

  • I have been amazed with the changes happening to me since beginning to run. I have always said I couldn't be a runner, didn't want to be a runner, saw no sense in running. I would be out of breath in a very short time when I HAD to run for any reason. And then, I thought I'd just give this C25K thing a try. Now, I wasn't…
  • You're right! Running is an all-over workout. Even that yucky 'back fat' starts shrinking. I'm just not very good at it yet!
  • My workouts are nearly always before breakfast. I have a good growl going by the end, but have never experienced adverse effects. Feels great to get it behind me and I like to think metabolism is boosted for the day.
  • I had a similar issue summer before last - but you're not going to like what I'm about to type. I went to the doctor for foot pain that kept me from walking and was diagnosed with a stress fracture in one of the tarsal bones. But while the doctor looked at the x-ray, he asked me about tingling/numbness in my middle toes.…
  • I'm in! SW: 170.4 GW: 150.4 (or anywhere close!) This is just the boost I need and summer will be right around the corner by then, too!
  • Since starting on MFP in January, I have been doing walking videos each morning (just a few missed days). And though it's been effective (15 lbs down in Jan/Feb), I'm ramping things up for this challenge. Each afternoon/evening I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I'm choosing to spread out my workouts in hopes that…
  • Oh - daily?!? 7 pts - water 7 pts - fruits/veggies 7 pts - logging 3 pts - weigh in 35 pts - 355 exercise minutes for the week. Woo-hoo! Total: 59 for me
  • I am on track - maybe due to a contest we're having at school. We pay a dollar each as we weigh in once each week (Friday). At the end of the month, the pot will be awarded to the one with the biggest percentage of loss. February is mine!!! Talk to co-workers/friends/family. Put some $$ on the line. It's working better for…
  • Day late - so sorry! I was out of town. Sunday 1-29-12: 176.2 Monday 2-6-12: 173.8 7 days drinking my water: 1 7 days eating fruits/veggies: 1 7 days logging food/exercise: 1 2.4 lb loss: 3 120 minutes minimum of exercise: 12 For a total of 18. Did I do that right?
  • Yay - so glad we found each other. I'm on track now largely because there are friends on the journey with me. Feels so good!
  • Name: Jennifer Age: 44 Height: 5'3" Weight: 176.2 Clothing Size (Shirt/Pants): L/XL shirt, size 14 pants Measurements (if you know them or go by them): I haven't measured. Yes, I should do that. Big Goal: I think I want to weigh about 140 or so. It's been so long, I may have to decide when I get there!!! 3 Little Goals: 1)…
  • I'm in my fourth week of MFP and couldn't be happier with the support here. Wow! But this is my very first post - I've just been reading up until now. This is a great idea for the month of February and I'm glad I found the group. Here are my stats: Sunday 1-29-12: 176.2