

  • I use the WiiFit yoga every morning. I love it!
  • Wow.....I'm not alone. I tried Zumba for the wii and was so lost I gave up and haven't tried it again. Maybe I'll go back and give it another shot. Nice to know I'm not the only uncoordinated one out there.
  • The other thing you need to consider is the signals your body is sending you. Your body will send out hunger signals if it's tired at night. Basically, it's saying, "Hey, if you're going to stay up longer, I need some fuel!" I would combine the advice of earlier posters and suggest either going to bed earlier, or having a…
  • I was 265 pre-pregnancy and, within a month after giving birth, I was down to 250. I continued to lose slowly over the next few months, stalling at 235 in October and November (baby was born in May) and gained five lbs over Christmas, which inspired me to revisit MFP. Since becoming active on here on January 8th, I've…
  • I don't always eat back all of my exercise calories, but I ALWAYS eat my breastfeeding calories. You body needs between 300 and 500 calories a day to feed your baby. If your base amount is set at 1200, reset that amount in your mind to INCLUDE the breastfeeding calories. I eat between 1500 and 1700 calories a day (base…
  • This happens to me if I eat too many carbs. Last night we had pasta for dinner (whole wheat pasta even) and afterwards I was sooooo sleepy. So hubby encouraged me to jump on my exercise bike for a bit, that helped a lot.
  • I've got the same thing happening here. My jeans don't feel any different, but I know I'm losing in my arms and legs, so you might just be losing in different places. Water goes away first, but at some point fat starts going away too. Enjoy the 5 lbs and don't worry if that speed doesn't continue. Apparently lots of people…
  • I'm a stay-at-home mom and that order..meaning I have a half-finished second novel on my computer waiting for me to find some time to finish it. Luckily, my hubby has a good job so I have the ability to stay home with my eight month-old. I also have a thirteen year-old daughter who keeps me on my toes.
  • That follows right along with my goals too! Count me in. Anyone should feel free to add me as a friend if they want to share encouragement and support.
  • I asked this question yesterday and got some great advice. What I've done is added my own exercise called Breastfeeding and make sure that I add it every day. I make sure that I always eat those calories on top of my base amount, even if I don't think I can stomach my other exercise calories. The number of calories you…
  • I've used the Biggest Loser game and man, it kicks your butt! I used to look at the people on the show with scorn, but that stopped when I couldn't even finish the wii workout without cheating. It's amazing, but I'm waiting until I'm a little bit fitter to try it again - it's just way too discouraging to not be able to…
  • Thanks so much ladies! Feel free to add me as a friend. I joined right after I had my baby, but was inactive until now. I could use the support!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Stacey and I`m a 35 year-old stay at home mom. My little guy is almost 8 months old. When I got pregnant I weighed 265 lbs and within a week of delivering I was down to 250. I made it down to 235 over the next few months, but Christmas sent me back up to 240. I had originally joined this site after…