
AnnKolstad Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am breast is that taken into account. Anyone know? Thanks!


  • TheLastKeeper
    TheLastKeeper Posts: 18 Member
    From what I remember when my kids were that age, even when you're trying to lose weight you need to drink plenty of water and keep your caloric intake up to a certain amount to properly feed your baby. Either check with your obstetrician or do a little online research.
    Good luck and have a blessed day.
  • I asked this question yesterday and got some great advice. What I've done is added my own exercise called Breastfeeding and make sure that I add it every day. I make sure that I always eat those calories on top of my base amount, even if I don't think I can stomach my other exercise calories. The number of calories you need for breastfeeding is between 300-500. I've made mine worth 375 because my son is 8 months old now and has three meals of "solid" food a day, plus breastmilk.

    I'm also making sure that I'm taking my vitamins (I'm still finishing the prenatal vitamins I had left over) and making sure that I get enough protein every day.

    Please feel free to add me, us breastfeeding mommies can help each other!
  • hviola
    hviola Posts: 8 Member
    Add 300 calories to your usual intake. That is what any doctor would tell you. I did that while I nursed for 12 months and lost everything except for 3 lbs of my baby weight.
  • worthy16
    worthy16 Posts: 10 Member
    It depends on how much you are breastfeeding - in the beginning, it's said that you burn approx 80 calories per feeding session - usually an average of 500 calories a day - and you need to make sure you are eating enough to keep that up so your supply does not go low - keep track of calories carefully - make sure you are not under - make sure to eat when you are hungry - just make it good food.

    Maybe try putting in a misc exercise each day that equals 500 calories burned a day? That way your count wont be off? and you wont be starving at the end of the day?
  • I listed under cardiovascular and just filled in 500 calories, and post it everday. I exculsively breastfeed, and know that its important to take in extra calories so that my milk supply doesn't lower, and to keep my body well fed throughtout the day to keep baby and I happy. I have been tracking my food and and exercise for a week now (1400 calories per day with breastfeeding ---900 to lose weight + 500 burned calories) and have lost 5 pounds. Good luck.....isn't it nice to burn calories while sitting on the couch :)
  • AnnKolstad
    AnnKolstad Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, thanks for the great and quick responses! My daughter is 6 months and we are just introducing foods. I pump during my work day (4 x's) and I feed her 5 x's at home. I am pumping so much during the day because I am trying to increase my supply before I have to leave for 11 days for job training. I am going to add 500 calories...that is what I have done in the past. Again, thanks!
  • worthy16
    worthy16 Posts: 10 Member
    wow - 11 days is hard! Pump as much as you can - if you feel like you are having trouble, try an herbal suppliment called "More Milk Plus" - it works I promise you! It helped me so much! My daughter is 14 mo and I am just now starting my baby weight loss journey - you are an inspiration! :)
  • I'm so glad I found this post. I've been exclusively nursing my son (almost 9 mo) and just joined this site about a week ago. I didn't realize that I had to take into account THAT many calories for breastfeeding, which means I've been WAY under my daily caloric goal, which may affect my production. THANKS for asking the question and THANK YOU ALL for providing such helpful answers.
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