. Jwanguy
  • bdubsindc
    The fact that you have already lost 21 pounds shows that you have the power within. I think the most helpful thing with weight loss is a positive attitude. So don't forget to pat yourself on the back for what you have already done. And every time you think, I can't do this, remind yourself that you already have -- you are doing it right now!
  • kami89
    kami89 Posts: 12 Member
    I have heard great things about JM 30DS too. Also another one to check out that I have done in the past is the Biggest Loser workouts. You really sweat with those ones, and you do a variety of different things to work all parts of your body. ALSO, another thing to help you tone up & lean out is lifting weights. I know that everyone thinks that lifting is to "bulk" however, muscle burns fat, so if you lift, heavier at lower reps you will gain lean muscle mass. it will help you burn that fat, and also help you lean out.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I am quite new only lost 2lbs and have 22 to go to get to my ultimate goal. I'm in a rut as i'm not really seeing results i'm straying.. I heard the other day a good saying.. "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing. 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 Weeks"

    I tend to have a treat on Fridays so if i really fancy some thing like malteasers i will wait until Friday and have them Friday evening. It's my treat day buti only have the one treat.

    Also keep looking at pics of you before you lost the 21 lbs as motivation i find that helps with me too
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, I 'm a newbie too (c:

    There is a lot of health issues in my family (Lupus, Cancer, etc), so upon researching about eating healthier and being overweight and what it can do to your body and a special video my daughter shared with me called Super Size Me
    (It is long but you can skip through parts). Just knowing what I eat and how much I eat showed me I need to take better care of this body. I also have a wonderful husband, 4 children, daughter-in-law, grand baby and one on the way. I want to live and be healthier, that in itself helps keep me motivated.

    As far as the exercising, I have issues with my feet, went to Dr. about it and waiting results, they hurt, tingle and go numb. So being on my feet alot can be painful by end of the day. My husband ordered an elliptical machine that has a seat, so I can set and loose some weight, then hopefully I will know whats going on with my feet, had lost some weight to get back to power walking, etc., and WII Dance & 360 kinect Dancing with my kids. I also fidget alot, you can lose calories that way too. LOL Look it up.
