

  • Welcome to the site bro! Eating healthfully is something that you work on. It doesn't change overnight. I think MFP is a good program for helping keep your eating in check. If you slip up, just get back up and work on it again. You can do it man. I went from 300 lbs to 220, if I can do it than anyone can do it.
  • I don't want to be "that guy", but what is comic con?
  • I'm not sure how your body works, but if I haven't slept at all and I know that I need to be awake in 5 hours or less I find it very difficult for me to wake up. I've spent years working night shifts and I've had more than one occasion where I decided to try to sleep for a couple of hours and ended up sleeping through the…
  • Oh geeze.. I wish I could remember her name. There is an actress that I'm thinking of that you look a lot like. It's not coming to mind now.
  • It's not all men for sure. I've dated bigger girls, and skinny girls. I care more about their level of confidence in themselves then their actual appearance. I am naturally attracted to girls who look healthy, but I by no means treat a woman badly because of her size. To skinny is just as bad as heavily overweight in my…
  • I lived in China for ages, lets see... Pig Blood (as you mentioned) Pig Brains Bugs (Various kinds) Chicken Feet (aged in spicy pepper oil) Duck Neck 1000 year egg (fermented egg?) Stinky Tofu (fermented tofu) Fish eyes Deer penis Cow penis Shark penis Chicken testicles Every internal organ you can imagine etc etc
  • You are awesome! Dubstep kicks @ss. Great workout music.
  • Dubstep. Powerful bass lines, and very motivating. For me at least. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRftXCiqfQ8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRdMHbzjrlU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1gz2yPmVa8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtMlB-BEMso http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6BWcRjGSRQ
  • I think it is very important for a family to eat well, and maintain an active lifestyle. I wasn't active for a good portion of my life and I regret it now. I plan to raise my children on a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. Don't sweat it. You are preventing your children from going down a path many of us wish we had…
  • Here is one of my before pictures. Not even at my heaviest.. With my lovely girlfriend whose face I've blurred out. Original weight was 300 lbs (top picture should be around 260 lbs), and bottom pictures are around 205-210 lbs @ 6'3" tall. Recent pictures.
  • Thanks! I'm doing my best. ;) I'll find more things to do in order to fill my spare time.
  • Hey bud, I went from 300 lbs down to 168 lbs (highest weight to lowest), and currently weigh 234 lbs. We are at a similar height, I'm 6'3", I see your a big guy too. Let me talk to you about my experience. I was quite heavy as I mentioned before. I moved to China for about a year, and in that time I became quite ill and…